The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 282 - Lair Of The Dark Lord

As Prince Alarick follows the demon with Chloe within his arms, 

The prince could feel the warmth of Chloe more …

Realizing how important she is and how their years were spent mostly together ever since after the war between the rogue werewolves and the royal army.

A bond that grew over time.

Memories kept flashing back in Prince Alarick's mind regarding his moments with Chloe.

The hesitation of Chloe with him at first …

Building trust …

And most of all, being there for him during his grieving time.

Losing a mother, someone who cared for him truly and unconditionally, was something he thought that he would never survive.

But the presence and efforts of Chloe to understand him, be there for him … made it all seem easier.

For a longest time, Prince Alarick revolved his life in proving himself to his father and earning his affection. At the same time, fulfilling the dreams that his mother wanted and failed to achieve for herself. He made it his own dream to provide what was never achieved by his mother. 

To get the crown and be the rightful ruler of all werewolves in the kingdom.

Before Persephone passed away, her last words to Prince Alarick open his eyes to things he never thought existed within.

That his true happiness does not lie on material things and power … 

Instead, being with his family and the one he truly loves, provide genuine happiness and peace within him.

Even before he completed the mating process with Chloe, he already fell in love with her beyond the influence and effect of the mate bond.

He realized this when Chloe never left his side during his grieving days for his mother.

Taking care of him when he got sick due to his grieving and depression.

Giving him more reason to live and expect for tomorrow to come.

Falling in love was something he never planned or envisioned with himself.

Being consumed with his dreams and responsibilities as a son, and now for the first time in his life.

Loving someone sincerely may have turned him into a better version of himself.

All of these realizations and flashback of his memories with Chloe were going through in his mind.

As he look at his unconscious mate, he whispered.

"I will do everything for you! To keep you alive …" he whispered to her.

The demon heard this despite being meters away from the couple.

"Hmmm … you do not mind selling your soul to the dark lord? For the sake of the survival of that witch? Are you sure she loves you back?" the demon pointed out the possibility of Chloe not loving the prince back.

Without any hesitation, the prince replied in a heartbeat.

"I do not care if she does or does not … Being with her and loving her are the only things keeping me sane … There is nothing in this world matters the most, except for her! More than my life …" a sincere reply from Prince Alarick.

A laughter of disbelief could be heard from the demon as they made their way to the lair of darkness.

"Hahahaha! Werewolves and humans are such pathetic creatures. Blinded by love and doing things for their devotion. That is why … both creatures are the weakest amongst the hierarchy of supernatural beings." The demon vocalized his own perspective regarding the hierarchy amongst supernatural beings.

This did not fare well in Prince Alarick's mind.

"If you think so highly for your kind, then why are you all in hiding? Compared to werewolves and human beings, thriving and hunting their enemies." A calm and valid response from Prince Alarick.

Showing no hints of fear.

The response of Prince Alarick irked the demon for the truth beneath those words.

"You know that your mate's life depends on our Dark Lord. Meaning, we hold such power that not anyone can possess." Proud words from the demon as they kept going.

"Though, needing my subservient pledge puts things into consideration that we werewolves are important to your evil cause. You would not strike a deal with me if we are not that special. Am I right?" Prince Alarick continued to provoke the demon.

At the response of Prince Alarick, the demon finally got annoyed.

The prince stopped poking at the ego and pride of the demon.

Seeing the expression of the demon makes it clear that his words made an impact and sense.

"Where are we going anyways? We keep walking around. If you are really powerful, can you not just teleport us to our destination?" Prince Alarick told the demon.

"First of all, we are heading to the lair of the Dark Lord where all his servants reside. Secondly, I do not have such ability to teleport and create portals but soon I will possess the ability to do so." The demon's reply to Prince Alarick.

"In other words, we are heading to your headquarters. And it looks like you are not that powerful as you set to believe." Prince Alarick unintentionally mentioned something to the demon which will further trigger his irritation.

Before things could go worse between the two.

The wind around them changed.

Something alarmed the two.

Prince Alarick placed Chloe's body on the ground gently and he folded his shirt into a pillow for Chloe's head to lay on.

A powerful presence is fast approaching. 

It made the demon summon his battle gear and transform into his real form.

Sturdy armor covered the body of the demon.

Due to his sudden transformation into a monstrous beast with large horns.

Prince Alarick was surprised that the demon became a hideous and dangerous-looking creature instantly.

Loud roar echoed the forest.

Confusion and nervousness filled Prince Alarick's senses.

He doesn't know which was more threatening.

Could it be the fast approaching creature towards their position or the demon that instantaneously transformed in front of him?

When he was about to shift into his complete wolf form, a familiar scent was recognized by the prince.

"Magdeline?" Prince Alarick looked at the direction of the fast approaching witch.

There was no time for greetings and pleasantries.

Because the demon and the Grand White Witch immediately clashed.

Even though he was only spectating at the sudden clash, he had to be on his full guard and attention because things just turned complicated.

Magdeline immediately summoned her powerful earth spells combined with her light magic.

She knew that demons will be weak against light magic.

Another roar could be heard after receiving the powerful whip lashes from the powerful witch.

The demon growled in anger and frustration that the witch was too powerful and quick in her combination of attacks.

"Grrrr!!!" the demon uttered with smoke coming out from his mouth and nose.

Gathering all his dark energy and fire nature abilities were about to be exhibited by the demon.

But Magdeline was fully aware of the abilities of the demon. 

It was not her first time to deal with one demon.

Another consecutive surprising attacks were released by Magdeline.

"Arrrghhhh!!!" the demon screamed in pain.

His body was being constricted by the large vines that emerged suddenly from the ground.

It was imbued with light magic. 

Suppressing the demon's dark magic and preventing him to further access his powers.

"I have dealt with plenty of demons during the first great war! So, I will vanquish you like how I did with the others." Magdeline declared as she finishes her casting of the vanquishing spell for the demons.

Then the demon realized who he was against with.

It was too late for him to realize the difference of their power and to even attempt for an escape.

"Vanish from this earth!!!!!" Magdeline last words to the demon.

Prince Alarick realized what Magdeline was trying to achieve.

"NOOOOO!!!" Prince Alarick screamed.

Moments after the demon was vanquished.

The symbol in Prince Alarick's wrist still remained.

Magdeline approached Prince Alarick and Chloe.

"What did you just do? That demon was the only thing that can keep Chloe alive." Prince Alarick told Magdeline.

Right after the magic essence of the demon disappeared from Chloe's body, pain and the effects of the curse returned.

Prince Alarick panicked and wanted to snap at Magdeline but Magdeline explained herself before the prince could even tear Magdeline's head.

"The demon tricked you. I can save my granddaughter, you almost sold your soul to their master for nothing. Before you go do something drastic, calm down and think!" Magdeline explained.

"I HAVE NO TIME TO THINK! Chloe's life is in danger, you old witch!" Prince Alarick could not contain his cool and calm knowing Chloe was in pain.

Chloe's pain was something making her mate completely act irrational and impatient.

The Grand White Witch understood the current behavior of the prince.

So, instead of responding to his irritation and rudeness, she summoned a temporary light magic and healing spell to preserve Chloe's life.

Just after Magdeline casted her spells on her granddaughter, the pain on Chloe's face disappeared but the symbol of the curse on her shoulder remained.

"Now you can stop thinking of killing me." Magdeline said to Prince Alarick.

"I was not thinking of it at all." Prince Alarick defensively replied the grandmother of Chloe.

Chloe's grandmother smiled at the sight of a guilty prince.

She gestured for the prince to carry Chloe and casted a transportation portal.

"We have to return to the royal palace. I will be needing Susan's help in removing the dark curse left by her mother." Magdeline informed the prince while he started to take Chloe into his arms.

Meanwhile …

[-In the lair of the Dark Lord-]

Zaeqir was standing in front of a huge pillar with ancient demonic runes.

A demon marking disappeared from the walls of pillar.

"Damn it! Another demon was vanquished …" Zaeqir expressed his disappointment.

"Looks like we have to use this one after all …" the banshee stated to Zaeqir referring to the lifeless body laid on a stone crypt.

A body which they took after the final battle.

The powerful necromancer stood looking over the body.

"I will have to resurrect Lucius!" Zaeqir declared.



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