The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 285 - Vampire Operation: Infiltrate And Ambush (Part II)

Out in the open …

The road was filled with the smell of burning tires and coppery scent of blood from the injured hunters.

Group of vampires were eager to feed on the injured hunters and the entire escort of Malia.

Their eyes gleamed in scarlet red due to their eagerness and lust for kill.

But unknown to them that the lust of Malia for killing and death were more intense than theirs.

A worry sparked in Melody's eyes.

"This … this is bad!" Melody mentioned with full of worry.

One of the hunters beside her thought she was referring to their situation being outnumbered by the group of vampires.

"We are truly outnumbered! I do not know if we can manage to survive this but why not make a run for it Miss Melody while we help Boss Malia take out this group of vampires." The hunter suggested.

Melody's reply to his concern amused the others.

"I am not worried for our safety. Malia can handle them but I am worried with something else." 

It confused the others upon hearing Melody explain to them.

"Do you have tranquilizer with you? The strongest one?" Melody asked.

"Yes … Are we helping Boss Malia?" the hunter beside Melody thought differently.

"No … Use it on Malia. After she defeats the enemies, I will give a signal for you to do so. Do you understand?" Melody instructed the hunter beside her.

Her words made a more confusing request in their ears.

They were completely baffled to why would they need to use it on Malia.

It made Melody explain herself.

"Malia is a half dark and a half light witch, once her lust for killing and for death resurface, she becomes completely different. The last time I saw this, some hunters got injured in the process." 

Another set of fear came into the senses of the hunters. "Then why would Boss Tony let her stay with us? If she can be this dangerous."

"She is my sister, even if she can be dangerous at times. So do not think about of hurting her! Father kept her for his personal interest. But for me, she is my sister! I will do anything to protect her, even to her own self." A dignified reply from Melody.

The other hunters remained silent at her response.

Understanding the deep fondness of Melody towards Malia.

On the other hand, as they were talking, Malia was gearing for an intense clash.

Excited to go all out with her enemies.

Floating while surge of black lightning energy surrounding her both arms.

Her eyes turned black and wind started to gust around her.

"Now … who want to go first? Or should I say, perish first?" Malia looked at the leader of the group of vampires.

Suddenly the vampires became wary of Malia due to her incredible power being exhibited in front of them.

"Do not be afraid of her! We can take her out. This witch is underestimating us. The two of you, go around and take her friends as hostage. Just in case she becomes beyond our reach. Which I highly doubt so." Confidently expressed by the leader of vampires.

They could see Malia feeling highly complacent.

Though her eyes turning completely black and her extraordinary powers seem to give a threatening vibes towards the rest of the vampires.

"What are you waiting for? You … puny lowly creatures!" a sinister look on her face as she utter such murderous intent.

Filled with hollow and darkness.

"Captain? She is starting to …" one vampire expressed their growing fear and uncertainty to their captain.

He immediately brushed it off and insisted for all them to attack her together.

His special ability was to make anything he touches lighter in weight and amplify his own physical strength in great multitude.

When he gave his signal to attack Malia in one swoop, Malia was expecting them already.

Vampires may have incredible speed compared to other creatures.

In a blink of an eye, a huge number of vampires appeared mid-air, surrounding Malia.

Instantaneously, Malia released her own powers.

Obliterating all those who surrounded her in an instant.

At the same time when she obliterated them through her dark powers, a black surging energy ball covered 5 meters around her which turned everything within as they disintegrate into ashes.

The vampires that supposedly will capture Melody and the others were in shock at the scene.

Instead pursuing on taking Melody and the others as hostage, they escaped while they had a chance to do so.

Unfortunately for the other vampires, their realization was too late.

Including their captain!

When they tried to flee, Malia disappeared from mid-air and re-appeared in front of their escape path.

"Where are you all going? We are still playing … remember?" a scary tone from Malia as she get drowned further in her lust for killing.

A cold frightening sensation shivered down the spine of each vampire.

The sensation of death have appeared once again into their senses.

Death may have been a process when turning a human into a vampire.

In that exact moment, Malia became their death.

Screams from each vampire could be heard from a distant.

Hunters could not see properly what was going on.

Only silhouettes of each vampires their eyes could grasp on. 

Due to the unimaginable speed and desperation of each vampire.

Melody felt that it was the right time to intervene.

"All of you, prepare the tranquilizer and follow me!" Melody seriously informed the men beside her.

Nervously, the men prepared their guns and ammunition.

Malia trapped each vampire trying to flee and buried them to ground.

While those who try to surprise her with an attack becomes obliterated with her powerful dark energy blasts.

The captain of the vampires could not even get close to Malia because she instantly kills those who attempt to attack her in close-range.

He started to doubt if he can even accomplish his mission to kill the daughters of an executive ranking Hunter in the known association of hunters.

King Lionel issued an operation to ambush the daughters of the upcoming president of the Hunters Asociation as leverage against him and to taunt him. 

A mission to kidnap one of the daughters and kill the other as a message for the Hunters Association.

But this was something they were not aware of.

Right at the moment when Malia's attention was focused on the captain of the vampires, the captain already knew his fate.

"H-how someone like you exist? W-why are you helping the hunters? You sh-should be helping your own kind!" The captain of the vampire shook in fear.

"WHY SHOULD I EXPLAIN MYSELF? WHO ARE YOU TO DEMAND ANSWERS?" Malia coldly emphasized her superiority over the remaining vampires.

She even continued, 


Her voice turned into a more frightening tone.

"OH, WELL!" Malia decided to kill each one of them and end her boredom.

Huge dark energy blasted off the captain of the vampires and his peers.

After killing each one of the vampires. 

There was a feeling of unsatisfied lust for killing lingered within her.

"I want more!" Malia looked at her hands and to the huge space around her.

Seeing no targets left to kill.

And then a long dart hit her thigh.

Malia wondered and looked at the direction.

"Stupid! Did I tell you to shoot?" Melody reprimanded the man behind her.

"I-I th-thought you signaled for me to shoot, you raised your hand like this and looked at me…" the hunter explained himself.

"You moron! I was telling you to stop and checked if all of you did. You should confirm first before pulling the trigger. How did you even become a hunter for being so stupid?" Melody clarified her actions.

"My finger had its own life. It just pulled the trigger when you looked at me thinking that it was the signal. This is my first time to see such horrifying presence." The hunter further explained.

Before he could continue, an invisible force pulled him out of nowhere and surprised the others for the unexpected move from Malia.

In an instant, the hunter was already within the grasp of Malia. 

Being choked and in the verge of death.

"You dared to shoot me? Hmm?" Malia asked the hunter as she held him like as if he was nothing.


The hunter was struggling to get out from Malia's hand.

"Malia! Enough already … We are safe now! Please come back … Enough already …" Melody begged at Malia.

"Too bad! You are no longer safe … from me!" Malia smiled devilishly.

An intent to quench her lust for killing.

Then the hunter screamed in pain as his life withered along with the wind.

"Who's next?" Malia looked straight at Melody and her group.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

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