The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 286 - Voice Of Melody

The look on Malia's eyes was indeed filled with an intent to kill.

Melody already prepared herself for the attempt of Malia.

As the other men tremble at the frightening sight of Malia, Melody was calm and preparing herself.

Dark energy surging all over Malia …

Eager to vent her excitement for killing …

Wind started to gust stronger around Malia …

It was a scene not new to Melody.

"Cover your ears with this ear plugs! And once she is on her knees, it will be your signal to pull the trigger …" Melody instructed the hunters behind her.

They were dumbfounded at the situation they were in and due to their first time witnessing Malia in her dark side.

"Do you understand?" Melody reiterated her instruction to the hunters behind her.

Nervously, they replied, "Y-yes! W-w-e do!"

One by one, they wore the ear plugs 

"Good!" Melody took a deep breath before initiating her plan.

Before Malia could begin her own fun, Melody also began at the same time.

An enchanting and powerful voice was released by Melody.

The voice of Melody was extremely powerful. 

It created an extraordinary sound waves which made Malia to lose her balance and grasp of her powers.

"What the ..?? Arrrgggh!!!" Malia was taken aback by the voice of Malia.

Unexpectedly, Melody was gaining an upper hand over Malia.

Slowly, Malia was descending lower … and lower … and closer to the ground.

Then, she covered her ears from the sound of the voice of Melody.

An enchanting voice which Melody kept releasing.

Making Malia more disoriented.

Despite her attempts to resist the effects of Melody's supernatural voice, it was too late for Malia to counter-attack Melody's unearthly powers.

A power that disables and disrupts any magical force through the emitted sound waves of Melody's voice.

To a point, it may put any targets to sleep. 

Due to the powerful nature of Malia, she was lasting longer than the usual targets of Melody.

In one breath, Melody must put down Malia. 

Enough to weaken her.

But Malia was resisting to the effects of Melody's voice.

At the sight of Malia's resistance, Melody becomes nervous and more desperate to put Malia down.

She makes a louder and more incapacitating attempt.

And when Malia dropped to her knees.

Instantly, the hunters pulled the trigger and shot Malia with their long tranquilizer steel darts.

Mid-air the long tranquilizer steel darts froze.

Another stronger attempt from Melody which made her voice more enchanting.

Disorienting Malia further, her vision started to blur and her dark energy diffused.

The hunter gave another try in taking down Malia.

Finally, it was a success.

After getting a bunch of hits from the tranquilizer darts, she fell to the ground and was rendered unconscious.

Just right in time of taking Malia down, Melody ran out of breath in her attempt.

One of the difficult part of her powers was doing it in a single long breath, it was indeed a challenge for her to do so.

Fortunately, they were able to succeed in taking down Malia.

*Gasping for air *

*Gasping for air *

"Are you alright, Miss Melody?" one of the hunters expressed his worry for the daughter of their Boss Tony.

"Ugghhh … I am alright!" Melody's response.

She went towards to check Malia. As she held Malia on her arms, the hunters started to convey their concerns.

"Ben, do you think Boss Tony know about this side of Malia? I wonder why Boss Tony would entrust our family to her. Especially if she can be this dangerous. Killing one of ours in the process. This is the exact reason why we hunt supernatural beings that are harmful to humans." One of the hunters mentioned to their fellow hunter.

Ben was simply listening to the concerns of the other hunters.

Another hunter shared his thoughts, "I agree! I doubt Boss Tony knows about this … Once he finds out, I bet Malia will be taken to custody for trial and most likely will be persecuted for her crime. A total madness!"

Their exchange of ideas and discussion made Melody decide something drastic.

"It will only happen … IF HE FINDS OUT … about this loss of control. Unless …" Melody intervened.

She interjected in between the conversation of the hunters.

"Miss Melody?" Ben uttered in confusion.

Then she released a different kind of sound waves from her voice.

A dangerous screeching sound. 

Which gave a painful migraine to any of her target. In this instance was the hunters.

Other hunters were falling to the ground one by one.

Except for Ben, who had the earplugs on his hand which allowed him to put it back on his ears.

Unlike his fellow hunters, it was too late for them to even reach for their ear plugs from their pockets.

Each second made a huge difference at that moment.

Their ears bled and died in an agonizing pain.

Melody stood in front of Ben looking down on him as he was on his knees.

"P-p-pleaaase … Spare me! Spare me! I do not want to die! I will do anything you want me to do, just let me live!" Ben begged Melody for his life.

After hearing Ben's desperate plea, she kneeled and reached for his face.

He shook in great fear of Melody.

Closing his eyes and shivering in fear for his death.

Ben felt Melody remove his earplugs.

"You can open your eyes now." Melody told Ben.

He followed Melody's words because his life depends on her mercy.

She started to warn the remaining hunter in the scene aside from her.

"I am letting you live for this chance only. Betray my trust and you will never see tomorrow again. Remain loyal to me and you will be able to keep your life intact. So, do not even think of going against my wishes or else, not even my father can protect you from my own wrath!" a complete serious tone on Melody's voice.

She continued, "Are we clear on that?"

A quick nod was Ben's reply from Melody's offer and warning.

"Good then! Now, carry my sister and let's go back from the other injured hunters and see if there are any survivors." Melody commanded Ben.

There was a realization which Ben thought of. Melody may have been appeared as the sweet and cheerful daughter of their Big Boss. But the truth is, she has a dangerous and cold blooded murderous side.

A pretentious and sinister smile was shown to him by Melody.

"Now … start moving and carry Malia!" Melody returned to her usual personality.

Indeed, the voice of Melody was more frightening than the image of Malia's dark side.

Like her personality, Melody's voice had two sides … enchanting and deadly!


Somewhere far from the location of Melody and Malia, a compound of mansion with heavily guarded borders was getting busy.

Upon the arrival of one family after another …

Every family and their entourage were escorted to their designated areas within the mansion but the head of the family was separately guided to a different private room with armed guards.

At the center was a huge round table with 12 chairs.

Every chair was reserved for every head of the family of The Hunters Association.

While waiting for the others, some of the guests who have arrived started to discuss with their peers.

"Have you heard about the Vitre Family, led by Tony? Will he be joining us today as the interim President while we sort out the election for the new president of the association?" one of the big boss within the table asked his peers.

Someone chuckled at this query, "Tony, you mean? The one with two freaky daughters. One with dark powers and the other one with great stardom due to her voice. If I am not mistaken the latter one's name is Melorin, oh wait … Melody!" correcting himself at the end.

"Rumor has it, the voice of Melody is beyond normal. That is why others are trying their best to find out who is the mother of the younger daughter. Because it's so strange that he was a low-ranking hunter and now … he has become our president, temporarily!" shared by one of the other big bosses.

One arrival made everyone stop from talking.

Made everyone in complete silence.

The arrival of Boss Tony and his bodyguards.

When they were finally complete, he addressed everyone.

"Shall we start this important meeting?" Boss Tony initiated the start of the meeting.



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