The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 287 - Vampire Madness

[-Hunters' Association Headquarters-]

Most of the head of each noble family was raising the issue about the rampant vampire attacks. And how it was affecting innocent lives.

Some was even raising the issue regarding on how they should hold a raid on each coven of vampires.

Conducting an operation to raid a coven of vampires requires huge amount of resources and manpower.

Though, one of the deciding factors which made Boss Tony as a temporary president of the Hunters' Association was due to his successful raids on his targets.

Calculated moves and success rates were high compared to other family of hunters when they were raiding their targets.

This is why Boss Tony was the immediate recommendation for the interim leadership of the association.

Despite the hesitation of other noble families, they approved of the recommendation since they were told it was only temporary.

Compared to other rivaled families, no one amongst the noble families considers the family of Bossy Tony as threatening or will have that ability to gather enough influence and resources to establish a strong claim for presidency.

Unknown to others except to the few allies of Boss Tony, the interim leader had other plans of scheming his way to take charge in the association … permanently.

One of his plans was to act on their current dilemma, the vampire madness.

Vampires were becoming highly active once again.

Many cases were reported regarding missing persons or unexplained human massacre in certain cities.

The Hunters' Association had to do all the necessary measures to cover up all the mess and killings made by the vampires so that humans would not panic. 

Hysteria amongst humans may become more problematic due to the distrust and paranoia it will create amongst the public.

Fear is the worst spark for chaos.

It usually breeds distrust and renegade just for survival.

Human's nature for survival which eliminates the weak and retains the stronger ones. 

A world where many will die for survival.

Boss Tony plans to prove to every noble families that he could manage to stop these vampire madness and use it as his intention to improve his reputation.

Lastly, his plan to keep the election as facade but the truth is … he has his own scheme to gather enough pool of support to negate the result of the supposed election.

And instill himself as the permanent leader of the association.

"We will be having a sweeping operation through the concert of my daughter. Vampires most likely may use this opportunity to feed on innocent ones secretly. That is why we chose a location for her concert tour where there is a large number of infested vampires in the area." Boss Tony informed the others.

Whispers amongst the other big bosses could be heard.

The other head of the families were reacting to this plan of Tony.

He even furthered,

"There will also be a spontaneous raiding at the same time to the nearby covens as part of the sweeping operation."

One of the heads of the other families responded to the plans of Tony, 

"Do you mean, you are planning for a large scale attack … against vampires? And not just ordinary raid but a major one." 

Boss Tony replied to this concern by, "Yes, Exactly! Because there is also one of our peers is currently acting as a spy of the king of vampires. I must say, the king of vampires have many spies … including one of the heads of the family." 

An immediate uproar amongst the big bosses began.

Reacting defensively and did not take the words of Tony lightly. All of them felt offended and accused by the words of Tony.

Though, Tony already expected for them to react that way because he also planned to incite doubt and distrust between the bosses for them to flock on his side.

"You see … I do not mean to offend anyone, but I found out through one of my own spies. I intercepted a letter supposedly addressed to one of the members of the executive board of the association. And remember, I only became a member of this honorable executive board recently. Meaning, I am the only one here who is innocent from the possibility of treachery and espionage for the king of vampires."

Silence fell on each head of the other families.

On the other hand, Boss Tony successfully initiated his first step in implementing his scheme for presidency of the association.

A smile was painted on his face as the others contemplated and acted as if they were not bothered by the possibility of being accused by their fellow hunters.


Meanwhile …

Different news about vampire attacks were being reported all around the globe.

[-In the royal council room-]

Days after the infiltration of the unidentified vampires, the high-ranking ministers of the werewolf kingdom were gathered by the Alpha King for an emergency meeting.

"We are glad that Prince Alarick survived the encounter with the escaping vampires." One of the high-ranking ministers of the kingdom expressed his relief regarding the survival of Prince Alarick. 

He further asked, "How is the eldest royal prince now?"

"Good thing he is currently recovering. But greatly weakened … That is why he is advised not to leave his bed for days. Despite his fast regenerating abilities, he still must remain in the bed for this coming days." The Alpha King explained the current condition of his eldest brother.

The new -Finance Chief Minister- wondered at the unusual condition of Prince Alarick.

"Your Highness! What bothers me … is that, how did the prince got injured badly? And when he was rescued by you and the other royal guards, he was still a bit conscious according to the report. But when he got to the hospital he even got worst. Which led to his extremely weakened condition right now." Elaborated in detail by the finance chief minister through his own query.

King Alcyd was about to reply but Prime Minister Morris interrupted the attempt of their Alpha King to reply.

"I do not want to disclose this but I think all of the respected high-ranking ministers who are present here today deserve to know. Even though our Alpha King was a bit late in response to the situation, he was still able to save Prince Alarick. It was not because he was incompetent or unable to swiftly initiate an immediate action. This was because everyone was taken by surprise from the possible henchmen of King Lionel … And …" Prime Minister Morris was not able to finish his words because the Alpha King took back the attention to him.

Preventing the prime minister to further throw a shade on him.

It was clear for the Alpha King that the prime minister was up to something.

Because he was starting to act a bit more assertive and more cunning with his intentions.

"Prince Alarick got worst because he volunteered to sacrifice for his mate despite his wounds. That is why his condition worsened after his encounter with our infiltrators." King Alcyd clarified to the other high-ranking ministers while looking decisively and fiercely at the prime minister.

The Alpha King released his Alpha Aura to exert his dominance and position.

Which made everyone lower their gaze.

"Though, I want to know … I received a report that you met with the other Alphas without inviting me, prime minister?" King Alcyd put Prime Minister Morris on the spot which he did not expect at all.

"Y-your Highness? Pardon me?" Prime Minister feigned his ignorance.

An unexpected confrontation was about to take place between the prime minister and the Alpha King. 



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