[-In the royal council room-]

A face-off between the Alpha King and the prime minister was about to go down.

King Alcyd found out through his spies regarding the secret meeting amongst the other Alpha Werewolves led by the prime minister.

The other high-ranking ministers were surprised that the Alpha King found out about this.

It made the mood in the royal council room more intense due to the discovery of King Alcyd. 

Behind the silence of the high-ranking ministers, the intensity level from the seriousness and the look on their Alpha King's expression was suffocating the space within the room.

Their Alpha King waited for the response of Prime Minister Morris from his straight forward and direct revelation.

Prime Minister Morris gathered his thoughts before replying their Alpha King. 

As he gulped, the stares towards him were like thousands of daggers being thrown at him.

"I think you have misunderstood what happened, your Highness!" Prime Minister Morris tried to reason out with King Alcyd.

"Prime Minister Morris, we are way past the feigning ignorance act. This is the time where you explain to me, why would a prime minister gather all Alpha Werewolves without my knowledge? Unless you plan for a coup or rebellion against me? It does not mean that marrying your daughter would grant you absolute power and control in my domain. Remember, I am still the Alpha King. And I can easily replace you if ever you show any signs of treachery or reasons that may deem you unfit for the position." King Alcyd's daunting words to the prime minister.

From nervousness, Prime Minister Morris felt humiliated in front of other high-ranking ministers.

It was a first time for the high-ranking ministers to witness a scene where Prime Minister Morris was being lowered and threatened by someone.

His hand clenched tightly into a ball of fist for the unrelenting words from their Alpha King.

Despite his hurt pride, he remained cool and calm.

"Oh, now I remember! I called an emergency meeting for the members of the parliament regarding the issue on the female Alpha of the Iris Pack and the increasing vampire attacks. There was something we had to discuss, your Highness!" the prime minister confidently lied in front of their Alpha King.

Unfortunately, King Alcyd was not taking any of it as valid reason. It was all bullshit and crap in his mind.

"Without your Alpha King? Since when you became a member of the royal family for you to have such an authority in gathering all Alpha Werewolves? Even if it is for an emergency meeting as you claim …" stinging words coming from the Alpha King.

He continued his words against the prime minister, 

"Only a real royalty, a member of the royal family can hold an emergency meeting without the knowledge of the Alpha King. It is regretful to remind you this way but … you will never have the royalty status in this kingdom. You may be amongst the nobles and elites within our kingdom but there are only few who can claim to be … a real royalty!" King Alcyd emphasized in front of the others.

Aiming to insult and provoke the prime minister so he would lose his temper.

Tension between the prime minister and the Alpha King rose.

When the prime minister remained cool and calm from the attempt of the Alpha King, a scheming smile formed in the Alpha King's expression.

'Looks like he is trying his best to contain his anger. I may have to push a little bit further.' Thought loudly by the Alpha King to himself.

Before uttering those words in his mind, he suddenly felt another type of longing deep inside.

Ever since his last outrage due to the disappearance of his mate bond with Selene, his spirit wolf disappeared and never appeared ever again.

Kratos was never heard nor felt after the incident.

Spirit wolves are deeply connected with their mates. Their nature and existence are highly influenced by their mate. Once it is lost or broken, then it will create severe pain and drastic effect on the sanity of certain spirit wolves.

Suddenly, King Alcyd snapped back to reality. 

"Marrying your daughter does not grant you a royal status, Alpha Morris. I may helped you in getting you promoted into a prime minister of this kingdom. But as they say, no matter how much you try to clothe a sheep, it will remain a sheep!" The Alpha King provoked the prime minister to lose his temper through humiliating him further.

And right after the stinging words from the Alpha King, the prime minister slammed on the table with such force. 

The others were surprised to see Prime Minister Morris lose his temper.

"I intended to apologize for the misunderstanding which I created but since you are taking it far with your insults. This is too much! Enough is enough!" Prime Minister Morris stood while venting his hurt pride.


King Alcyd wanted to provoke the prime minister to emphasize and capitalize the situation regarding with the prime minister.

"I think I need to reshuffle the order within the high-ranks of our kingdom. This absurdity has got out of hand. Which I think the other members of this noble assembly understand where I am coming from." King Alcyd gathering support from the high-ranking ministers.

Then it dawned on the prime minister how he fell right into the scheme and true intent of the Alpha King.

Prime Minister Morris gave up and shook his head,

"Brilliant! I fell right into it didn't I? You even used Alpha Gerald to encourage me to pursue on the emergency meeting. This was your plan after all … To justify your plan in removing me from my position and reshuffle the authority within your favor. Since you are marrying my daughter, the members of the royal family fear the increase of my influence and political power within the kingdom." Prime Minister Morris shared his realization to everyone, present in the royal council meeting.

This time, their Alpha King started to feign his own ignorance and pretended not knowing what the prime minister was trying to point out.

"I did not plan this. No one aside from you, Alpha Morris. This is your doing, not mine! I hope you refrain blaming others for your own actions. Because no one pushed you or forced you to do those things. You are the one who initiated all those things to happen. I am only acting upon what is necessary and demanded from me. And right now, I must put a balance on the power within the royal court." Further explained by King Alcyd.

"That's bullshit! You know it and I know it! This is you … trying to preserve your own power within the royal court and eliminate your threats. Like father, like son!" Prime Minister Morris was infuriated and not holding back with his anger.

The others started to stand and pacified the angered prime minister.

His voice was a reflection of his own anger and the tension towards the Alpha King

At the same time, the Alpha King was starting to be triggered at the mention of comparison between him and his murderous father.

But the Alpha King closed his eyes in the attempt to recompose himself.

Though, the others were trying to grab the prime minister and asked him to calm down.

"I will not let him do this to me! He cannot take away what I worked hard for, just like that!"

"Calm down, prime minister! This is not the place for you to lose your temper. It is unbecoming as the prime minister of this kingdom." One of the high-ranking ministers was trying to pacify the prime minister.

Unfortunately, instead of pacifying him. The temper of the prime minister worsened and the fight was shifted into a brawl amongst the prime minister and the other high-ranking ministers.

"Who are you?! To tell me that I am unbecoming! You are just a -Chief Minister- of Agriculture." Prime Minister Morris totally lost his temper and would not accept the outcome of the schemes of King Alcyd.

Gladly, King Alcyd was able to contain his anger due to the redirected conflict towards the prime minister and the other high-ranking ministers.

He remained on his seat as the prime minister engage into a scuffle with the other ministers.

Royal guards came inside to stop the brawl within the royal council room.


Meanwhile …

Somewhere far from the werewolf kingdom.

On top of the high mountains, a huge and tall castle could be seen.

The arrival of the vampires that were tasked to retrieve certain medicines and the feral wolf, Fluffy, was announced as the huge door of a great hall opened.

"My henchmen! I am glad you have succeeded on your mission! Now … Lucas will finally be on our side! And willingly become part of our legion …" King Lionel declared his excitement.

While whispers echoed all over the hall at the mention of the name Lucas.

"A REAL ROYALTY ... ON OUR SIDE!" Final words from the king of vampires.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


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