[-Inside the castle of King Lionel-]

Each vampire gathered in the hall of vampires was anticipating for the words of their king.

Behind him was his great and powerful henchmen.

The henchmen of the vampire king have unique abilities which deem them powerful and stronger than the other vampires.

At the arrival of those King Lionel gave orders to infiltrate the royal hospital returned with all the task given to them complete.

"I am proud of all of you. Especially to Eric who successfully led the operation of infiltration. With you … our legion will become stronger and more powerful than ever!" King Lionel passionately shared to everyone.

But his other henchmen were not too excited to hear about Lucas becoming a part of their legion.

One of the elder vampires raised his hand.

Compared to werewolves, vampires were more put together and had cold aura which exhibits their attitude towards others.

Vampires are highly proud creatures due to their immortality and extraordinary skill sets.

Outsiders were always not welcomed within their premises.

This is one of the reasons they do not allow other creatures within their own personal lairs or coven.

Among all other supernatural creatures, vampires prefer to work with their same kind rather than relying on other creatures.

Trust is not their best suit.

So, when King Lionel brought Lucas inside his castle, many vampires opposed to this.

Especially when they found out he is the older brother of the supposed dead chosen one.

Some of them believe that if there will be a new chosen since everyone believed that Selene died, it would be no other than … Lucas!

"King Lionel, I do not mean disrespect but how sure are we that Lucas will cooperate with us even you have the feral wolf within your possession. And aren't we being too careless of letting a feral wolf and a tribrid within our walls? Are we exposing ourselves too much?" One of the elders raised his curiosity.

Immediately, the king of vampires did not like the tone of his words.

The moment King Lionel stared at him seriously, everyone lowered their gaze because they could sense their king triggered from the question.

One of the things that triggers King Lionel is when his decisions and plans are being doubted by others.

Instantly, the elder vampire was screaming in pain as King Lionel stare at him.

Excruciating as it was, no one would dare intervene their king.


Screams echoed all over.

Not even the henchmen would want to receive the wrath of their king.

"You see … I hate it when someone tries to ruin my good mood! I welcomed you all in my castle with open arms. Treated you all with VIP Treatment. Served good blood with the wine glass on your hands. All I ask is support and good words from each of you. If you do not like how I do things around, you could have stayed in your lairs and covens. Rather than spoiling my own moment!" King Lionel was walking closely towards the elder vampire.

The others were clearing the floor for their king as he stood in front of the elder vampire who was still groveling in his pain.

"P-p-pleaaaseee … make it stop! I d-d-did not m-meaaan to offend you … AAAAARRGGHHH!!" the elder vampire held his head trying to beg for his own life.

One of the henchmen wanted to step forward but her fellow henchman grabbed her hand.

"Caroline! No … Let it be! It is too late to step in. King Lionel is currently not in a merciful mood. You should know better!" whispered by her fellow henchman.

"But … Jaden!" Caroline wanted to stop their king to kill one of the elder vampires.

She continued, "He may cause further fracture to his relations with other coven. We cannot afford another conflict with other vampires."

"Just let him fix his own mess. We only follow and obey! Not meddle with his decisions." Jaden advised his fellow henchman.

Splatter of blood gushed out from the elder vampire.

"Be a reminder of what happens to those who opposes me. REMEMBER! All covens who dare to defy my orders or even question my decisions, will be obliterated! If you value your immortality … be smart and choose the winning side! Think twice before any of you would even consider to go against me." King Lionel declared with so much confidence while others became nervous at the sight of the elder vampire die in front of them.

Eric and the others stood while looking at the horrendous display of power from their king.

"So … where were we? Isn't it great … another powerful vampire will be added in our legion. He may be a tribrid but his power is greater than any of you combined. Imagine the victories and territories we will claim with his support. He guaranteed his loyalty to me … once I help him save his last remaining loved one in this world." King Lionel loudly conveyed his own thoughts to the audience and his henchmen.

Instantly, everyone complimented and pretentiously showed their amusement with the plans of their king.

"Now, all we have to do is make sure we grant him his demands for our offer to be accepted. Starting tomorrow, we will begin our own expansion. Establishing a wider scope of feeding grounds and blood banks. To ensure our eternal dynasty!" proudly presented by King Lionel to the vampires.

Applause and cheers were the response of the audience.

While the henchmen were clearly looking cold and hollow.


Meanwhile …

-After few hours-

The meeting with the other vampires ended. 

And King Lionel was walking towards a secret dungeon beneath his castle with some of the henchmen.

Lucas was laying down the bed thinking over how his life went by after losing Selene.

He kept refusing to believe that Selene is already gone.

Despite what others tell him or believe so. He remained hopeful that Selene may still be alive.

As long as there is no body found, a huge possibility that Selene may still be alive.

*** Flashback ***

-Years ago-

Lucas was found on a snowy and cold weather.

When he was brought by Jaden. He expected differently from their king.

Jaden expected that King Lionel would dry Lucas from his blood and they would feed on him.

Instead, the moment Jaden and Crystal explained to King Lionel who they found. 

Upon explaining to King Lionel that it was the older brother of the chosen one …

King Lionel planned to recruit Lucas to his side instead and had intentions to turn him into a possible heir.

All the henchmen were shocked and speechless after hearing their king's plans.

"This is great! Things may eventually look great for the legion. Our priorities will definitely be revised!" King Lionel told his henchmen.

He further instructed his henchmen.

"Bring him to one of the guest rooms and prepare him … I must turn him into a vampire as soon as possible. Activating the vampire blood within him."

The henchmen of King Lionel were confused at the excitement of their king over someone that is related to the chosen one.

*** End of Flashback ***

At the arrival of King Lionel at the dungeon, he instructed all his henchmen to guard the entrance and not let anyone get near.

The king of vampires entered the secret room.

None of the henchmen were allowed to enter.

Though, they know who was chained and secretly detained inside the room located in the dungeon of the castle of King Lionel.

But all of the henchmen promised to keep this secret or else their life will be the cost of it.

As the king of vampires stepped further inside the room, the mysterious man chained to his bed would not even look at the sight of King Lionel.

"Is that how you will treat your grandfather, hmm? What if I tell you … Lucas will finally help me! Wouldn't it be great?" King Lionel emphasized on the name of Lucas aiming to get the attention of his grandson.

Successfully, at the mention of Lucas …

The mysterious man turned his attention to his grandfather.

"L-Lucas? M-my Lucas?" the man stammered at the mention of the name Lucas.

"Yes … your Lucas!"



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

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