Ever since Lucas vampire blood was activated by being turned into a vampire, his powers became more powerful.

His speed tremendously increased without shifting into his wolf form. 

His senses were sharp as they were but his sense of hearing became sharper and more sensitive.

Lucas thought over what happened years ago with Selene. 

As he made his way to the ward room where Fluffy was being kept, his mind was wandering off at the many possibilities of what may have happened to Selene.

According to others, she is already dead.

There are a lot of questions which Lucas needed answers for. Like how he could not feel his dark magic essence anymore.

Somehow, he feels different with his current magic essence. 

Like something within him was lifted and he could not distinguish what it was. 

When he woke up, his vampire blood was already activated.

Making his tribrid nature fully activated.

All of the henchmen of King Lionel had no match against Lucas in one on one combat.

But as a group, Lucas would not win against all the henchmen if they simultaneously attack him or if they attack altogether.

There were really powerful vampires who rivaled Lucas in combat skills and powers.

One of them was Ingrid.

A member of the henchmen of King Lionel. She has the ability to create and manipulate ice through her palms.

If other members of the henchmen treats Lucas as a competition, Ingrid was the only one who felt differently towards Lucas.

Certain attraction and the sense of getting to relate with the things Lucas was going through made Ingrid felt more differently than the others.

She also lost everything she had. 

No family …

Feared by many …

And holding on to the possibility that they could have the chance of having something which they already lost.

When Lucas arrived at the heavily guarded entrance of the ward, he casually intended to enter.

But the henchmen guarding the entrance would not let Lucas pass through.

"Guys, I need to enter!" Lucas told the henchmen standing in front of him … calmly.

"Too bad … you do not have the permission nor the authority to enter. King Lionel's strict orders!" one of the henchmen reasoned out to Lucas.

"Even to me?" Lucas complained outright.

"Yes … even to you! You think you are some special one, just because King Lionel turned you personally? Well, if you have not noticed yet … the henchmen are all turned by King Lionel himself. So do not act so high and mighty towards us." Another member of the henchmen expressed his spite towards Lucas.

Before Lucas could even respond to it,

Ingrid appeared behind him.

"Take a chill pill, Jeffrey! Waldo! King Lionel gave me the permission and the authority to take charge in security around here. Am I right?" Ingrid emphasized her authority around.

Both Jeffrey and Waldo looked at each other upon hearing what Ingrid said.

She even continued, "So if I decide to let Lucas enter, both of you have no right to stop me nor the authority to question my decision. Because basically I was given the highest rank amongst the henchmen. In other words … MOVE AWAY! YOU ARE BLOCKING THE WAY!" Ingrid confidently stated without any hesitation and filled with superiority over the others.

Hesitantly, Waldo and Jeffrey stepped aside to let Lucas and Ingrid pass through the door.

As Lucas and Ingrid enter, Fluffy was strapped above the hospital bed.

"Thank you, Ingrid! You are always nice with me. Unlike the others … they treat me like some trash that they want to get rid of. But because King Lionel wants to keep me around, they cannot do anything about it." Lucas shared his thoughts with Ingrid.

"No worries, Lucas! This is why I am here for …" Ingrid replied.

"I do not know what I would do these past few years without you." Lucas genuinely expressed his gratitude towards Ingrid.

"It's nothing! So … if you need anything else just inform me. I am always here for you." Ingrid sincerely offered Lucas her servitude whenever he needs it before she walked towards the other vampires in the ward.

Usually the ward room is a place within the castle of King Lionel where he brings specimens for their observation and sometimes for evaluation on what to do.

Lucas wondered what happened to him and he felt completely different from the person he was before.

Filled with anger and hatred.

Unlike now, only hope and positivity.

He stood beside Fluffy and thought loudly as he caressed Fluffy's fur.

"Buddy … you will recover! I am here and we will get you back in your normal condition. Whatever happens, we will not give up on our family! Just like what Selene usually says … Once you get back to normal, we will find out the truth … together!" Lucas loudly thought to himself without uttering a single word.

"I need you … buddy!" Lucas whispered to Fluffy.


Meanwhile …

After the scandalous incident that occurred in the royal council room, 

News spread fast and made all wolf packs talking about the prime minister losing control in front of the Alpha King and the rest of the high-ranking ministers.

King Alcyd's scheme was successful in having the right cause to justify his plan of reshuffling the higher ranks within the royal court. 

And putting a halt on the growing influence of Prime Minister Morris.

The Alpha King gathered all the Alpha Werewolves and the ministers for his announcement.

He intended to announce the new changes within the higher echelon amongst the officials in the werewolf kingdom.

Everyone was highly anticipating what have their Alpha King decided.

Some members of the audience started to converse and whisper around regarding the circulating news about their prime minister losing his cool during an important meeting with the royal council member and concluded in a fight.

"Could you believe it?"

"Right! The prime minister, who would have thought he could be so … impetuous!"

"Oh, you mean … hotheaded?"

"He is a werewolf after all. It is our nature but I expected more from him."

Others kept exchanging thoughts and ideas about the recent news within their kingdom.

Then, everyone started to focus their attention on throne, as King Alcyd entered with his retinue.

As soon as he reached his throne, he faced towards everyone and started to address everyone in the royal court.

"Today … I am saddened to inform you that I am forced to make some changes around due to unfortunate events that took place few days ago. I would not disclose the entire details regarding the matter but things must be done to uphold integrity and honor within the royal council. So these are the changes upon my last discussion with the remaining members of the royal council." King Alcyd informed everyone and made a long speech about moving ahead.

Significant changes were …

(1)  Prime Minister: Prince Alarick

(2)  Captain of the Royal Guards: Princess Shiveena

(3)  Chief Minister of War: Alpha Gerald

(4)  General of Second Battalion: Alpha Violet

(5)  General of First Battalion: Alpha Marcus

(6)  Head of Special Ops: Prince Ranku

Different reactions echoed all over the hall of the royal court.

But things got worse when Alpha Alister of Jade Pack walked out from the assembly with his Beta.

Storming off in anger from the changes made by their Alpha King.

King Alcyd expected this reaction from the current Alpha of the Jade Pack.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

[3] Sandra_Hoek

[4] Kaothar

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I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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