[-In the mansion of Alpha Alister-]

After the announcement of the Alpha King, the current Alpha of the Jade Pack went straight ahead back to their territory.

Intending to hold an assembly for all members of the Jade Pack.

The arrival of Alpha Alister was the most anticipated by the other members of the Jade Pack.

Former Alpha of the Jade Pack, Morris, was already in the meeting room with the other elders of the Jade Pack.

Alpha Alister directly went to his seat and began the urgent meeting.

Amber was amongst the members present in the meeting. 

Everyone was upset from the current decisions of the Alpha King.

The most upset was the former prime minister.

He requested for a retaliation from the Jade Pack.

Even though he wanted to do something about his intention of retaliating against the Alpha King, he needed the complete support and backing of the Jade Pack. 

Which is currently under the leadership of his youngest son, Alpha Alister.

Not only was the former prime minister affected. But he was completely stripped off with his former title.

This sparked a dissent amongst the members of the Jade Pack against the Alpha King.

"We cannot allow the Alpha King further humiliate our wolf pack like this!"

"There should be consequences for the actions made by the Alpha King and the humiliation that they put us through must not be over looked. We need to show them what happens whenever they cross with the Jade Pack." One of the elder spoke in behalf of other elders.

Others nodded in agreement and former Prime Minister Morris was looking satisfied at the support he was getting and the response of his peers from the actions of the Alpha King.

"If the Alpha King thinks we will be played out within his palms. Well he got it wrong." Morris shared his thoughts in front of the other members of the Jade Pack.

The son and current Alpha of Jade Pack was contemplating on the things he was hearing.

"I think we need to wait for Laura! Whatever decision we make, we cannot do it without her. Remember, she is engaged to the Alpha King." Amber reminded everyone.

"Why would we do that? The more we should retaliate! Retaliation must be done for all the things they inflicted upon us." Former Prime Minister Morris was emotional in stating the troubles he went through due to schemes of their Alpha King.

Amber could not respond any further upon hearing her father galvanize the majority members of the Jade Pack into taking action from what just happened between the Alpha King and her father.

This was something too deep to brush off. 

Definitely, a course of action through retaliation will be on its way.

Even the young Alpha of the Jade Pack could not insist his intention to think things over because majority of the members of the Jade Pack were all offended and desire to retaliate by all means.

The Former Prime Minister suggested, "If we cannot wage war against the royal army, we can easily resort into sanctions and cutting off our economic relations with the royal family. Imagine the damage we will do if we stop supplying and contributing resources. Many will suffer! Since we control and own majority of the resources that the entire kingdom enjoys."

Before the former prime minister could finish his suggestion, Laura arrived in the meeting with an infuriated mood.

Laura immediately went straight beside Alpha Alister and greeted him.

"Forgive me, Alpha! I was late due to some unexpected bandits who stopped me on the way." Laura looked towards her father who was looking guilty.

Alpha Alister jumped from his seat upon knowing that his most beloved sister was ambushed along the way.

"W-what happened?!? You mean someone dared to attack … you? Are you hurt?" a worried tone from Alpha Alister.

"Oh, I am okay! I guess someone underestimated me. Thinking … I would be held captive by weaklings! The bandits did not intend to kill me but planned to capture me temporarily. Am I right father?" Laura directly put her father on the spot.

Immediately, the former prime minister stood from the accusation of his daughter.

"How dare you … accuse your father with no evidence at all? What if the Alpha King or someone from the royal family wanted to eliminate you? Because you are a threat to the other members of the royal family. Can't you see the timing of the return of Prince Alarick?"

A loud gasp could be heard from the other members.

Including, Amber, she could not also believe that their father would do such a thing.

"Sister! Father could not do that! Maybe you are just mistaken." Amber defended their father.

Laura did not let Amber finish her defense for their father.

"I am not mistaken! 

First of all, why would the Alpha King hurt me if he personally proposed to me to be his wife? 

Second, Prince Alarick returned because the daughter of the Grand White Witch is his mate. They rushed her to royal hospital because of her unidentified injury. Based on my own investigation, they returned from their mission and Magdeline forced them to return because her granddaughter was not feeling well.

Lastly, I am not a threat to them so they would not dare hurt me. But my father's greed got him into this mess. And I have proof that my dear father … ordered the attack on his own daughter!" Laura revealed to everyone.

Unexpectedly, a group of wounded men entered with chains on their wrists and ankles.

Even the former prime minister, was stunned at the scene unraveled right in front of everyone.

"Now … will you point to everyone who ordered the attack?" Laura instructed her assailants who were covered with bruises and blood.

There was hesitation and fear from the assailants. They could not directly do what they were told.

But it made Laura glare at them with serious look.

"Should I repeat myself? Will you do as you told or should I end your lives here?" Laura reiterated her request.

All of the assailants pointed at her father nervously.

Another loud gasp and surprising reaction from the other members.

"They are framing me for a scheme I never did!" Morris loudly yelled in defense.

"Elder Uge, will you use your unique ability to extract information? Since you are close to my father, you would tell us the truth. If you lie in behalf of my father, my sister will know. She can read and detect behaviors of others. So it will be futile if you lie." Laura divulged to everyone.

Elder Uge followed the instruction of Laura and extracted the information needed to confirm the accusation of Laura.

His nails turned beastly dark and buried his beastly nails to one of the assailants.

The assailant screamed in pain.

Moments after …

"Now … Elder Uge, will you share to everyone what you have seen?" Laura told the elder.

There was a clear hesitation from the elder since he was the closest ally of the former prime minister.

"Why are you forcing the elder to lie for you? You have lost respect to your elders! No wonder you were not chosen as the Alpha of this wolf pack. Women cannot be trusted!" the former prime minister uttered carelessly.

This did not bid well to his children, especially with Laura.

"L-Laura is telling the truth. Morris ordered the assailants to take her hostage until the meeting was over. He wanted us to initiate a sanction against the royal family and stage a kidnapping that would instigate a crime against the Alpha King." Elder Uge confirmed to everyone.

"See … an absurd plan of my father! He would instigate such absurdity. Just because of his greed and pride. He has truly become blinded by his own delusion and thirst for more power. But enough is enough … father!" Laura passionately expressed her thoughts.

Other members of the pack started whispering upon knowing the shocking truth and unbelievable plans of the former prime minister.

Morris clenched his fist in anger and embarrassment from the things Laura was putting him through.

"You ingrate! I raised you and gave you everything. And this is how you repay me?" 

He went forward and tried to confront Laura directly.

"Guards! Apprehend our father! He will be facing the tribunal council for his fate. There will be no exemption, even he … will face the law of our pack. He will be dealt accordingly!" Alpha Alister ordered to the guards.

"No need! I know my way … Remember this, Do not come running to me when things go bad. I will turn my back on you as you turned yours." Morris emotionally vented as he was escorted out of the room.

"Oh my God! Sister … I am sorry about what father put you through. And what we gonna do now? We lost our own control and respect within the royal court. Father made a huge mistake and the wolf pack has to suffer for it." Amber conveyed her worry and concerns for the future of their wolf pack.

But Laura had something in mind.

"If I may, brother?" Laura asked for the permission of their Alpha.

Despite her fierceness and seniority over Alpha Alister, she still exhibits high respect for her younger brother in front of everyone to show the authority and power of Alpha Alister within the wolf pack.

"Of course, you can! We are giving the floor to my eldest sister." Alpha Alister addressed to everyone before Laura began her speech.

"My father is right with one thing … We are indeed humiliated and some people were responsible for it. But we will retaliate in a different way. Everyone must be patient and we must gather our forces in a way that I know we can dominate. Violence and underhanded schemes won't work. But establishing a more concrete and long-term relations with other wolf packs and affiliations will bring us to a better future." She elaborately explained to everyone.

She ended her speech by saying, "For the future of Jade Pack! Royal Bloodline will assure us infinite success!"

Everyone cheered for Laura who has gained complete control over the majority of the wolf pack.

Then she recalled how she informed King Alcyd about the secret meeting of her father.

Telling the Alpha King everything about her father's plans.

'You truly underestimated me father!' Laura loudly thought to herself as she watched everyone cheer for her.

Smiling at the sight she envisioned.

'Next … will be the crown!'



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


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