The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 292 - Prince Alarick 2.0

Days have passed since the incident in the royal hospital …

*** Before the announcement of the Alpha King ***

Prince Alarick was closely observed within.

Due to his health and weakened regenerating ability.

It was as if his regenerating ability was tremendously affected. Making it slow for him to recover from the massive damage he received from his last encounter and sacrifice for Chloe's recovery.

He sacrificed a lot just to lift the dark curse inflicted to his mate.

Successfully, Chloe was saved and the dark curse of her mother was lifted.

Right after she woke up, she looked for Prince Alarick and wanted to be with him.

[-In the VIP Room-]

Chloe entered with her grandmother.

She was assisted to sit beside the prince.

"So, I will leave you here with him. Do not disturb his rest. He is still recovering. Avoid stressing him out." Magdeline reminded her granddaughter.

"I know granny!" Chloe reassured to her grandmother.

Magdeline gave her granddaughter and the royal prince some privacy.

Chloe held Prince Alarick's hand and prayed for his complete recovery.

Amongst werewolves, a touch from a mate brings warmth and comfort to them. It amplifies their ability to regenerate whenever their mate holds them.

Physical contact, in any form, grants a werewolf such amplification. 

"Ummm …" Prince Alarick felt a surging comfort and warmth from his hand. Then circulating all over his system.

He looked around and saw the source of this warmth.

"I am glad to know … that you are okay." Prince Alarick uttered while looking at Chloe.

"You are awake! Should I call granny? Are you feeling alright? Is there any pain or uncomfortable sensation that bothers you at the moment?" Chloe panicked for a moment.

Prince Alarick smiled and chuckled at the sight of Chloe panicking.

"Why are you smiling? What's so funny?" Chloe wondered.

"Nothing … it feels good to see someone care so much. And you look cute worrying and looking all so concerned about me." Prince Alarick teased his mate.

Chloe gently hit Prince Alarick's biceps for his playful and teasing remark.

"I think you need more beating!" Chloe added some pinch on Prince Alarick.

Then Prince Alarick held Chloe's hand and became serious.

"Kidding aside … I am grateful that you are okay now. For a moment, I feared and lost control over my own rationality when the thought of losing you completely was right in front of me." Prince Alarick bared his soul in front of Chloe.

For the longest time, he has not been vulnerable to anyone.

This sight of him made Chloe speechless. She never thought that Prince Alarick could be this vulnerable and sensitive. The royal prince was always tough and strict with her. 

Seeing him in his vulnerability made her see another light of Prince Alarick.

"You were almost gone! I really don't know if I would be able to …" Prince Alarick chalked up and Chloe hushed him even before he could finish his words.

"I know … I am sorry if I was careless and made you go through such worry." Chloe admitted her own carelessness.

"Yeah! You were completely careless. It was stupid thing to do … to cut our bond like that! If you cut our mate bond like that again. I swear, I would …" Prince Alarick's tone became possessive.

"Or else what? OH … FINISH THAT SENTENCE … OR ELSE WHAT?" Chloe glared at Prince Alarick.

He gulped and became nervous at the sight of his agitated mate.

She continued, "Speaking of carelessness and stupidity … Who was stupid and careless enough to make such a deal with a devil … LITERALLY!! Hmm?"

The royal prince wanted to defend himself but the cherry-haired witch was not done in her rants.

"You even put yourself in a dangerous situation! Why would you face a group of vampires … ALONE?!!?! Who in their right mind would do that? WHAT IF SOMETHING WORST HAPPENED TO YOU? WHAT IF THE ALPHA KING DID NOT ARRIVE ON TIME?!!!"

Suddenly, things escalated differently from what the prince imagined. He became the one cornered and put into a tough spot. 

Desperately, he looked for a valid reason to explain himself to his enraged mate.

Out of a sudden, the door opened and his younger sister arrived.

"OH … did I come in a wrong time? Should I just come back later?" Prince Shiveena apologized upon realizing the situation she arrived unto.

"No … No … This is the perfect timing! You can stay. PLEASE STAY! Or else someone will crucify me." Prince Alarick begged his sister to stay.

"PFt! You are not yet off the hook, mister! Once I get back with you … I will give you the scolding that you deserve!" Chloe expressed her thoughts to the royal prince.

Chloe left … 

Giving the two siblings some privacy.

"Phew! You saved me there. I thought you and Selene were feisty, that witch can truly scare the shit out of me once she is triggered." Prince Alarick shared to his younger sister.

Princess Shiveena smiled at the refreshing side of her eldest brother.

"It is good to see how happy you are now … Having a mate truly changes someone for the better. I think this is the best version of you that I have seen, personally." Princess Shiveena told her brother with so much honesty and sincerity.

The royal prince smiled at his younger sister.

"I have not apologized for the way I acted with all of you before. I know I cannot turn back the time I wasted and the only thing I can do now is repent from the things I have done. As long as I live … I will not stop repenting and living life in a right way." Prince Alarick professed to his younger sister the regret and his sincere desire to be better.

"How I wish I can find someone like Chloe? I wish I can have a mate that would make me happy and content in life. The way you are at the moment." a hint of sadness could be heard from Princess Shiveena's voice.

Her eldest brother extended his hand and reached for hers.

It made the princess smile because her eldest brother has truly changed and became the person they all wished for.

"I am truly happy for you, big brother!" Princess Shiveena laughed along with Prince Alarick upon hearing her words of recognizing Prince Alarick as her big brother.

Ever since they were young … they always have bickered, argued and fought countless times.

Calling each other with derogatory words so hearing the princess say those words … 'big brother' sparked a huge laughter between the two.

After a moment of laughter between the two …

"I have not laughed like that for years! Ever since Miryo died … I have not laughed like that. I guess, things can really go better for any of us." Princess Shiveena confessed to her eldest brother.

"Meaning … I am like Prince Alarick 2.0? Is that what you mean?" Prince Alarick teasing his younger sister.

The princess only laughed at the sight of her eldest brother being silly.

Then her expression returned to being serious. 

At the realization of her intention in visiting Prince Alarick.

"Will you stay in the royal palace? 

The Alpha King needs you … 

Ranku needs you … 

We need you …" Princess Shiveena gushed at Prince Alarick while lowering her gaze.

Prince Alarick gently held his younger sister's chin and made her look at him.

"What's wrong? Tell me … So I can understand the problem." Prince Alarick sincerely asked his younger sister.

"Things are getting out of hand around in the royal court. Alcyd is blinded by his longing for Selene. He has shunned those who truly cares for him. Like his Beta, he was sent back to the Golden Moon Pack but we all know what it means. He exiled his own Beta. Thus, other Alphas and ministers are taking advantage of this situation to pursue their own interest." Princess Shiveena explained.

"How about Ranku? Ivan? And You?" Prince Alarick asked.

"I don't know what to do with it. His mate, Marcus … I think the guy has true feelings for Ranku but his family and wolf pack are making underhanded deals against the royal family. One of the things I found out, Marcus' father is plotting something against Ranku making it look like it is an accident. I do not know if Ranku will believe me once I disclose this to him." 

"Ivan is doing alright but I fear that our enemies may do something to him especially he is far away from us."

She continued, "And I feel alone … I feel like I am left on my own. With no one to hold on to. Everyone seems to have life on their own while I am trying to be strong for those I care for. But … I do not know for how long!"

"Well … I am here now! I can be the brother that you need now. I am sorry if it took so long before I became one." Prince Alarick sincerely conveyed to his younger sister.

He furthered, "Once I get out of here, we will take care of it ... together!"

Tears fell and unexpected cries came next.

Sobs … and cries echoed within the room.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

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