Right after incident of the ambush, Melody instructed Ben to call for reinforcement.

A team of hunters that will direct them to her penthouse rather than going back to her father's mansion.

Ben was quick enough to comply swiftly on Melody's command.

[-In Melody's Penthouse-]

Ben was carrying Malia.

"Put Malia in my bedroom!" Melody instructed Ben.

Boss Tony owns a huge hotel which allowed Melody to own her personal penthouse.

The hotel is located in a city filled with humans.

Metropolis was a city like any other human city.

But the penthouse owned by Melody was one of the most luxurious penthouse with incredible features.

Big rooms …

Top-most floor …

Personal roof deck, clinic, pool and other functions useful for hunters.

A 2-floored penthouse.

When Melody arrived with her group of hunters, members of her family's branch, a man was already waiting in the living room.

This man was surprised at the condition of Malia.

"What happened? Why is Malia unconscious?" an apparent tone of concern and worry from the man's voice.

"Oh my … Booth Rogers! Not now, please! And I told you, stop entering my penthouse without my approval." Melody's attempt to dismiss the concern of the man.

Booth Rogers grabbed Melody's arm to stop her from ignoring his concern.

"I will repeat it again … What happened? Did she …" Booth hinted for something which he thinks may have happened to Malia.

Melody hesitated at first but gave up everntually.

"Yes, you are right! So … let me go now?" Melody replied.

As soon as Booth released Melody's arm, he followed Melody who went straight ahead to the couch.

"I thought so! Why would you let it happen again? You know for a fact that she can be dangerous once she goes all dark." Booth complained to Melody.

"You think I wanted it to happen? She went dark because of the threat on my life. I have no control over that!" Melody justified her actions.

"Well, you should have acted before she went out of control. If she goes dark completely 3 more times, we may not get her back again. Haiva, the seer, warned us about Malia's dark nature. If she goes completely dark 6 times … After that, she may remain completely dark!" Booth reminded Melody.

Upon hearing the reminder of Booth, Melody became more frustrated.

"Can you stop acting like an overprotective boyfriend? Because as far as I know, she dumped you and refused your proposal to be couple. Desperation does not suit you! Especially from a 28 year old guy." Melody snapped at Booth.

A moment of silence occurred before Melody looked at Booth with regret from her sudden sassiness.

"I am sorry for reminding you about that and snapping but please give me a break. What do you expect? This is the hunters' life! We are in constant danger since we are surrounded with supernatural beings. If you resigned being a hunter, Malia did not. Plus, she is deeper connected now in the life of being a hunter." Melody explained.

"What do you mean, deeper connected now?" Booth asked for clarification. 

"She just became the overseer of my father's entire family branch. And you my man … I think should reconsider of taking up the leadership of your family's branch. Your family is the most elite family of hunters. Having you as my father's support would help my father's interim leadership in the Hunters' Association." Melody pointed out to Booth.

Rogers Family is well-known family of hunters. They are the most respected and most influential family of hunters. Due to their skill-sets and unique knowledge for weapons.

Being the top hunters within the association for being able to fight against supernatural beings without any powers, only martial arts and specialization in all weapons. 

Mostly with anti-magic weapons.

Anti-magic weapons cannot be wielded by any ordinary hunters.

Only members of the Rogers Family have been able to wield and successfully utilize its maximum potential.

"Drop it … I will not be pressured once again to do the bidding of my family just for their selfish gains. Save humanity my ass! Were they able to save my parents and my sister? My grandfather can die and choke in his own …" Booth was not able to finish his rant when Ben came out from the room.

He called for Melody.

"Malia is awake!" Ben exclaimed from the second floor of the penthouse.

Both Melody and Booth hurried to Malia.

"Malia!" Both uttered at the same time.

"Kindly tone it down? My ears hurt!" Malia trying to get up from bed.

But Booth made her stay in bed.

"Oh, Booth! You are here …" Malia was surprised at Booth's presence in the penthouse.

"What do you expect? You think that I would be gone just because you refused to be my girlfriend? My face will continuously annoy you … even after your rejection!" Booth teased Malia.

Instead of responding to Booth's tease, Malia hugged him tightly.

Showing how much she missed him.

"Will you both get a room?" Melody sounded salty from the sight she was seeing.

"If you and Ben will get out … Definitely, we will have the room for ourselves. So will you let us have the room?" Booth retorted at Melody's remark.

"Please, stop! The both of you!" Malia requested while trying to feel her head.

Then she continued, "Did I lose it again this time? Melody?"

Melody hesitated to reply but she nodded in affirmation for Malia's query.

"How do you feel right now? It's your 3rd time to go completely dark!" Booth asked.

And he realized that Ben is still in the room.

Eventually, Melody made a gesture that it was okay for Ben to be around regarding the issue.

"It's alright … He knows what will happen if father finds out about the dark side issue." Melody reassured Booth and Malia.

Malia kept feeling her forehead and checking her hands.

"This might be a problem. If ever I get to my 6th …" Malia was looking worried but Booth stopped her in the middle of her worry.

"You will not reach to that point!" Booth held her.

"Come on … We both know that is not true. It may happen because we are in constant danger. This is the hunters life and despite being a witch. I still follow the code of hunters!" Malia reminded her hunter friends.

She continued, "This is me telling you … Saving the lives of the innocent ones and humanity comes first before mine."

Except for Ben, Melody and Booth lowered their gaze at the words of Malia.

Further continuing, "If we ever reach to that point where I finally go completely dark in my 6th time. Once I remain dangerous and Melody's voice won't work anymore, please take me down as best as you can. WITH NO MERCY! PLEASE?"

"Yes! We …" Ben immediate reply.

But Melody punched him in his gut for being clueless of the situation.

"I am telling you … do that and I will kill you myself!" Melody threatened Ben.

Booth smiled at the sight of Ben getting punched because he also wanted to do it as well if only Melody did not do it first.

"Melody! Booth! Ben is just doing his duty as a hunter. He is bound by the code and law of hunters. This is the hunters' life. Whether you like it or not … that's how I want it to be! So, can we go back to our daily routine? Father may have a message for us. I bet he has arrived in the main headquarters." Malia expressed her current thoughts.

"Speaking of which … There is a mayhem amongst the big bosses in the main headquarters." Ben revealed.

All three were confused at Ben's news.

"I was called on our way here … While Melody was too worried and preoccupied with Malia, I got a call that there is a current immediate investigation of who can be the spy of the vampires amongst the big bosses. No one is allowed to leave the main headquarters and it was just declared …" 

He finished his explanation with, 

"No elections will take place. Boss Tony is now the new president of the association and his first task is reveal the spy amongst the big bosses with concrete proof."



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

[3] Sandra_Hoek

[4] Kaothar

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I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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