After the news amongst the hunters broke out regarding the boss of the Vitre Family,

Malia and Melody decided to continue with the initial plan which was approved by Melody's father.

Walking their way towards the studio.

Melody was being followed by staff members of the entertainment company owned by her father. As they made their way to the recording studio.

Vitre Family's reputation took flight from a lower bracket family into a well-known family amongst hunters.

With their growing wealth, man power, and mostly … their control over the media outlets.

Such as publishing companies, entertainment companies and other businesses.

Boss Tony was a great example of rags to riches.

And now … he can be considered as the most influential and powerful individual within the hunters' association.

He had gained not only wealth but the influence to rise within the ranks amongst hunters.

Many could not deny the contributions of Boss Tony within the association. 

Having a successful and impressive record of hunting their targets. And gaining such resources that was helpful for the association.

Catapulted his own position and influence amongst the hunters.

However, largely this was possible due to the stardom and popularity of Melody as a singer.

Melody became the reason for many investors to trust and flock around her father.

Since her father was considered as her manager and handler.

[-In the record studio building-]

"Where is my Iced French Vanilla from Tim Horton's?" Melody demanded from one of the personal assistant assigned for her.

There were at least 4 personal assistants following her around and on standby for any of her needs.

While Malia supervises everything and the itinerary for Melody.

Though there are times she has to go for an errand in providing reinforcement for nearby hunting missions.

Mostly, her responsibility was making sure of the security of Melody and nothing bad happens to her.

As Melody prepares herself inside the recording studio for a recording session, Ben and Malia were discussing about the current developments from the headquarters.

"Booth! I thought you will be going to check on your grandfather?" Malia wondered at the appearance of Booth Rogers as he entered the room.

A transparent glass wall separating the side of Malia from Melody's side.

The voice of Melody could be heard through the speakers attached to the walls.

Malia grabbed Booth.

Dragging him outside the room since the recording session with Melody has started.

"H-hey! What's wrong?" Booth was confused with Malia's behavior.

"Why are you not with your grandfather? I thought you will be helping Tony in the headquarters through convincing your grandfather to render support for the presidency of Tony." Malia reiterated their previous discussion.

"I already called and Tony has already won over the support of the other families. Vitre Family has finally took charge in the headquarters and gained full support from other families. Including my grandfather, which means there is no need for me to go at all." Booth explained to Malia.

"So … in other words, Tony found the spy and was able to prove it?" Malia asked for confirmation.

"Most likely! That is why … I am staying here by your side and you are stuck with me." Booth replied.

Malia rolled her eyes at the reply of Booth.

Especially on the idea that Booth Rogers will be following her. Booth may have been rejected by Malia but it did not stop him to keep pursuing and being around the woman he loves.

"Please, do me favor … will you?" Malia begged at Booth.

"Of course! Anything for the woman I love …" Booth beamed in response trying to impress Malia.

"Give me some space and let me do my job! There are plenty of things to prepare. So if you are not gonna help in hunting then do not bother me." Malia requested from Booth.

Booth heaved a sigh before replying from Malia's request.

"Fine! I will help. Despite my intentions to retire already from hunting, just for you … I will help in your plans. Just do not push me away. I want to stay around." Booth told Malia with so much sincerity in his voice.

He continued, "You know that I will always be here for you!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice echoed within Malia's head.

'I will always be here for you!' said by the voice echoing within her head.

Flashes of memory of a man smiling to her.

Confusion and wonder occupied her mind.

Again and again, it kept echoing in her mind.

"Malia!! Malia!!" Booth holding Malia's face.

Only a buzzing sound could be heard by Malia.

She was still entranced at the sight of the man that just flashed into her mind.

"What's happening here?" Ben asked.

Looking at the scene of Booth holding Malia still.

She was a little bit disoriented and weak in her knees.

"Where are you? I miss you …" Malia uttered mindlessly.

Caressing Booth's face and then she kissed him before passing out.

Thinking of the man that just flashed into her mind.

Ben was surprised at what just happened.

But Booth had no time to be stunned.

Immediately, he caught Malia's head before she passed out.

It was the first time he was kissed by Malia and he was totally caught off guard at the kiss done by Malia.

Mixed emotions invaded Booth's feelings.

Will he be happy for the kiss?

Worry for Malia's condition?

Fear that someone may have already occupied Malia's heart and it is not him …


Somewhere in a faraway land …

A huge castle on top of the mountain.

[-Inside the castle of King Lionel-]

"King Lionel, our spy has been killed!" reported by one of his henchmen.

The king of vampires slammed the arm of his throne.

"Damn it! That old man is stupid to be discovered in a time like this. How about our other spies in their association?" King Lionel asked his henchman.

Other vampires were curious at the answer of the henchman.

"Forgive me King Lionel … the new president of the Hunters' Association has identified all of our spies and executed them all in their headquarters. We have lost all of our spies." Regretfully reported by the henchman.

"Who is this new president?" an evident tone of anger could be heard from King Lionel.

"The new president of the Hunters' Association is the head of the Vitre Family."

"If only we succeeded in getting one of his daughters and used them as leverage. We will not need of spies at all. Well then … make it a priority to take one of his daughters." King Lionel gave out a command.

"King Lionel … there is a problem, her daughters are known to be dangerous beings. They are not ordinary humans. We have learned, they have supernatural abilities." 

The king of vampires stood from his throne.

"Do you think I care? Are you telling me that you are scared of them?"

"N-N-No! King Lionel …" the henchman immediately kneeled in fear of their king's anger.

Before King Lionel even get the chance to vent out his anger, Lucas arrived with Fluffy behind him.



Vampires were hissing at the sight of Fluffy following Lucas.

No one would dare hurt Fluffy because Lucas was declared officially as one of the henchmen of King Lionel.

And hurting Fluffy would upset Lucas. Thus, may result for their king's wrath.

Lucas approached the king of vampires.

"Let me do the task, King Lionel! I will take one of the president's daughters for you. This is my gesture of gratitude for saving Fluffy." Lucas kneeled in front of King Lionel.

King Lionel was delighted at the unexpected appearance of Lucas.

"This is marvelous! Lucas will make it possible then … Bring one of the daughters of the president and we will have leverage against the president of the Hunters' Association." King Lionel declared to all vampires present in the castle.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

[3] Sandra_Hoek

[4] Kaothar

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Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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