The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 296 - You Are My Sister

Somewhere far from the metropolis …

An underground coven of vampires which swore allegiance to King Lionel was alerted by other henchmen of King Lionel for the arrival of Lucas.

It was the expected location for Lucas to appear once he completes his task.

A coven from one of the allies of King Lionel.

Lucas arrived with Malia in his arms … unconscious.

The elder of the coven welcomed Lucas and the surviving vampires from their mission.

"We are honored to be at your service, Sir Lucas!" The elder greeted Lucas graciously.

Ever since Lucas was declared as one of the henchmen of King Lionel.

Other allied vampires and majority of the members of the legion treated Lucas with high respect.

All henchmen were feared and highly respected amongst vampires.

"Lucas! I am glad, you successfully carried out your mission." Exclaimed by a familiar voice.

"Ingrid? You are here! First of all, kindly assist my … I mean the daughter of the new president of the Hunters' Association. Place her to a secluded room. And please seal the entire room with your ice crystals." Lucas requested to his fellow henchman.

Ingrid was curious and wondered, "What is the need for the sealing of the room?"

"This one has powerful magic. And we have to make sure she does not escape." Lucas replied.

"Fine!" Ingrid gestured at one of the vampires from the coven and they immediately complied with Ingrid's orders.

She continued, "Though, we have to discuss some things since you are here now and the additional orders from King Lionel."

Lucas hesitated for a while because he wanted to clear some things with Malia regarding her background.

For Lucas, Malia was Selene. 

However, he has to confirm a lot of things because of his doubts and confusion.

"Make sure, nothing bad happens to her! King Lionel wants her alive. Not dried down. So once there are signs of bite on her, there will be no tomorrow for any of you." Lucas reminded and warned the vampires holding Malia.

Reminding and taunting them at the same time.

They gulped after hearing Lucas' reminder because the scent of Malia's blood was tempting for them.

And they had the intention of taking a bite or taste of her blood.

Due to the reminder of Lucas and his warning, this made them restrain their desire from putting it into action.

Together they replied in unison, "Yes, we understand!" 

"Rest assured, she will not be harmed! King Lionel will be upset if someone ruined his plans." Ingrid reassured Lucas while looking at the vampires holding Malia with threatening look in her eyes.

Immediately, everyone went their own way and completed each task expected from them.

-Moments after-

Lucas went straight ahead to Malia's sealed room.

Ingrid left for another errand given by the vampire king.

She informed Lucas to keep the daughter of the president guarded and he would be responsible for her.

And will be under his supervision.

For the mean time while King Lionel is strategizing his next move against the Hunters' Association.

[-In the Isolation Room-]

When he entered the isolation room designated for Malia, the captive was already awake.

Malia tried to launch an attack.

Unfortunately her efforts were useless because her magic was suppressed within the isolation room.

"It's useless to even try. Ingrid sealed this room with her ice crystals and this isolation room has sealing properties for specific captives. Meaning, in this room … only you are unable to use magic." Lucas mentioned to Malia.

"Why am I here? It's useless to take me as hostage!" Malia complained.

For a moment, Lucas remained silent.

Observing Malia and contemplating if she was really Selene.

"I took you because …" Lucas tried to check if it was safe to mention within the room.

Choosing the isolation room for Malia to be detained and making Ingrid seal the room with her ice crystals has made it reassuring that no one would eavesdrop in his conversation with Malia.

"… Because you are my sister!" Lucas continued his statement upon making sure the isolated room was secured.

Malia was stunned for a moment from what she just heard.

"Wait, what?!?! Your sister? Forgive me but I think you are mistaken. I guess the blood in your system has made you delusional. Maybe you have turned into a delusional vampire due to the excessive blood you have been feeding on." Malia did not hesitate retorting Lucas.

"At first, I was sure it was really you … That is why, I took the mission of kidnapping you because when I saw your profile at King Lionel's desk. I thought to myself, finally! I found my sister." Lucas further explained as he leaned against the wall while Malia was few meters away from him.

He just saw Malia chuckled and shook her head.

"How can I be related to a vampire? For sure, I am not related to a blood sucker!" Malia refused to believe at the claims of Lucas.

"Let me clarify to you … First, I am a tribrid. Meaning, I am not just an ordinary vampire. So calling me bloodsucker is inappropriate. Second, I do not feed on blood. My diet is like any other humans but blood intake makes me stronger and more powerful. Lastly, as far as I know … based on your profile and the intel we got from our dead spies. You were only adopted by the new president. That makes my claim plausible!" Lucas confidently pointed out to Malia.

Upon hearing Lucas elaborate on things that was unbelievable to comprehend.

She was astonished and left with her own thoughts.

'What the hell? Tribrid? Is he even making sense? Does he know how unbelievable it is to piece everything together based on what he just? I have not heard of someone who is tribrid. I have not encountered one.' Loudly thought by Malia to herself.

At the same time while she was contemplating on her own. 

Lucas continued explaining, "Though, I cannot understand why you feel different. I don't sense your usual self. Like as if you are not my sister …"

Malia rolled her eyes and replied.

"Well … that is because I am not your sister! If you could only accept that fact and would stop deluding yourself. I will never be related to someone like you." Malia insisted the improbability of her blood ties with Lucas.

A momentary silence before Lucas called upon Fluffy from the shadows.

Then the feral wolf stepped out from the shadows and appeared right beside Malia.

It took Malia by surprise.

Fluffy jumped over Malia and rubbed its muzzle against Malia's neck.

"What the?? Get off me!!" Malia pushed off Fluffy.

She could not contain her own thoughts. "This is my first time to encounter a vampire and a wolf together!"

Surprised at the closeness of Fluffy and Lucas.

A scene that she has never encountered as a hunter.

"I still cannot understand what happened to you but Fluffy can recognize that it's truly you … Selene!" Lucas stated as he stared at Malia.

He could see Malia's black hair with some platinum silver strands on the front. 

After contemplating for few moments …

Something dawned within Lucas' mind.

"I guess you tweaked with our magic essence which led you to lose your memories. But I will help you regain your memories back … my dear sister!" Lucas concluded.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

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