[-In the Isolation Room-]

Both Lucas and Malia became serious when Lucas mentioned about helping Malia regain her memories.

"Why do you think I will need your help? And who said I lost my memories? I still remember my family!!" Malia refused any help from Lucas.

A sound of chuckle could be heard from Lucas.

"You are still a poor liar. You really don't know how to lie with me. I can see right through your lies. With the squinting of your eyes and a slight twitch from your facial expression. There is only one person I know who has this kind of expression when lying … my sister!" Lucas smiled after remembering the way his sister lies.

This made Malia astonished and speechless for a while because of the claims of Lucas.

"I am not your sister, okay! If you were really my older brother, why am I not remembering you? Because if what you are saying is true … I should have remembered you by now! Unfortunately, I am not feeling anything at all." Malia pointed out directly to Lucas.

Her words made Lucas contemplate on something and wonder why Malia could not remember him.

"Is your hair naturally like that? Because it supposed to be platinum silver. Close to the color of the snow. I used to tease you when we were little … calling you, snow butterfly!" Lucas shared his memory of his sister to Malia.

Malia felt a twitch in her heart and warmth from the memory which Lucas shared.

Suddenly it made her sight fuzzy.

Voices appeared in her mind as if it was happening right in front of her.

Laughter from a young boy teasing someone familiar to Malia.

'Snow butterfly! Snow Butterfly!' the young boy loudly teasing the young girl while running around.

'No, I am not a snow butterfly! I am a snow wolf! Fierce and pure as white like the snow.' Retort by the young girl.

'Nah … you are more of a snow butterfly! Rather than a snow wolf!" the young boy kept teasing the young girl.

Until the young girl cried from the teasing of the young boy.

'Aww! Don't cry now … Fine! You are a strong snow wolf! So stop crying … If you want to be a wolf, do not cry! Or else you will become …' the young boy tried to make the young girl stop from crying and he took a pause by the last part of his statement.

'Or else what …' the young girl asked while wiping her tears.

The young boy smiled before he gave his response.

'Or else you will become … a cute snow armadillo instead! Hahaha!' the young boy ran while being chased by the young girl who was clearly mad at him.

Everything was like surreal.

"Snow butterfly … because flying and beautiful flowers were things that makes me happy. There was this woman, making me float mid-air because I enjoy pretending like I was flying." Malia uttered from the memories that flashed into her mind.

A gleam of hope flashed on Lucas' eyes.

"That's Laquisha, our foster mother. The one who kept us alive for years when we were little." Lucas explained to Malia regarding the memory she mentioned.

Memories of a lady taking care of a young girl flashed in her mind.

Because of it … Malia started to hyperventilate.

Her breathing was unsteady.

Then panic ensued within Malia of how to make sense on the memories flashing into her mind regarding this lady and the young boy being with her.

"No! Stop it! …" Malia exclaimed.

"What's wrong? Are you starting to remember now?" Lucas tried to approach Malia.

For a brief moment, memories of Boss Tony reminding Malia about some abilities of other vampire.

Not only super strength and super speed but unique abilities may possess by a powerful vampire.

Like glamour, an ability of a powerful vampire to enchant someone into thinking that something is true and real.

There are powerful vampires who can do this ability. But only few so far can successfully pull it off.

And with this, Malia tried to convince herself that it is just a glamour. That she was being tricked into believing something which is not.

"Nice try! But I will not fall for your tricks! I will not be easily fooled by your enchantment." Malia remarked at Lucas.

"I am not tricking you! You are starting to remember now. But someone may have been messing with your head. No wonder your memories did not immediately return when you saw me. I guess your memories must be triggered first with specific moments in your life before you get to remember them." Lucas stated based on his assessment.

Unfortunately, Malia kept refusing to believe him.

Before they could even further discuss about Malia's memories and condition.

The room shook and a loud explosion could be heard.



Both had to hold unto something to keep their balance.

"They are here!" Malia expressed her delight.

"Who's here?" Lucas wondered.

He tried to go out so he could check what was going.

Right at the moment he turned around and unlocked the door, Malia swiftly struck him from behind with her strong right chop.

Putting him down, unconscious.

"A piece of advice, never face your back to your opponent. And never lower your defense." Malia whispered as she looked over on the unconscious Lucas.

Fluffy whimpered and went to the side of Lucas.

Trying to wake him up.

Instead of immediately leaving without looking back.

Guilt crept within Malia.

She stopped and thought over.

"Damn it!" Malia cursed at her own guilt.

For a moment, Malia thought … What if … What if … What if!

What if Lucas is really her brother?

As she went back to reassure Lucas will not be found by the hunters outside, Malia tried to talk to Fluffy.

"Look! I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. Keep this guy inside this room and never let him out until there is no more explosion outside. You see, my hunter friends are skillful in eliminating vampires. So, it will be safe if both of you stay inside … okay?" Malia instructed Fluffy.

Assuming and hoping that the feral wolf will pay heed on her instructions.

After placing Lucas on the bed, she left the isolation room hoping to escape from the vampires who wanted her as a leverage against the new president of the Hunters' Association.

As soon as she stepped off the isolation room, her powers returned.

Meaning the effect on her powers were only effective inside the isolation room.

Thus, on her realization that her powers have returned, Malia casted a deceptive spell to cover the door of the isolation room.

So that no hunter will find Lucas.

"I guess this coven of vampires is considered eliminated. It is unfortunate for them because these hunters are not your ordinary hunters." Malia loudly thought to herself.

She looked back on the direction of the isolation room.

"Just in case … if you were telling the truth. If my memories … prove that … you are my brother. Better to keep you out of trouble then!" last words of Malia before completely running back to the surface.

Though, a vampire from the shadows emerged hearing everything which Malia mentioned.

"A hunter and a henchman … siblings? Uh-oh, this is disaster! No wonder, hunters keep finding our covens." The vampire tried to assume things based on what he heard.

Especially when Malia mentioned about Lucas and her being siblings.

A mayhem is about to implode within the legion of vampires. 

Involving a henchman and a hunter. 

Such connection that is considered as greatest taboo amongst vampires.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

[3] Sandra_Hoek

[4] Kaothar

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Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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