*** During the attempt of Lucas to kidnap Malia ***

When Booth Rogers decided to help the hunters on the roof deck, he used the elevator.

A feeling of doubt and nervous if he should leave Malia on the lobby but he felt complacent because she will be surrounded with her fellow hunters down in the lobby.

Not expecting anything bad may happen on Malia if he left her with the other hunters on the lobby.

Using the elevator going to the roof deck gave him time to prepare his anti-magic weapon.

Which was cased in a long black container.

Each high ranking member of the Rogers Family had their own anti-magic weapon which they use for battle.

Only few had the opportunity to wield such powerful weapon.

In Booth Rogers' case, he was blessed with a double ended sword. 

With two sharp and average length blades on opposite edges. It is detachable which can turn it into two separate weapons. Each blade coated with special liquid and melted special ore. 

Making it lethal against any targets. No matter how strong their defensive properties or magic, it can penetrate against the skin of any supernatural being. Especially against vampires.

Though, not all hunters can wield such weapon because the weapon chooses its wielder. It burns the skin of anyone who attempt to wield it except only those chosen wielders of this special weapon.

Anti-magic weapons were weapons that were made for the protection of the humans against any supernatural beings. Thus, it was made for the purpose of the protection and survival of the human species.


The sound of the elevator as it opens, 

And the sight of the hunters fighting against the vampires on the roof deck was the first thing emerged on Booth's sight as he gets off the elevator.

Screams of innocent security guards …

Blood spurting like a gushing stream …

Hunters fighting off against these vampires …

Saving lives as much as they could …

But these vampires were no ordinary vampires as well.

It made Booth recall his rigid training with Malia back in the Vitre Mansion.


More screams echoing all over.

Booth finally joined the fray and helped his fellow hunters.

One vampire to another.

Turning to ashes one after another.

"Go tend to the wounded and help the others, leave this to me!" Booth informed the other hunters as he stepped forward.

The other remaining vampires stepped back at the sight of Booth with his anti-magic weapon.

Unlike werewolves, vampires are more rational thinkers compared to werewolves.


Vampires hissed at the sight of Booth with his anti-magic weapon on his hand.

When some vampires tried to flee.

Booth threw his anti-magic weapon like a boomerang.

Hitting the two vampires who tried to flee.

Turning into ashes as they got directly hit by the anti-magic weapon of Booth.

Returning to his hand, the anti-magic weapon of Booth, the double ended sword was covered with blood stains and 

Surprised as they were, there was no other way but for them to fight for their own lives against Booth Rogers.

Realization came into their mind that if they attack altogether in one swoop, they may stand a chance against the experienced hunter.

Unfortunately for them, Booth was already trained how to handle situation as such.

It was easy for him to defend himself and eliminate his targets simultaneously.

He closed his eyes and gave one deadly strike.


All vampires was completely struck with his one slash.

Obliterated and they turned into ashes upon realizing … they did not stand any chance at all.

Under the bright moon, Booth looked up to sky and felt something different in the wind.

Heavy …

Bloody …

And ominous …

"There is a dangerous being in the building!" Booth thought loudly to himself.

Rushing immediately to the elevator.

"Malia, please be safe!" an obvious tone of concern in Booth's voice.

Meanwhile …

In the lobby of the hotel, all hunters panicked after the disappearance of Malia.

Melody was informed regarding the current situation.

"We tried to scan the entire area and premises. There is no sign of Lady Malia and the vampires. It's as if they left instantly." One of the hunters reported to Melody and Ben.

"What do you mean you cannot find her? It's impossible that she is gone! How could she disappear like that? Maybe you just did not look quite hard enough!" Melody was agitated at the thought that Malia was missing.

Ben pondered and assessed the situation before sharing his own thoughts.

"Maybe … Just maybe … the vampires are after Malia! They had spies within the Hunters' Association so they may have known regarding the profiles of the daughters of Boss Tony. Which may have been leaked to the Legion of Vampires that Boss Tony is now the new president of the Hunters' Association." 

A moment of silence was felt in the room.

"So, you are telling me that those blood suckers may have kidnapped my sister?" Melody uttered in disbelief.

"Most likely, yes!" Ben replied.

Before Melody could react further, Booth entered the room worried.

"Melody! Where is Malia? I can't reach her phone. And I am hearing from the other hunters that they are trying to look for her. Is she missing?" Booth worriedly asked Melody.

"That is our current problem right now. She may have been taken by the vampires. And one of them maybe a henchman of the vampire king." Melody answered Booth.

"WHAT?!? And why would they take her and not you? You are the biological daughter … not her!" Ben remarked.

"Excuse me?!?! Are you suggesting that I should have been the one taken instead of Malia?" Melody retorted.

"Don't put words into my mouth! I am only wondering to why they would take her instead of you. In terms of leverage, you have more leverage over Malia. There is a certain reason why they would take her instead of you." Booth elaborated his concern.

Ben interrupted their conversation.

"Both of you stop it. We need to hurry if we still want to save Malia. There is no point in arguing right now. If I am not mistaken, most probably they might want to turn her into a vampire if she holds significant role in the Vitre Family. Since the Vitre Family holds the most influence right now in the Hunters' Association. Our attention must be focused in how to save Malia rather than bickering and arguing like what the two of you are doing right now." Ben interjected.

Both Melody and Booth stopped bickering.

"You are right, Ben! How will we do it then?" Booth curiously asked.

"Unless the vampires removed the silver mini trackers of Malia. Then we may still have a chance to track her down. Every hunters are provided with this silver mini trackers so that every boss could track its own members down." Ben explained.

"I doubt they will find it. She placed it somewhere cannot be seen directly by anyone." Melody reasoned out.

"Why do you think so?" Booth further asked.

Melody remained silent for a while before responding. Thinking if it was right to share such sensitive information. Especially these two were guys.

"Let us just say she placed it somewhere private and reeeaaalllyyy covered." Melody's response.

For a moment Ben and Booth were contemplating on Melody's response.

"Hmm …" Ben seriously thought it over.

But a thought dawned into Booth's mind.

Remembering the moment he had with Malia when they shared an intimate moment. He was rubbing Malia's breasts and he felt something weird on her nipples. 

"Don't tell me … She placed it on her …" Before Booth could even finish his words, Melody covered his mouth.

"You don't have to say it out loud. Let us put it that way! I think her tracker is still on. So, let us just check her location." Melody suggested.

Immediately, Ben checked the private monitor tracker.

Opening the briefcase with the private monitor, Ben typed Malia's registry name and checked for her tracker's location.

And there it was … her location identified.

"Let's go! Get your men and fully activate -heavy gears-!" Booth instructed Ben.

"But if I am not mistaken, if a henchman or group of henchmen will be present. Our numbers and heavy gears will not be enough." Ben informed Booth.

"Don't worry, I will bring some of my friends." Booth reassured Ben.

"You mean … some of the members in Rogers Family? Some of your friends are wielders of anti-magic weapons too right?" Melody presumed upon hearing Booth's instructions to Ben.

"Yes … and yes! But you are staying in your penthouse with the other hunters. And I think it will be better if you leave this with us. We are going on our own. Ben will keep you updated instead." Booth told Melody.

"No … and no! I will not stay in the penthouse nor remain idle … doing nothing! I will help in saving Malia. Plus, how will you stop her if she completely goes … you know what I mean" Melody tried to explain to Booth without completely disclosing sensitive matters like the secret on Malia's dark transformations.

Booth heaved a sigh of surrender.

"Fine! You can come with us but please behave. We cannot handle two different cases if something bad happens to you as well. Remember, your father is the new president! We may get punished if something happens to you." Booth requested from Melody.

A nod of confirmation was given by Melody before they left for the rescue operation.

*** Back in the Present ***

Outside the coven of vampires.

Group of hunters were throwing explosives and poisonous gas before entering the entrance.

Booth led the group of hunters.

"Eliminate all vampires on sight, understood?" Booth commanded.

Everyone replied in unison, "Yes, sir!"



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released the same number. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


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