The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 349 - Hunters' Raid (Part III)

Due to their pride and arrogance, some of the hunters ignored Malia's warning.

Thinking that they could single-out and eliminate Berrick, the monstrous hybrid.

Just because Berrick was alone, the hunters thought they could take him down.

Outnumbering the one in front of them, all of them prepared for a battle they have no idea at all … except for Malia.

Everyone had zero information about Berrick.

His weaknesses …

Nor his strengths …

Booth was curious about the assessment of Malia regarding their sudden opponent.

While Booth asked Malia, the acting leader from the group of hunters representing Rogers Family gathered his peers and prepared their anti-magic weapon respectively.

Other hunters diverted the attention of Berrick.

Instead of just only diverting his attention. 

Things escalated into defending their own lives for survival.

Some of the anti-magic weapon wielders started to attack Berrick.

Unfortunately, Berrick was too strong and too quick.

He didn't need to use his other trick but only his speed and sheer strength alone.

But due to the effects of the anti-magic weapons, some of the hunters were able to hurt Berrick a little bit.

Others took it as a sign that this monstrous creature can be taken down if they work together as one.

Most of the anti-magic weapon wielders were gathered in one area, just when they thought there is hope in defeating the monstrous creature.

Out of nowhere, one after another, anti-magic weapon wielders started to choke into their deaths as they got hit by a small dagger.

Such small dagger causing each targeted hunter to be poisoned into their deaths.

Unknown to the hunters, the four members of -HARBINGER OF DEATH- were lurking from afar.

Away from the eyes of the hunters.

"Keep targeting the hunters wielding anti-magic weapons. Our mission is to keep the grandson of our king alive." Ingrid commanded Hanzo.

Hanzo was one of the most powerful henchmen of King Lionel. He was included amongst the -HARBINGER OF DEATH- due to his loyalty to their king and his extraordinary abilities.

He has the ability to manipulate metallic properties. Mastering the art of sword and ninja. Hanzo was considered as to be one of the most dangerous vampires in their history.

Being one of the oldest vampires and through his deadly skills, King Lionel made him the leaders of his own group of assassins.

Hearing Ingrid's command, both Petro and Antoin rolled their eyes in their irritation of Ingrid's domineering attitude.

"Petro make sure you keep the daggers coated with your deadly poisons." Ingrid reminded Petro regarding his task.

Before Hanzo shoots each dagger towards their targets, Petro attaches his poisons to each blade of the daggers.

Petro has the ability to poison every living being he touches. The longer he touches them, the more fatal it gets. His skin can produce poison which being excreted by the pores of his skin. He is known to be dangerous in close combat.

Though, the poisons of Petro can be expanded and controlled within his will.

Thus, allowing Petro to create dusty dark poisons coated to each blades of the daggers.

Antoin teased Petro for being ordered around by Ingrid.

"Oh, Petro …" Antoin continued teasing Petro.

Ingrid threw a deathly glare at Antoin since he is becoming a nuisance.

Immediately, Antoin was apologetic towards Ingrid. For distracting Petro from his task.

Hanzo made each poisoned dagger floating and he commands for each batch of poisoned daggers to hit his desired targets.

Satisfied seeing each target eliminated.

On the other hand …

"Malia! The hunters!" Booth took Malia's attention.

Showing her their other concern.

Aside from the monstrous creature trying to kill every hunter on its path.

Malia noticed where it was coming from.

From a distance, a group of four was serving as the reinforcement of Berrick.

Upon seeing one death after another.

Screams after screams.

"I SAID ALL OF YOU, RETREAT!!!" Malia screamed towards the other stubborn hunters.

Realizing the point of Malia, other hunters started going back to the vehicles and tried to escape.

But the nearest vehicle was grabbed by Berrick as if it was a paper.

Light as a feather.

Throwing towards the other vehicles.

Causing explosions and havoc around.

Despite being alone.

"Hunters are being murdered! What kind of creature is this?" Booth worriedly told Malia.

"Help the others escape, gather the survivors. And take control over them!"

"Where are you going?" Booth wondered.

"I will deal with those pestering reinforcements. But before I leave you to it. Let me immobilize this monster even for a while so you can have enough time to reassemble others to attack and for you to help others escape." 

Malia summoned thick rock trapping Berrick's both feet.

Rendering him momentarily immobilized.

Struggling to move from the sudden attempt of Malia.

"Now, Go!" Malia signaled Booth before flying towards the exact position of Ingrid and her peers.

Having no choice for it but to comply with Malia's plans.

Booth ran towards his fellow hunters and gathered them around to attack Berrick.

He gestured to the other hunters who were non-wielders of anti-magic weapons to escape already.

While he gathered the surviving hunters, who were wielders of anti-magic weapons.

"If you want to live, all of you must start listening to the command and stop questioning authority. Will you?" Booth expressed his frustration to his fellow members of Rogers Family.

After the acting leader died, upon getting hit by poisoned dagger. Booth took charge of them.

"Time to hit back!" Booth confidently encouraged his fellow hunters to work together as one.

Including the other hunters who decided to stay along with Booth.

At the same time, Malia flew towards the direction of Ingrid and her peers.

Expecting for her powers to help her defeat four vampires.

Assuming for her victory.

But things became bleak when she lost control of her flight.

Feeling suddenly woozy.

Losing her own balance, she fell to the ground few meters away from Ingrid's position.

Confused and shocked at what just happened.

Ingrid swiftly approached Malia through her incredible speed.

And she was looking down on her.

"I must say, you have the guts to face us on your own!" Ingrid uttered to Malia. 

Impressed and confident at the same.


Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.


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