The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 350 - Hunters' Raid (Part IV)

Just like Ingrid, Malia was also confident with her powers and strength.

Unexpectedly, her powers diminished and her balance faltered as soon as she got near around the group of Ingrid.

Like a mosquito fell on a spider's web.

Upon falling to the ground, Malia tried her best to gather her powers but to no avail. 

Her powers failed to appear.

"Oh my, are you not aware how dangerous it is … to face your opponents alone?" Ingrid told Malia who was on her knees trying to recompose herself from falling mid-air.

Taken by surprise and confused to what was happening with her powers.

Antoin and Petro sneered at Malia.

Mocking at her weakened state.

Unknown to Malia, it was because of Antoin's ability for her powers to diminish into nothingness.

As Ingrid and her peers stood proudly of themselves, Malia tried to move the rocks around the vampires.

Unfortunately for Malia, her attempts were futile to move such objects or summon her powers.

If only Malia knew this would happen, she would have thought more over her attempt in confronting Ingrid and the other vampires with her.

For Malia, upon noticing the presence of Ingrid and her peers, her main objective was to divert their attention and at least allow her fellow hunters to escape.

Not knowing that these vampires would have such ability to disable her powers.

Which makes everything worrisome.

Re-thinking her strategy and approach.

Another worry visits her mind.

Hearing the screams of her fellow hunters from a distance, she wondered if Booth was handling the situation well enough compared to her.

Being on a dire situation.

'Booth, please be alive! We must survive this!' loudly thought of Malia to herself.

Ingrid noticed that Malia was contemplating on something.

Immediately, she summoned icicles from her palms.

Aiming at Malia.

"We will see if you survive!" Ingrid issued a challenge towards Malia.

Instantly, as the icicles shot towards her, Malia evaded each attack of Ingrid.

Hanzo looked at Ingrid and nodded to her signal to attack Malia.

His mastery in swordsmanship and the art of ninja, makes him a threatening opponent to anyone.

On her peripheral vision while evading the icicles being shot at her, Malia could sense already the approaching vampire.

Expecting for his attack, Malia geared to use her mini kris knife.

Since she could not make it float or move it in the best possible way, at least she could use it to block any attacks and execute her own counter moves.

When Hanzo released a powerful strike, Malia blocked with her weapon through her sheer strength.

"Impressive! Blocking my attack with your strength alone." Hanzo was impressed with Malia's strength and quick reflexes.

Petro became impatient, annoyed at Malia's presence.

He joined the battle without Ingrid's permission.

"Petro!" Ingrid exclaimed.

Underestimating Malia's combat skills and abilities.

Petro wanted to end the battle already.

Intending to land a touch on Malia's skin so he could poison her.

But Malia's quick reflexes along with her unbelievable strength, she was able to evade and block all the attacks coming on her way.

Surprised at what she was witnessing before her eyes, Ingrid was astonished at the incredible display of combat skills.

Going against two members of -HARBINGER OF DEATH- at the same time and survive … is unheard of.

Even Malia was surprised with herself for being able to keep up against her enemies.

"How is she doing this, Ingrid? Is she really a hunter? I can sense that she is a witch but going against toe to toe with two of the strongest and most powerful vampires … even it is just hand-to-hand combat, she shouldn't be able to keep up. This is unheard of for a witch or hunter." Antoin shared to Ingrid his worry.

Antoin may have the ability to negate any magic around him, he also could sense magic properties surrounding him which allows him to distinguish which to negate.

Amongst the members of the -HARBINGER OF DEATH- who swore to serve King Lionel, Antoin was mainly a defensive and sensory type of opponent.

He has the sharpest and most pristine senses. In addition, his ability to weaken his targets through negating or cancelling out their magic makes him one of the best defensive opponent.

King Lionel always tasked Antoin to be around him, in making sure of his defense.

Such a rare occasion for their king to allow him in accompanying Ingrid for a task.

Usually, Antoin and Petro were tasked to follow the king of vampires wherever he goes. 

Serving as the left and right wing of their king.

Now … it was as if the king of vampire lend his wings to Ingrid. In making sure that Berrick will be safe and succeed in his mission.

To obliterate all intruding hunters.

Though, a situation which they did not expect as well to encounter such individual … like Malia.

At the same time, Malia was assessing her options and trying to identify who she needs to take down first.

'The female vampire uses {-Ice Manipulation or Summoning-} sort of ability, these two vampires have their respective abilities as well, {-Metal Manipulation-} and {-Poison Creation-}. Which leaves me to the last vampire. So, he is responsible for disabling my ability!' Malia was making her deductive analysis of the situation and her next move.

One of her great skills as a hunter which President Tony commends about her … was her deductive skills.

After weighing her options and strategizing her way to survive, Malia finally releases an anti-magic weapon, the other half of the double-edged sword of Booth.

Thinking that these vampires will be too confident to even consider evading her attempt.

Hence, after Malia striking down Hanzo and kicking Petro out of her way.

Consequently, giving her a chance to throw the anti-magic weapon towards Antoin.

Knowing that Antoin would only catch it instead of evading it completely.

Based on her brief observation and deductive analysis, these vampires would be too confident to be even cautious with her attacks.

Exactly as Antoin touches the anti-magic weapon, catching it with his own hands.

The anti-magic weapon was coated with nightshade, even its entire hilt, from the pummel to its cross guard were coated with thick nightshade.

Serving as a poison to any vampires.

Rendering Antoin stinging his hand and weakening him for a moment.

Due to the strong effects of a nightshade against any vampires.

Suddenly, Antoin had to focus his full attention in healing and regaining his usual strength.

Nightshades tremendously weakens a vampire even just a contact with their skin.

Now, allowing Malia to have an opportunity to use her powers.

Wasting no time to go all-out.

"Nebular Explosion!!!!" Malia used one of her most powerful abilities.

A wide-ranging blast of explosion made up of blazing fire.

Causing all in its path to be destroyed, whether friend or foe. That is why Malia uses this reluctantly when she has allies around her.

This ability serves only effective when her allies are not around her.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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