The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 352 - Barely Escaped (Part I)

As her eyes darkened into pitch black, dark energy started to envelope Malia's magic essence.

Right before it completely engulfed her senses, Malia refused to use the dark power within her.

Breathing unstably from the current condition she was in.

Malia barely escaped her dark transformation. She feared that if she transformed, she may harm her own allies since she has no control over her dark side.

Failing to have any control over it will only jeopardize the safety of her fellow hunters.

In addition, Melody was not with her to bring her back to her senses.

A dilemma and a risk which Malia was not willing to take.

"I will defeat my enemies on my own! Without relying unto my dark magic!" Malia said to herself.

The dark voice within her disappeared as Malia closed her mind. Focusing on to her enemies surrounding her.

"Petro! Always be meters away from her. You will be doing the long-range attack while I will deal with her in close-range." Hanzo instructed to Petro loudly.

Between the two, Hanzo was considered to be far more superior to him. 

In age and experience.

Though, Petro was known for his stubborn and rebellious mind-set. 

Only King Lionel was able to tame him.

"You are not my king! There is only one vampire I serve." Petro refused to cooperate with Hanzo.

For him, this would be a great chance to impress and earn praises from King Lionel.

All in his life, since he became a vampire, Petro always sought for King Lionel's praises and attention.

Maybe it was because during his lifetime as a human.

Seeking for validation and praises from his own parents …

Devoting his entire life for the sake and commendation of his parents …

When he and his parents died due to a robbery, Petro devoted his entire life to his maker.

The one who gave him the second life … King Lionel.

Allowing him to implement his vengeance towards humanity.

Same creatures who killed his parents.

While the two vampires were arguing, Malia was looking for ways to immobilize them.

Because she was starting to sense Ingrid getting closer in bringing Antoin back to his senses.

Removing completely the nightshade in Antoin's blood stream.

Among the henchmen and vampires serving King Lionel, Ingrid was well-versed in the arts of medicine and surgery.

As she gets closer and closer in successfully removing all substance of nightshade within Antoin's blood stream, Ingrid was also preparing how to torture Malia once she gets the chance.

Though, Malia has decided to combine some of her elemental abilities and make a surprise attack against her enemies and go back to her allies.

Deciding to take down Hanzo first then Petro before returning to side of her allies.

Because she could sense her allies losing their own battle against the monstrous creature that ambushed them.

Fire, wind and lightning were forming above Malia.

A sight that none of the vampires imagined.

Petro decided to stop Malia before she succeed in what she was planning, but the ground released thick vine whips which was covered with sharp thorns.

Attacking both vampires respectively, while Malia trying to complete her lethal attack.

She aims to end it by attacking all of them.

Using every ounce of magic essence in her system, due to the level of difficulty of what she was trying to achieve.

"This is crazy! How can she …" Petro evading each attack while he was in a state of disbelief with what he was witnessing at the moment.

The same thoughts with Hanzo who slashing each thick vine whips trying to attack him.

But to their futile attempt, the thick vines just kept sprouting from beneath the ground.

Non-stop replenishing itself and attacking them.

Until Malia has finally gathered a powerful sphere of energy.

Which she intends to use against her enemies.

Making them focus in evading it and defending themselves rather than attacking her.

An orbit around the sphere she created appeared and tiny glowing balls of combined elemental energy filled the orbit around the sphere.

Then Malia began her attack.


Even though Ingrid was focused at tending to Antoin's wounds, she had to help Hanzo and Petro through covering them with a thick layer of ice.

Being completely covered by Ingrid's ice-made ball of fortress.

Protecting both Hanzo and Petro from the savage attack of Malia.

Hanzo started to transform the metallic properties of the blade he used in attacking Malia as an external layer of shield around the ball of ice surrounding him and Petro as well.

A victorious smile appeared in Malia's face as she made the anti-magic weapon move from its position.

Exactly the same weapon that wounded Antoin.

It spun swiftly like a spinning boomerang and surprisingly struck Ingrid from behind.

Malia commanded the weapon to return.

Back to her possession.

This gave Malia the chance to escape before this group of vampire regain their full-strength.

If she decided to kill them, she would have succeeded but it would also exhaust her entire magic energy. Which will make it impossible to defeat the monstrous creature and their escape from it will be impossible as well.

"Time for me to go!" Malia flew away from her opponents and made her way back to her allies.

Leaving Ingrid wounded and weakened due to the nightshade coated around the blade which struck her from behind.

Fortunately for her, she was able to succeed in removing all substance of nightshade from Antoin's blood stream before getting wounded by Malia.


On the other hand,

Booth led the hunters in fighting off the monstrous creature in front of them, Berrick.

Many hunters failed to defend themselves and died along the way.

Those who tried to escape were either killed or injured by Berrick's attack.

"NO ONE SHALL LIVE!" Berrick declared to the hunters.

"This is life or death! So choose to live … everyone!" Booth encouraging the other hunters to fight and not give up.

Because there were other hunters who were in state of shock and feared for their lives.

In order to fuel the burning desire of the hunters to live, Booth reminded everyone for their purpose and for their loved ones waiting for them.

"Surrender must not be an option! FIGHT FOR YOUR LOVED ONES!" Booth loudly roused his fellow hunters.

Upon hearing Booth's words.

Berrick remembered his old wolf pack and … his mate, Sylvanna.

Sylvanna, the mother of his children and the love of his life.

Died after taking a strike that was supposed to be meant for him.

Same scene took place as Malia appeared out of nowhere receiving the damage that was supposed to be for Booth.

Malia spat blood after a sharp metallic blade hit her back.

She had to simultaneously stop other blades from hurting the other hunters.

The same hunters who insulted her before the attack.

Saving their lives in exchange of the risk of her own.

Booth caught Malia before falling to the ground.

"Ugggh!!!" Malia was completely exhausted.

Smiling at Booth.

"Told you … I will always have your back!" Malia told Booth while her blood dripped to the ground.

Unexpectedly, memories of the handsome guy appeared in front of her.

This time, she could hear herself telling to the guy.

'Don't worry! I will always have your back … I promise! I will stay by your side … I will never leave you no matter what happens. Only death can separate us!' Malia's voice could be heard.

Then the mysterious handsome guy in her memories started to reply.

'I love you … Selene! Please … never leave me …' kissing her as he uttered those words.

Everything was surreal.

It was happening as if Booth was the guy in her memories.

Malia started to hallucinate as if the image of the guy was right in front of her.

Making her reach for him. 

Thinking and assuming that the guy would kiss him. Which made her kiss him back.

But in reality, it was Malia who reached for a kiss.

Totally surprised and taken aback by the moment.

Booth didn't know what to do after receiving Malia's kiss.

The exact scene between Malia and Booth which unfolded right in front of Berrick.

Exactly the same scenario which happened with him and his wife. 

Berrick stopped in his rampage.

Pain revisited.

Tears fell from his eyes.

Sylvanna's face flashed into his mind.

Allowing others to have the chance to escape.

Berrick was completely distracted by his own memories of Sylvanna and his last moments with her.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE LIVED INSTEAD OF ME!!!!!" Berrick screamed in despair.

Tears fell …

Scariest …

And the loudest scream …

Could be heard as he vent out all his pain from losing Sylvanna, his wife. And his longing for her.

In a blink of an eye, Malia lost her consciousness.

"Malia!!!" Booth held Malia's body.



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