The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 353 - Barely Escaped (Part II)

[-By the borders of King Lionel's hidden territory-]

Other hunters started to escape and run for their lives as they noticed the monstrous creature was preoccupied with his own thoughts.

No one bothered to attack or provoke the unidentified creature at the moment because they already know the difference in their strength.

Knowing that they would not stand a chance if they engage to another face off with him.

Most hunters ran away and escaped while other hunters tried to regroup in order for them to strategize their next move.

Even their current leader is more preoccupied with Malia rather than leading them all.

"Malia! Malia! No … You told Melody, you will return alive! Wake up!" Booth started panicking.

Losing his intention to win against the monster.

His main objective shifted into surviving and helping Malia.

Unfortunately, wherever he turned … only chaos surrounded them.

No vehicles to use nor allies to seek help for, only chaos.

Berrick was too engrossed with his memories and reminiscence of his beloved wife.

The exact scene where Malia sacrificed herself to save Booth made him remember his wife.

For a werewolf to lose their mate is something worst that could happen to any werewolf.

Members of the -HARBINGERS OF DEATH- were also preoccupied with their wounded members.

"Ingrid! Why did you lower your guard?" Hanzo immediately checked on Ingrid.

Trying her best to regain her senses.

Struggling to keep herself steady from her position.

"Ugh! It just dawned on me … that woman! I saw her before. I was too distracted to realize who she was until I saw her pull off those tricks of hers. The king must know. And you must not let her escape." Ingrid struggling to speak. 

Hanzo was confused.

"What are you talking about? The king's grandson can handle it on his own. Looks like he is winning." Hanzo shared his assessment to the wounded Ingrid.

Ingrid was amongst the vampire who had strong senses. She may not be as extremely sharp as Antoin in terms of sensory skills. But her sensory abilities are considerably decent enough to detect any approaching creatures nearby.

"There is something … fast approaching … and I doubt it is an ally. So make sure to get that witch. We will be needing her!" Ingrid coughed as she gave her instructions to Hanzo.

Petro was too occupied in looking after Antoin. 

Aside from the king of vampires, Antoin was the closest vampire to Petro … like brothers.

If Ingrid treated Antoin like a younger brother, the same as Petro. 

He never showed any affection or concern towards anyone aside from their king … and Antoin.

"Before I go, who is she anyways?" Hanzo asked.

"She is the younger sister of Lucas!"

"You mean … the daughter of … Berrick?"

"Yes! So hurry and get her already before they get to escape." Ingrid winced in her pain due to her wound from her back.

Her healing regeneration was disabled due to the nightshade components in her bloodstream.

For a regular vampire, it would have been fatal. But since Ingrid is a powerful and experienced vampire. Her age and prowess makes her resist against the weakening and lethal effects of the nightshade.

After hearing Ingrid's explanation, Hanzo excused himself and hurried towards the location of Malia.

On the other hand, Berrick began his rampage one more.

Venting out his anger towards the hunters around him.

Some remaining proud hunters with their anti-magic weapon tried to take advantage of the situation.

If there were hunters who ran away and escaped, there were also some who stayed and tried to take advantage of the distracted condition of Berrick.

When they decided to launch their attack, Berrick regained his senses and began to vent out his frustrations and anger.

Despite the damage inflicted by their anti-magic weapons, it seems that they are barely inflicting a damage or even a scratch on Berrick.

Berrick amplified the toughness and durability of his gleaming diamond skin.

"RAAAWWWRR!!!!" Berrick roared as loud as he could.

Repelling all attacks being thrown at him.

Immediately, the remaining hunters realized they were no match against the monster.

"Malia … was … right … This one is a monster!" uttered by one of the hunters before getting savagely torn by Berrick with his monstrous claws.

Screams resonated around the field.

Blood scattered everywhere.

Flames blazing as a sign of the intensity of the battle that occurred.

Wreckage from each vehicle thrown around.

Corpse of lifeless hunters were laying around.

Before Booth could even get Malia out and escape from the chaos.

Hanzo appeared out of nowhere.

"You are not leaving!" Hanzo exclaimed as he commanded the blades to strike at Booth.

Suddenly a bright light surrounded Booth and Malia.

And he saw this mysterious woman covered in purple armor.

"Who are you?" Booth curiously asked.

"This is not the time for greetings and introduction! We need to get out of here." The mysterious woman pointed out the urgency to escape.

Hanzo realized the presence of the mysterious woman.

"A fairy? What does a fairy doing here? Interfering with a vampire's business! You are breaking the treaty between King Lionel and your current queen." Hanzo reminded the fairy.

"Well … I am not serving my queen so your king's agreement with her does not apply with me. So get over it!" the mysterious fairy replied.

In the middle of their conversation, Berrick's monstrous figure appeared from above.

Leaping towards Booth with full force.

"Oh, no!" The mysterious fairy feared for the worst.

Instantly, the mysterious fairy grabbed booth and was expecting for Booth to carry Malia with him.

As fast as she could, she summoned her teleportation portal.

Beneath her and Booth was a gleaming light of lavender with ancient seals and runes painted around the circle of light.

"Wait! I do not have Malia. We need to get Malia!" Booth exclaimed as they disappeared.

Disappearing from the teleportation portal created by the mysterious fairy.

Unaware to what just happened, the mysterious fairy did not sense Malia getting taken.

While things were happening so fast, Hanzo waited for the right time to grab Malia through using the metal chains which wrapped Malia's body and snatched her away from Booth.

At the same time when the mysterious fairy grabbed Booth.

Smiling at victoriously doing his task, Hanzo scanned the chaos which Berrick created.

"You are a freak of nature, Berrick! We did not expect you could handle it on your own. And looks like we even got a bonus for the king." Hanzo expressed his delight.

Berrick returned to his regular form.

Covered in blood and naked.

"Who is that woman? For you to interfere with my mission." Berrick wondered.

Upon hearing Berrick's query, Hanzo thought that it was not the right time to tell Berrick who the woman was until they show her to their king.

"A hunter … and a half witch that needs to be dealt with by the king. She has killed many vampires." Hanzo explained.

He continued with a lie, "She is the daughter of the president. The man who killed your daughter."

Igniting his anger to keep him antagonized against the hunters.

Justifying the task that the king gave him.

"Keep that woman away from me then or else I might do something worst to her!" his final words to Hanzo before walking away from him.

On the other hand …

Somewhere far away from the territory of King Lionel.

A magical land hidden from everyone.

Where only fairies can enter.

But since the mysterious fairy had the ability to open portal, she was able to bring a human with her.

Appearing in the middle of a magical forest.

"Phew! That was close." The mysterious fairy sighed in relief.

"We need to go back! They got Malia!" Booth hysterically informed the mysterious fairy.

"WHAT?!? Oh my GOD! How could you let her slip away from your hands? You already had her around your arms right?" the mysterious fairy was in disbelief at the result of their escape.

Booth wanted to explain himself but he suddenly realized he is somewhere strange and surrounded with unusual things.

Huge trees with glowing wisp above the trees.

Unbelievably large roots.

Creatures that were far from the usual animals he has seen.

"Where am I? Where did you bring me? Why did we leave Malia out there? And who the hell are you?" Booth curiously asked.

The mysterious fairy rolled her eyes, "You are in the kingdom of fairies. The Ever Garden! For your information, I did not leave her! You allowed the enemies to snatch her away."

She continued,

"And I am … Magenta! The youngest sister of the current queen of fairies."



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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