The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 354 - Barely Escaped (Part III)

[-In the Ever Garden-]

Somewhere far away …

No creatures from the outside has entered except for the late Emperor Odin.

A kingdom of fairies hidden and preserved from the clutches of darkness.

Kept hidden from everyone.

This kingdom known as … Ever Garden.

Its castle on top of a valley.

Surrounded by flourishing wide forest, rivers, falls and lakes.

A vast land occupied by the fairies.

Ever since the visit of the late Emperor Odin, he placed the most powerful barrier surrounding their kingdom.

After his death, Venus strengthened the barrier by placing a condition for anyone to enter and exit.

No fairy can go out or get inside except the royal family of fairies.

Which were only few to count. 

Especially with the key for each royalty to have.

"This is really, really bad … I was meant to save the new chosen one. Instead, I saved a hunter." Magenta complained as she talked to herself.

"So, let's go and get her back!" Booth suggested.

"Are you insane? We barely escaped, you stupid hunter! I may be a royal fairy but I am not as strong and powerful as my sisters. Though, I have my wits and quick feet." Magenta disagreed with Booth's suggestion.

"If you are not doing it then I am going to save her!" Booth turned around and saw astonishing heights of trees …

Magical creatures …

Glowing wisps …

Enchanting voices …

"Good luck in finding your way! I am your only key out of this place." Magenta confidently stated.

Booth returned at the side of Magenta glaring at her.

"Why did you even bring me here?!?!?!" 

"Watch your tone human!!" Magenta changed her tone and made Booth kneel in front of her.

In a second, Booth was forced to kneel by Magenta through her powers.

Roots from below pulling down the limbs of Booth.

A hairy huge creature appeared from behind Booth aiming a sharp weapon on his head.

Suddenly, Booth felt the danger once more.

"What the hell?"

"Look! I was tasked by the Great Oracle, according to his letter … a danger would come at those areas. For a long time, I left my kingdom … just to keep an eye on those areas. Until, finally … the time I have been waiting for has arrived." Before Magenta could finish, Booth interrupted her words.

"But you failed, because they got Malia and you got me instead."

"Shh … shh … Hush it! It's not yet over until it's over! You are right, somehow! Because I failed to rescue the next chosen one. But we can rescue her again …" Magenta was interrupted once more.

"You mean … we are saving Malia. What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Booth getting impatient.

"Are you serious? Do you have a brain or what? King Lionel's turf is filled with monsters!! A lot of them. You crazy hunters went in there like foolish ones. Just because you had anti-magic weapons, you think that would be enough to infiltrate his fortress?" 

Booth become silent for a moment listening to Magenta's words.

"Why do you think his kingdom is in the middle of barren land? It is not easy to get in without getting noticed. You will be torn into pieces once they got you."

"I thought we are going to rescue Malia?" Booth was looking confused.

"Yes we are! But not now … We need to visit my sister."

"The queen of fairies?"

"No! My other sister. The queen is angry at me for leaving the kingdom without her permission. I can sense she is not in the kingdom right now. So we have time to visit my other sister." Magenta released Booth as she started moving.

Then she took a glance on Booth.

"Hurry! Get yourself up and follow me. We have to seek help from my other sister before my queen sister arrives."

She continued, "Tusky, please don't harm my guest!" 

The hairy huge creature with enormous 2 large feet responded affirmatively.

"Don't push me!" Booth complained at the creature with the way he was being handled.



[-In King Lionel's Castle-]

Berrick returned while he was being escorted by Ingrid and the rest of King Lionel's elite vampires.

Malia remained covered with ice from Ingrid's power.

Right after Hanzo captured her, Ingrid and the others followed after recovering quickly from their wounds.

Including Antoin, fully regaining his consciousness.

No vampires were allowed to see them except the henchmen and the king of vampires.

Henchmen of King Lionel were instructed to clear the path of Berrick's entry with Ingrid without any eavesdropper around.

Due to the sensitivity of the issue and current captive.

Only the members of -HARBINGERS OF DEATH- knew the identity of Malia.

As they enter the castle, a henchman was already expecting for their arrival.

"Sir Berrick, the king wishes you to proceed to your room. Since you got exhausted from your mission. King Lionel would like for you to wait in your private chambers. He said, there are certain things that needs to be done for a moment. Official matters!" the henchman took a quick glance and exchanged eye contact with Ingrid.

"Antoin! Petro! Escort Prince Berrick! You must address him as a prince … from now on! Do you understand?" Ingrid flexed her authority towards her peers.

Reminding them who is the second in command.

Petro wanted to complain but Antoin stopped him and gestured for them to just peacefully obey.

Even Berrick had no time to argue or get curious.

Because there was only one thing on his mind … seeing Lucas.

"Tell your king … I need to speak with him immediately after your … OFFICIAL MATTER!" last words of Berrick before walking away.

Ingrid nodded and glanced at Hanzo to follow her.

Moments after going their own ways …

Ingrid brought the body of Malia covered in ice along with Hanzo.

[-In King Lionel's Den-]

The vampire king was wearing his regal robe while taking a sip on his wine glass filled with blood.

As soon as Ingrid entered along with Hanzo and Malia's body, King Lionel stood.

"Is this the one …" King Lionel uttered as he swiftly approached the frozen body of Malia.

"Yes, it is her … the sister of Lucas … the daughter of your grandson." Ingrid confirmed to King Lionel.

A sinister laugh was the response of King Lionel upon knowing that the next chosen one is in front of him.

Under his mercy.

"Who would have thought … I would have the last laugh after all? Hahahah~!" King Lionel celebrated at the news.

Both Hanzo and Ingrid were clueless at the sudden behavior of their king.

The king of vampires continued,

"Imagine, they chose … my son to be the first supreme ruler of all supernatural beings. Then suddenly, fate chose my great granddaughter to be the second destined supreme ruler. Both … under my mercy! And for the second time around I will choose … the same!" King Lionel declared.

"Ingrid, dispatch the body! At least I got a last good look at her …" King Lionel returned to his seat.

But Ingrid remained confused at the last command of her king.

She assumed that King Lionel would at least use her or take advantage of her identity.

Among all vampires, Ingrid had a pride that a vampire was the most superior creature in the world.

Proving her pride was having two descendants of their king as the destined supreme ruler of the entire supernatural beings.

At first she felt troubled when their king refused to help the dying first emperor but she remained loyal to the vampire king after the demise of the first supreme ruler.

Hearing from their beloved king to dispatch Malia's body, the second chosen one to become the next supreme ruler, troubled her mind once more.

"Haven't you heard me, Ingrid?" King Lionel reiterated his command.

"Of course! Your command and it shall be! But … I have a question if it's okay to ask." Ingrid took all her courage to voice out her confusion.

"What is it, my dear Ingrid?" King Lionel allowed Ingrid to ask him.

"Why are we wasting an opportunity to take complete dominion over the other lands? If we turn her into a vampire now, she will be under your sire. And we would have control over the entire lands, seas and skies. Isn't that what you want?" Ingrid pointed out.

King Lionel heaved a sigh before responding Ingrid's question.

"Ingrid, you surprise me with your question … my dear! But you need to understand, I do not share power. Because ONLY I … deserve the absolute power and reign over the rest. I will no longer share the throne even with my kin. In addition to that … her being dead would serve me better in convincing Berrick to hate the hunters. And wipe them out with the help … of werewolves. Which he will do for me … once he venture back to the werewolf kingdom soon!" 

King Lionel continued,

"So is everything clear, my dear? Don't waste your energy thinking about silly things." 

Ingrid knew it would be futile to argue with their king or else she will only suffer in the process.

"Yes, your highness! I will dispatch of this body immediately." Ingrid reassured their king.

Since she was the most trusted of King Lionel, the vampire king did not even bother to ask for the process on dispatching Malia's cold body.

Hanzo and Ingrid excused themselves out bringing along the body of Malia.

As they got out of King Lionel's den, Ingrid took charge of everything regarding Malia's body.

"Where will you bury the body?" Hanzo curiously asked.

"Let me handle it on my own. Since it is my task, Hanzo!" Ingrid replied in a defensive way.

A sudden shift on Ingrid's mood while walking away with the huge block of ice.

Containing the body of Malia.

'Should we really waste such power and opportunity to bring a better future for the vampires?' Ingrid loudly thought to herself.

Inner hopes that Ingrid never shared to anyone.

Hope for a better future for the vampires. Not only blood lust and killing but a life of peace.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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