Somewhere near the castle of King Lionel.

A secluded tower where a vampire resides.

Guarded by few vampire soldiers serving King Lionel.

"What's your business here?" one of the vampire soldiers asked the hooded female vampire.

"Excuse me? Are you being disrespectful towards me?" 

"Oh, forgive me Lady Rochel! I did not recognize you for a while." The vampire soldier apologized.

"I am here to see the grand elder Amelia! I have a book of hers which I need to return." Lady Rochel shared to vampires her reason for visit.

A strict order was given by the king of vampires that whoever visits the grand elder vampire must declare their purpose for visit.

The vampire soldiers guarding the entrance of the tower allowed Lady Rochel to pass through.

Since she is one of the feared henchmen of King Lionel.

No one bothered to doubt her reasons.

Upon entering the tower, a spiral long staircase awaits to whoever plans to visit the grand elder.

As a vampire, it was just like an ordinary staircase but for a regular human … it may take long before they could reach the top.

Where the luxurious and huge room of the grand elder is located.

Announcing her entry to the room, the grand elder vampire gave Lady Rochel the permission to enter.

Standing next to huge glass window, a vampire who looks in her 30's stood expected the arrival of Lady Rochel.

"Have you done as I have told you?" Grand Elder Amelia asked.

"Yes, grand elder!" Lady Rochel kneeled in front of the Grand Elder.

"No one suspected at what you did?" 

"They had no idea that I tampered with Ingrid's thought. I made it so subtle which they would not even feel a thing or suspect anything regarding to what I did." Lady Rochel reassured the grand elder.

Unknown to others, when Lady Rochel greeted Ingrid and the others from their mission. She used her ability to convey thoughts or tamper with someone's thoughts. Though, a strong mind and experienced vampire can easily notice that their thoughts are being tampered with. This is why her ability must be used with caution and perfect timing to make any unsuspicious move from her.

Aside from that, she has the ability to cause nightmare or to visit someone else's dreams.

Her true loyalty lies within the grand elder rather than the king of vampires.

"So, you successfully made Ingrid think of a better future for the vampires. Other path for the success of vampires? Once Lionel gives her the command to kill the next chosen one, definitely she will doubt her own confidence towards the path that Lionel forged into their minds. This will be a chance to cause friction within his own trustees." Grand Elder Amelia wondered.

"Yes, Grand elder! That's why as we speak … she is secretly planning to transport the body of the next chosen one to her friend's coven. The family of Gorvic!"

"The coven that resides at the mountainous snow region of the north. She will be safe there, if Ingrid will be sending the next chosen one there. I will try to use my ability to help her. Send her this note discreetly. Convince her to commit to the other path … of success!" 

"It shall be done, grand elder!" Lady Rochel accepted the grand elder's command.

Smiling at her own victorious scheme. Grand Elder Amelia looked at the scenery from her tower. Thinking for the next part of her plans.


Meanwhile, in the private chamber of Berrick.

Berrick waited for the king of vampires to take a visit and show him Lucas.

Since he already did his bidding, Berrick expected for King Lionel to bring Lucas to him as their deal.

Thinking of how Lucas may have been.

Being grateful that at least his son was still alive.

And cursing the thought of the hunters whom he was told that killed her daughter.

'I will make sure aside from my grandfather … all hunters will pay for the death of my daughter! Looks like before I get to kill my grandfather, I will have to kill the hunters responsible for my daughter's death.' Berrick loudly thought to himself.

At the arrival of King Lionel, Berrick stood from the bed in his excitement and anticipation to see Lucas, his only son.

Disappointment sank in when he saw there was no one else but the king of vampires and his most trusted group of vampires were with him.

Instead of Lucas.

"I thought you will bring me Lucas once I proved myself worthy." A serious tone in Berrick's voice as he reiterated the agreement he had with the king of vampires.

"Indeed we had an agreement but you have not completely proved yourself worthy yet. There were some hunters who got away. Thus, a last proof of your worthiness is needed from you." King Lionel stated.

"And if I successfully pull this off, you will reunite me with my son?" Berrick tried to confirm from his grandfather.

"Definitely! It will be done as long as you do your part."

"So, what is this last task of yours?" Berrick curiously asked.

"I want you to re-establish your own wolf pack in the werewolf kingdom. The Silver Aurora Pack, the once strong and skillful bunch of werewolves." King Lionel was not finish with his instructions.

When Berrick growled in anger towards King Lionel.

"Don't be upset with me! It wasn't I who caused their death. If it wasn't for Viktor. The one you considered as a best friend, betrayed you!"

"What do you mean?" Berrick demanded for an answer.

"You see! I am not completely at fault here. I never intended for your mate to die. You were the only one I needed from your wolf pack. Viktor, your former best friend, divulged your location to me. Knowing that I am in search for you. Though, his true motive was to kill your daughter. Since I did not care what would happen to your daughter or your family for that matter. He actually ordered his assassins that night to wreak havoc along with my attempt to get you."

King Lionel continued to reveal,

"It was him who killed the entire wolf pack of your wife. They were supposed to reinforce you and your family but Viktor already expected this that is why he ordered for the assassination and complete annihilation of your wife's wolf pack. Sadly, no one survived!" 

Berrick was fuming in anger upon hearing the revelation of his grandfather.

"If you will really look at it. My hands are clean. Viktor was really the one who is at fault here. Not me!"

"Where is Viktor? Lead me to him and I will kill him …" Berrick demanded for Viktor's location.

"No need! Viktor is gone after the war of werewolves! But I can help you ruin his own remaining legacy. His son is the current Alpha King of the kingdom. And his children are living comfortably in the royal palace." King Lionel interjected.

And furthered, "Just like their father, they mistreated your son badly! Before I found Lucas, your son had a vendetta in taking them all down. Unfortunately, he failed. I saved him before they got to kill him too."

Hearing all these things made Berrick clouded with anger.

"So you want me to go against them? Through re-establishing my wolf pack, you want to use me against the current Alpha King?" Berrick directly told King Lionel.

"Yes, exactly!" the king of vampire confirmed Berrick's query.

"Then fine by me! I will do it with all my might." Berrick replied with full of conviction.

The king of vampires looked at his grandson with full of hope.

His hopes for his schemes to come finally in fruition.

'Let my domination begin!' King Lionel thought to himself as he basked at the moment of having his grandson follow through to his plans.


On the other hand, back in the hospital where Elle makes a final attempt.

An attempt to stir Freddie to other path.

Away from the dark path which he was forging for himself.

"I am leaving this to you. I can't handle stupid bitches like her!" Tess surrendered at the words of Elle.

Giving Ben the full control of the situation.

She was not used to being told by someone else regarding what is the right and wrong thing to do.

"I am sorry for that. Tess is just stressed out." Ben apologized in behalf of Tess.

Elle did not mind at how Tess behaved towards her.

Her focus was mainly on Freddie.

"This is your last chance Freddie. You know what I can do and my visions are. And I see in whatever path you take ..."

She continued,

"You will never have the one you love. No matter what you do, she is still meant for someone and that is her destined fate to be with him. Despite against all odds, she will be with him! So you must decide now … whether you want her to hate you forever or remain by your side as her trusted close friend. It is up to you now. Do the right thing or lose everything that you love."

She gave her final words to him.

"Your choice … Your fate!" 



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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