The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 356 - Extraction Mission (Part III)

[-In the Metro Hospital-]

Freddie remembered all the moments he had with Selene.

Since the day they first met as young teens.

Seeing her drunk and beaten up from the fight she just had with some strangers in a bar.

Covered in blood and her silver platinum hair glided along with the breeze of the wind.

As if things were in slow motion while he laid his eyes for the first time on such beauty.

Despite how wounded and broken Selene was at that time, he was captivated by Selene's breathtaking beauty.

From their first introductions to their first mission together as mercenaries.

Working together with her.

Even though he never planned to work with anyone else because they were rogue werewolves.

Teamwork is something rogue werewolves are not good at.

Somehow, Selene made it possible for him and his younger brother to be at ease with her.

Until she found her mate which was Prince Alcyd.

One of his biggest regret was stealing the royal pendant which led Prince Alcyd to find Selene.

"Selene always gets hurt when she is around that … self-entitled werewolf! That arrogant bastard! He doesn't know how to take care of her. He had his chance … and he blew it! This is my chance now." Freddie emotionally reason out with Elle. 

Tears fell from his eyes as he desperately wished for a chance for him and Selene.

Though, deep inside he also knew the things Elle just mentioned to him.

"Freddie … they are not yet over. Both of them are still going through a lot of things which they are being tested at. Growing … separately! But they are still meant for each other. More trials and sufferings awaits for the two of them. In the end, it is up to them if they will be able to hang on to each other and survive all of this. Unfortunately, you will never own something that you never had the right to have in the first place." Elle shared the things she saw when she touched Malia.

Freddie understood it all but he kept refusing to give up his desire for Selene.

"WHY CAN'T I HAVE HER?!? If I can offer her something better." Freddie wanted to soeak further but Elle revealed something he did not expect.

"She will meet her demise if you keep pursuing her. And the cycle of the next supreme rulers will stop with her. As I said … you will lose all those special to you if you keep being selfish and still want to pursue her." Elle revealed.

She continued,

"You will cause the demise of your loved ones if you choose the dark path. Your friends … your brother … and the woman you love. Will all perish!" 

"Bullshit! That's not true!" Freddie yelled at Elle.

Refusing to believe her.

Then Elle grabbed Freddie's hand and showed him the vision of everyone's death because of the chaos he created.

He saw the vision which Elle saw, the death and bloody corpse of his brother. Including Selene's.

After seeing the glimpse of the death of all his loved ones. From his friends to his brother and to Selene.

Shocked …

Speechless …

Despair suddenly invaded his senses.

Crying his lungs out for finally realizing that he will not be able to earn the heart and affection of the woman he loves.

Because even she lost her memories, there was only one man she kept remembering … no other than her mate, Alcyd.

And it was him who deprived her the chance to be reunited with him.

"Oh, God! What have I done? I even caused someone to get hurt because of my selfishness!" Freddie accepted the bad things he has done.

Having remorse and regret for his evil deeds.

"You can repent through telling Malia the truth. Once she returns, you tell her everything and the fragments of her memories. Help her piece it all together." Elle advised Freddie.

Ben was also in complete disbelief that Elle managed to pull off such drastic change within Freddie.

Though, he is confused with the cryptic words regarding chaos and death of those special to Freddie.

Many things he wanted some answers but Elle made a last request.

"Ben kindly tell Tess to wear this for me. My token for her help and I think we can return now to the penthouse of Melody." Elle suggested to the hunter.

Immediately Ben complied with the suggestion of Elle.

And the seer looked satisfied at what she accomplished.


Meanwhile … 

On the rooftop of the closest building near to the metro hospital where Elle was admitted.

Chloe and her team were one step closer in finding Freddie.

In Chloe's team were, 

{– Georgie – Scarlett – Lance – Oliver – & Prince Ivan –}

Prince Ivan insisted to come along with Chloe's team since he is the one who is most familiar in the city of humans.

He could also identify those hunters surrounding Selene.

"Georgie do your job!" Chloe did not waste any time and went immediately to their mission after her team got out completely.

The rogue werewolf nodded and focused in tracing his older brother's scent.

"He is on mobile! And he is not alone." Georgie informed Chloe.

Telling their current captain of the extraction mission about his findings.

And Prince Ivan was familiar with the route which Georgie just mentioned.

Telling Chloe the other route to possibly block his path which they could possibly corner their main objective.

"Okay then! Georgie, lead the others towards Freddie and grab him quickly. Prince Ivan and I will use another path to block his escape route. Make sure no one gets hurt in the process. We cannot alarm any hunters with our mission." Chloe reminded everyone.

"Before you go, let me cloak your visibility because it may cause worry and gather attention from the humans." Chloe suggested to cloak their presence with her magic spells.

"Just in case Freddie retaliates? Can we take him down with force?" Lance pointed out.

Scarlett nudged Lance for being insensitive around Georgie.

"Can you be a bit empathetic or sensitive with Georgie's feelings?" Scarlett reprimanded her mate.

"Nah, it is okay! As long as you don't kill him. I am okay with the use of force just in case he retaliates." Georgie gave a go-sign for Lance and the others to use force on his older brother.

"See! There's nothing wrong with it!" Lance retorted to his mate.

"Both of you, just dial it down." Oliver stepped in between the two mates.

He continued,

"Let's shift to our wolf forms now." Oliver told Lance and the others that were supposed to chase Freddie.

"Look the other way around so you won't see my mate's naked body when she shifts." Lance was acting possessive around Scarlett.

Scarlett had enough with the possessive attitude of Lance.

Without his approval or signal, she shifted right and there.

Unbothered with what the others saw.

"Are you kidding me, Scarlett? How could you be so careless? Letting others take a glimpse on your private parts?" Lance kept nagging Scarlett even in her wolf form.

A loud growl prompted Scarlett's agitation towards Lance.

"Lance, that's enough! You are annoying Scarlett now and we need to finish this mission as soon as possible." Chloe reiterated the importance of completing this mission as fast as they could.

"Fine!" Lance sighed in surrender.

As he was joined by Oliver and Georgie after shifting into their wolf forms.

Right after they shifted into their wolf forms, Chloe gestured for them to wait before leaving.

"Wait! Let me cloak your entire visibility and presence so that we could move and chase Freddie without worrying for the curious eyes of the humans. Moving freely around the city would help a lot. So stand your ground as I perform the spell on all of you." Chloe prepared everyone for her cloaking spell.

A difficult spell to perform especially using a separate route from them.

"Okay, Go!" Chloe signaled.

Instantly, Georgie leaped forward while the other three werewolves were just right behind him.

People were wondering with the sudden disturbances and strong wind around the streets.

A bald old guy catching his fat from being blown away…

Some girl covering her skirt from revealing itself due to the strong wind …

Passenger from a taxi dropping her things from her hands because of the sudden bump …

Strange things were occurring due to the sprinting of the werewolves in their chase for Freddie.

Moments after trying to catch up with the older brother of Georgie.

They reached a closed amusement park with no people around.

Chloe and Prince Ivan successfully blocked the other path.

Realizing who they were chasing.

"Wait, you are not Freddie!" Chloe uttered as was riding on top of Prince Ivan's wolf form.

They may be invisible towards the humans' eyes but somehow this individual could see them.

"How could you see us despite my cloaking spell?" Chloe issued a question.

Then a long whip was released by the huntress while getting off from her motorcycle.

Other hunters got off from their own motorcycle as well.

"What do we have here? A witch and some bunch of werewolves!" Tess confidently remarked.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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