The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 374 - Fourth Darkening (Part V)

Due to the sudden arrival of the queen of fairies.

Magenta and Booth must hurry in leaving the kingdom before it is too late.

Once they are caught by the queen, if she finds out that Magenta allowed a human to enter their kingdom … Magenta will be imprisoned for her defiance and Booth will never be allowed to leave.

Punishments of Queen Venus were usually feared by everyone. She does not hold back with the punishments.

No reconsiderations or leniency.

An absolute accordance to the fairy law.

One of Princess Pearl's maidens arrived with a report.

"Princess! The queen is on her way to see you. There are things she wants to discuss with you."

Wings flapping while giving her report to the princess.

"This is bad! You both need to hurry." Princess Pearl expressed her worry for the two.

"We will not make it to the forest even if we rush our way there. Our sister will definitely catch us before I could even open the portal with my key." Magenta was more worried than her older sister.

Booth was also worried for the fourth darkening of Malia. His mind was more focused in how he could successfully pull off his mission without killing Malia.

Since he has to save her from her fourth darkening.

"Stop day dreaming! We have to go now!" Magenta informed Booth.

They followed Princess Pearl on their way to the magical water of the enchanted falls.

Guarded by the powerful fairy.

"How are we going to escape from the queen fairy?" Booth wondered.

"I will be using my own key so you can travel safely." Princess Pearl told the hunter.

"You have your own key too? Is it even safe for us to use the portal which you will open?" a worried tone coming from Booth.

Princess Pearl immediately tried to reassure Booth about the safe passage of the portal she was about to open.

"Have a faith in my sister! Not all supernatural creatures are that bad …" Magenta convincing Booth to have faith in her fairy sister.

Opening the portal.

Using her own key for the portal.

Chanting the sacred incantation for the opening of portal which can only be opened through the magical keys assigned to the royal fairy sisters.

A strong wind surrounded the waters of the enchanted falls.

And a bright light suddenly appeared from the waters.

Other fairies were alarmed from the attempt of the princess.

"Will you be alright, sister? I do not want you to get punished for my actions." Magenta conveyed her concern for her sister.

"You do not have to worry! I will not be betrayed by my followers. Those creatures and fairies that reside here are all loyal to me. They would not want to see me get harmed. But I cannot promise they would be loyal to you which makes it more crucial for both of you to leave now. Before things go out of hand." Princess Pearl reassured her younger sister.

Magenta nodded to her older sister.

"Okay then, we have to go now!" Magenta grabbed Booth's hand and flew towards the portal.

"May the fairy fortune be with you!" Princess Pearl casted her prayer and wishes for her younger sister.

After entering the portal, things went back to the way it was.

Immediately, the princess closed the portal and recomposed herself.

Allies and followers of Princess Pearl promised to keep what transpired in her territory.

Right after Magenta and Booth left. She returned to her usual spot and checked the waters of the small magical pond to how they transported through her summoned portal.

Each portal has its own passage way of transportation.

"I hope they won't get lost in their way. The map I have given them would be sufficient enough for their travel. And Magenta has a good sense of direction." Princess Pearl uttered.

On the other hand, as time passed by.

Queen Venus announced her arrival.

Others discreetly avoided the queen to prevent any unnecessary actions that may reveal the sudden visit of Magenta.

Mostly, it was because of their nervousness.

No one wanted to look obviously guilty in front of their fairy queen.

Walking with such grace and fierceness, Queen Venus scanned the area for any unusual activity around the enchanted falls.

"How may I help our queen? What honor it is for me to deserve such visit, sister?" Princess Pearl was naturally calm and poised.

"Something took place here … Did you have any visitors, sister?" Queen Venus curiously asked. 

She was exuding with regality and grace.

"Only my maidens and some friends appeared in the enchanted falls." Princess Pearl responded.

Then, she continued in her attempt to change the topic and divert the attention of the fairy queen to something else.

"Did you immediately made your way to see me after using your own key?" 

"Yes … I don't understand why I would have to be chosen from guarding the portal located on the top of the high mountains of -Ever Garden- which is unbelievably tiring." 

Queen Venus whined subtly to her younger sister.

"How was your meeting with the members of the Altum Council?" Princess Pearl furthered her attempt in diverting the attention of Queen Venus from her initial suspicions.

"It was eventful and stressful at the same time!"

Unfortunately for Princess Pearl, the queen of fairies was convinced that there was someone who visited the fairy and she used the portal not too long ago.

The air felt different and the energy force from the portal was still vibrant for the queen of fairies.

"Why would it be stressful, sister?" Princess Pearl furthered.

Queen Venus was completely graceful.

Keeping herself calm despite her suspicions.

"Though, the question should be … why would you use the portal, for what reason? Who did you give permission to pass through?" Queen Venus directly confronted Princess Pearl for her actions.

The fairy queen continued,

"I know the Great Oracle messaged you and Magenta as well for his request but I was clear with my instruction and orders. WE WILL NOT … comply for his request. My beloved and your first supreme ruler died without any warning from the Great Oracle. And he expected us to cooperate with his requests? So, sister … why would you disobey my … order?" 

Realizing that the queen knows already.

It was pointless for her to keep the charades or pretend from not knowing.

Maybe it was better to become honest with it.

"Sister … the next chosen one will wreak havoc and will bring darkness if we do not help …" before she could even finish her sentence, Queen Venus stood with a hint of agitation.

Though, she remained collected and composed.

But her aura was filled with tension which Princess Pearl could sense.

"Don't you think meddling with such trifling matters that does not involve us will continuously put this kingdom at risk? Haven't you learned from Titania's and my mistake?" Queen Venus reminded her younger sister.

"Sister … I think …" 

"Shh-- You have violated the fairy law. I am stripping you off from your role as a guardian of the portal and bearer of the key." Queen Venus announced.

By force, the key hanging from Princess Pearl's neck was swiftly confiscated by the fairy queen.

"Sister, our late queen mother entrusted me with that key!" Princess Pearl exclaimed to her eldest sister.

"Based on the power vested in me as the queen of fairies and the authority I was given. I revoke your responsibility as a guardian and bearer of the mythical key to the Ever Garden." Queen Venus declared calmly and ruthlessly.

Others gasped in shock at what just happened.

"Apprehend my sister!" Queen Venus instructed her fairy knights.

Tension …

And commotion took place amongst the followers between … Queen Venus and Princess Pearl.



[-In King Lionel's Castle-]

Berrick has already left for his mission.

Heading out to the werewolf kingdom.

One of the henchmen was tasked to come along with him as his guide and King Lionel's reassurance that Berrick would fulfill his duties.

Upon the departure of Berrick, the king of vampires thought that things were going perfectly as he wanted.

But …

Things were about to go more problematic for him.

While sitting on his throne proudly, his henchman rushed to their king and kneeled before reporting to their king.

"Your Highness, news from our western allies … the blood bank was emptied by a powerful dark witch."

All the vampires present in the throne room were shocked with the news.

"WHAAATTT?!?!?!" But the king of vampires was the most surprised amongst them.

Astonished …

And he stood due to his disbelief.

His entire forces guarding the western blood bank were all defeated.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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