The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 375 - Fourth Darkening (Part VI)

After reported to the king of vampires that his entire forces stationed at the western fortress of his territory were wiped out.

Everyone saw him outraged by the news.

"What happened? How did we lose the western fortress?" King Lionel demanded for answer.

The vampire was very nervous to report regarding what happened.

"Ummm … T-t-thhheee-ree was an unid-en-tified …" the vampire stammered in his fear of their king.

Ingrid noticed the frustration on their king and the fear on her fellow henchman.

Even though she belonged to the most elite group of vampires and ranked as highest amongst the henchmen, she was still considered as henchman.

Empathizing with her fellow henchman.

Just in case things go out of hand, things must be put into perspective.

"Dan, calm yourself before you speak. We cannot understand any of your words because of your stammering. The king will not punish you just for giving a report regarding what happened to the western fortress." Ingrid tried to cool the situation down.

Such report was too shocking for everyone. The western fortress was considered to be heavily guarded by many henchmen and fully weaponized structure for any infiltration attempts.

Never has it fallen in centuries since it was established by the king himself.

Thus, making it too shocking for any vampire to find out that the western fortress fell.

Especially … the king of vampires!

Waiting in anticipation in the full-report of the vampire.

Taking the advice of Ingrid.

Dan calmed down and reported to their king the full details.

After listening to Dan, King Lionel cut his head off.

Due to his untamable anger, King Lionel killed Dan.

Other members of the henchmen were not surprised at all because they knew their king too well.

But Ingrid felt bad for her fellow henchman.

Dan turned into ashes after his head rolled down the floor of the throne room of King Lionel.

"SOMEONE DARED TO ATTACK MY TERRITORY!!!" King Lionel was in great fury.

The other vampires lowered their gaze in fear of their king.

Only Ingrid had the courage to stare at their infuriated king.

"Issue an announcement to all kingdoms. From today forth, we will hunt witches and burn them alive. Any supernatural, leader, and monarch that would keep a witch under their roof will be inflicted by my wrath. My declaration will remain unless they will surrender the witch responsible for the attack." King Lionel declared.

All vampires bowed to their king in acknowledgement of his command.

He continued,

"While all of my henchmen will alarm all our allies and track down this insolent fool that attacked my western fortress. The nerve to ransack my entire blood bank and destroy my western fortress. That witch will pay!" 

"King Lionel, if you may?" despite Ingrid's dissatisfaction at their king's behavior.

She still showed respect and honor to their king.

And King Lionel gave Ingrid the permission to speak as he stood mightily.

"We must act efficiently and swiftly rather than impulsively. I understand the situation but we need to secure the provisions and supply of blood for you and our allies. We cannot afford any shortage because our enemies may take the opportunity to take us down. No matter how strong and powerful we are as a whole. The reality remains, without blood … we will not make it!" Ingrid shared her assessment regarding the current dilemma of their king.

Returning to his throne.

He slammed his fist to the arm of his throne.

"Curse that fiend! To have the courage to stand up against me. I must say! It really takes a lot of courage and foolishness to go against the king of vampires!"

Then he looked at Ingrid, contemplating on her words.

"You are right, Ingrid! Our focus must remain on preserving and securing our remaining provisions and supply of blood. We still have one more blood bank at the southern fortress. It may not be as massive like the blood bank in the western fortress. At least we can keep ourselves and our allies operating. Rather than crashing down completely."

Hanzo had a suspicion that it could be possibly Malia.

There would be no one else that has the power and ability to go against the legion of vampires.

Against the king of vampires and his entire forces.

Only Malia was the possible suspect in Hanzo's mind.

But he could not share his thoughts because it will only put Ingrid into a bad light.

Despite her closeness with King Lionel, once the king of vampires finds out the reason and who was responsible for it … Ingrid will definitely get punished instantly. 

No matter how close she is to the king.

"I am giving a direct command to Hanzo. Lead half of the henchmen and proceed to the southern fortress. Make sure our southern fortress won't fall. With you leading the group. While you Ingrid, head to the eastern fortress. Gather volunteers, as many as possible and train them. Secure enough resources as well and wait for my command." King Lionel gave his instructions.

Hesitations from Hanzo whether he would oppose to the command with Ingrid leading the training for the Eastern Fortress.

If he does, their king may become suspicious with his words.

Until he realized something better.

"King Lionel, if I may?" Hanzo raised his hand.

Attempting to suggest something to their king.

This made Ingrid nervous.

Due to the fact that Hanzo knew the truth behind her defiance.

For the first time in many years, Ingrid feared for her life in that moment.

Looking at Hanzo with her pleading expressions in her eyes.

"I think Petro must lead our forces in the Eastern Fortress." Hanzo suggested.

The king of vampires including the other henchmen became curious with the sudden suggestion of Hanzo.

"Why would that be, Hanzo? Are you not confident with Ingrid's capabilities?" King Lionel wondered.

"On the contrary, I am highly confident with her abilities and prowess in battle. This is the exact reason she must stay by your side with Antoin. We do not know when our enemies will attempt on your life, King Lionel! Remember, you will be mobilizing three-fourths of your main forces to secure your other fortresses. But we must remember to ensure your own safety as well. Only with Ingrid and Antoin, we can truly be sure of your protection." Hanzo explained sufficiently his own recommendation.

His words did not raise any suspicions at all regarding Ingrid because his reasoning were strategic and made sense.

But for Ingrid …

She understood completely the true intention of Hanzo.

Preventing Ingrid from getting further involved with Malia and her growing forces.

At the same time, keeping her at bay and closely monitored by the king himself.

For Hanzo, it will be too risky to place Ingrid in a crucial strategic location of King Lionel's territory and for her to play such an important role.

"Then, Petro it is then. Ingrid alongside with Antoin will lead my guards while Petro will be assigned to the Eastern Fortress. Everyone must start preparing!"

"As your command!" In unison, all vampires uttered.

'Nice move, Hanzo! You truly got me cornered now.' Ingrid glared at Hanzo seriously.

'This is the best I can do, Ingrid. To keep you safe and shackled at the same time.' Hanzo stared back at Ingrid.

A tension between the two, which only the two of them knows.



Malia and her forces returned to the northern fortress.

Everyone was still surprised at what Malia can do.

She single-handedly took down the Western Fortress of King Lionel.

Amelia and the rest were only on-standby while Malia did all the job in taking down every single vampire.

Witnessing what her powers can do.

Some may have admired her powers and fighting skills.

But Remy was mostly in shock and fear of Malia.

The Grand Vampire Elder grabbed Remy to the side and confronted her.

"Do not even think about flipping at this point, my dear! I won't be able to save if she tries to kill you. The smartest thing to do now is wait for the right time and go along with the tide. We have chosen this path now. There is no turning back for us!" Amelia tried to convince Remy.

"But … Grand Elder!" Remy wanted to complain and express her fears.

Suddenly, Malia appeared.

"Is everything alright here?" Malia asked while exuding with dark aura.

"Y-yes, of course! There is nothing to worry here. We were just talking about keeping our forces intact." Amelia reasoned out while holding Remy's hand tightly.

Remy remained silent and her gaze lowered.

Experiencing the earth-shattering and dark powers of Malia, it will be futile to go against her directly.

"Okay then! Gather the resources we stole. After all, we emptied King Lionel's blood bank. Now, we have a tempting offer to the other vampire covens."

Malia continued,

"Let the vampire wars begin!" Malia cheerfully uttered.

At the thought of instigating a war between vampires.



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