The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 378 - Alpha King's Inner Circle

Right after the departure of Lucas from the royal palace, 

Alpha King gathered his most trusted circle of supporters in his throne room.

The available -Golden Warriors- of the Alpha King:

Jackson – Jane – Galvin – Lance – Scarlett – Oliver –  Georgie

His Siblings:

Princess Shiveena and Prince Alarick.

The Grand White Witch and her circle which consist of Chloe and Susan.

All of them were present in the -Throne Room- for the special meeting for the most recent revelation regarding Selene and the issue which involves Laura.

Everyone was still in disbelief and shock regarding the news on Selene.

Chloe looked worried for her best friend.

"I just don't understand why we can't accompany Lucas. We can hide our presence. We have cloaking spell. More numbers means higher success rate. If only …" Chloe mumbled a lot of suggestions.

But Prince Alarick explained to his mate regarding the danger of trespassing on the territory of King Lionel.

The king of vampires made it clear to all creatures that whosoever would dare to trespass in his claimed territories dares will perish.

A risk that no one would dare.

Especially with the henchmen of King Lionel.

Such notoriety and reputation.

"Love, I hope you understand. We cannot afford to risk the lives of others at the expense of the safety of one. The life of one individual does not outweigh the life of many." 

"It's easy for you to say because Selene is not important to you. Unlike to those who truly cares for her."

Both mates argued at the corner.

Until someone faked a cough to get their attention.

"The Alpha King is about to start with his agenda for this special meeting. I think the two of you must stop arguing. Prince Alarick is right my dear! It's too dangerous to go deep in the territory of the king of vampires with his henchmen at bay. Our safest path is to trust in Lucas. And you do not have to worry, he is wearing a ring that will allow us to track him wherever he goes." Magdeline tried to calm his granddaughter.

"What if he removes it? What if he escapes and never come back with Selene?" Chloe mentioned all her doubts.

"A male werewolf such as Lucas, who has not completed his mating process will not risk the safety of his mate. Knowing we have his mate, he would not gamble the life of his mate for his selfishness. So, stop lashing out on your poor mate. He has done nothing wrong for you to lash out on him." Magdeline tried to make Chloe realize her own behavior towards Prince Alarick.

The older brother of King Alcyd smiled at Magdeline for trying to mediate between him and Chloe.

Chloe looked at Prince Alarick with an apologetic look on her eyes.

Though, she did not express any apology to him. Chloe just walked towards the Alpha King for the meeting to begin.

"Thank you, Magdeline! For making her understand …" Prince Alarick expressed his gratitude to Chloe's grandmother.

"It's okay! Just call me grannie …" Magdeline replied.

Another smile was shown by Prince Alarick because of the joy of having more people who cares for him.

King Alcyd scanned the throne room and saw some of siblings missing.

"Where is Ranku and Ivan?" King Alcyd was curious at the absence of his two younger brothers. "Have I not made it clear that everyone must be here?"

"Ivan is currently mediating Ranku and his mate." Princess Shiveena answered the query of their Alpha  King.

"Is there something wrong?" King Alcyd wondered.

Princess Shiveena looked around before responding to her older brother's concern.

"We will explain in private, your Highness! It seems to be inappropriate to discuss private royal matters in front of others."

The Alpha King understood the sensitivity of the issue which involves his younger brother and his Alpha mate.

"Fine then … I gathered you all here because as you know … Selene is alive! And according to this woman … Melody …" King Alcyd began.

"The president's daughter …" Chloe added. 

"Yes, the president of the Hunters Association found Selene. And according to his daughter, they found Selene with no memory of her past. So, we must prepare ourselves for her return. I don't want any of you mentioning about what happened while she was gone. Upon her return, I want all of you to mention that we grieved and kept living our lives while missing her. No mentions about Laura." King Alcyd was not able to finish his words when his older brother interjected.

The others wanted to speak out as well but had no courage to interrupt the speech of their Alpha King.

"Brother, I don't think that would be right at all. One way or another she would find out about what you did while she was gone. You will only put yourself in a worse position if she finds out the truth from someone else." Prince Alarick advised his younger brother.

"What do you want me to do then? Completely lose her once she finds out I …" fear and worry were apparent on King Alcyd's face.

"That you were unfaithful while she was gone …" Chloe uttered such direct and piercing words.

Prince Alarick gestured at his mate to keep her feisty words to herself.

"What Chloe is trying to say …"

"Stop beating around the bush. Let's be honest for once and for all. You have been fooling around with that Laura … and all the time you've been with her, you have been thinking of Selene? If only you focused on doing your part in making sure that she was still alive … we will not be in this position!" Chloe did not held back with her words.

Her mate, Prince Alarick held her hand to keep her quiet.

"Brother, I think your mate should know her place before speaking her mind. No matter what our brother did … he is still the Alpha King and you mate is being disrespectful right now." Princess Shiveena glared at Chloe for being too honest.

There was indeed tension in the room.

Others would not want to join the fray of banters.

"I completely understand your sentiments Chloe. But you have no idea what I went through. When I felt that lifting of our mate bond. The pain … the misery … the void inside! You don't know how it felt …"

King Alcyd continued, 

"Having to lose the half of the reason of your being! I had to …" 

"Find somebody else and …"

"Chloe!" Magdeline reprimanded her granddaughter for going beyond her limit.

A strict persona and seriousness was painted all over Magdeline's face.

She thought of something to divert the tension and put the agenda back on track.

"We apologize, your Highness! For the immature behavior of my granddaughter. Her rationality is clouded by her emotions … just like the others. Though, I think there is a more important reason why you have gathered us all here. Including the witches …" 

The others realized the point of Magdeline's words.

There was a momentary pause from the Alpha King.

Finding the right words to say before he reveal to others.

"I want to seek assistance from the witches in dealing with Laura." King Alcyd pointed out to Magdeline.

"Why would you need the help of the witches, Alcyd?" Prince Alarick wondered.

"Laura is pregnant …" King Alcyd finally revealed.

Others were shocked at the news.

Now, Selene is alive. How will things go with a child involved?

"And you are the father?" Prince Alarick wanted to confirm the obvious.

But Chloe became more agitated towards the Alpha King.

"When your actions do not meet with your words. Claiming you love Selene but you would do this to her. No wonder Lucas does not want Selene to be with you at all." Chloe kept conveying her thoughts towards the mate of her best friend.

"Why would you need our help? I think you are the most qualified to handle the situation." Magdeline kept her calm despite the shocking news about Laura's pregnancy.

"I want you to put her to sleep like how you handled the pregnancy of Mia. I heard how you kept her stable despite her resistance."

"Brother … why would you need to do that?" Prince Alarick was confused with King Alcyd's concern.

"Laura demanded an early wedding but I refused to act upon it. Using our unborn child as leverage for her demands." 

Everyone was astonished at the revelation of King Alcyd.

"So can you help me with it?" 

Chloe was disgusted with King Alcyd.

She left unexcused and walked away from the meeting.

Following her was Scarlett and Georgie.

Lance hesitated at first but he eventually followed his mate.

The Alpha King could not force others to stay.

It was understandable that others would react the way they were reacting at the moment.

"Brother … we cannot jump into actions that may put the entire kingdom in turmoil. Laura holds half of the influence in the royal court. Having such influence and involving a possible heir to the throne. This is a sensitive matter that once we mismanage this. Stability in the royal court and your position will be at stake here." Prince Alarick advised his younger brother.

"The werewolf kingdom will fall once it goes into another war. The legion of vampires will take advantage of this situation if there would be another war between werewolves." Magdeline added to the advice of Prince Alarick.

"Are you saying, I should marry her?" King Alcyd exclaimed in anger.



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