The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 379 - Malia's Rescue Team

Ever since the disappearance of Melody and the supposed raid of the hunters to the territory of King Lionel,

Ben took charge on the penthouse and became more worried regarding the lack of communication from Malia and the daughter of their president.

Waiting for any news was like a nightmare for Ben.

He was evidently stressed and bothered.

Unlike Elle, who was clearly calm and unbothered.

Drinking her hot tea.

"How are you Ben? You look so stressed and tired." Elle shared her observation.

A clear dark circle could be seen around the eyes of Ben.

"Who would not be stressed with the things going on? It's easy for you to relax and look complacent because you are not the one tasked to look after the president's daughter." Ben complained.

He continued complaining,

"Are you sure, Elle? Will Melody be alright at the hands of that … freak?" 

"You mean … Lucas?"

Having another sip before continuing in her words.

"I am telling you. There is nothing to worry about! She will be alright. The one we should be worrying about is Malia." Elle told Ben.

"What do you mean … worry about Malia? Compared to Melody, Malia can look after herself. I am more worried for Melody because President Tony will kill me if something happens to her. Every time her father calls, I don't know if my lies would have worked." Ben kept whining.

Freddie joined the two.

Just like Ben, he was also evidently stressed about something.

"If I were you, Freddie … stop thinking about what if's and just straighten things out already. Delaying it further would only worsen your worries. Remember, it's not too late to rectify your mistakes if you really intend to redeem yourself. An opportunity will knock for you so I hope you will not pass on it." Elle advised Freddie.

"What opportunity?" Freddie wondered.

Elle kept herself busy with her hot tea.

Suddenly the sound of elevator opening was heard, which indicates someone's arrival.

And the voice of Booth was heard.

"Ben? Ben? Where are you Ben?" Booth calling upon the hunter.

"That's the opportunity which I was talking about!" Elle's response to the confusion of Freddie.

Immediately, Ben went to check on Booth's arrival.

Along with Freddie.

Curious to why Booth was alone and he returned unannounced.

"Buddy! What happened? Where is Malia? Why there is no update regarding the raid? The headquarters are in disarray due to the lack of communication. Since you left, no hunters have reported back to the headquarters. Everyone is worried …" Ben stopped in the middle of his statement.

Seeing Booth's expression …

It could already tell how the raid concluded.

Even Freddie assumed the worst due to the expression of Booth.

"Where is Selene? Why are you not with her?" Freddie demanded some answers.

Behind Booth was Magenta.

No humans could see a fairy, unless the fairy permits or unveils their own cloaking enchantment.

Magenta casted an enchantment which allows Booth to see her while other humans could not.

"Why not tell them already?" Magenta suggested to Booth.

"I don't where to start. And what should I …" Booth argued with Magenta.

Ben was confused with the actions of Booth.

Talking to someone but there was no one behind him.

Except for Elle and Freddie, they could sense the presence of Magenta.

Freddie's strong sense of smell and Elle's powerful eyes.

They know there is someone behind Booth despite her attempts to conceal her presence.

Fairies have a strict policy on no exposure to any humans in their territory especially to hunters.

"We lost the raid. And we have to rescue Malia. I just went here to confirm if Melody is not here and to check on something with the seer." Booth informed Ben.

Ben was surprised and shocked to hear that Malia failed in their raid.

It was the first time to hear Malia failed in hunting.

Her record was flawless in terms of raiding.

"I-Imppossibleee … How can that happen? She never fails!" Ben stammered in his words.

He was in shock upon hearing regarding the failure of the raid.

"You are here to confirm the aid of the fairies? They have shown you a lot and you still doubt them? You think there is another way?" Elle interjected.

"Yes, I was hoping there could be." Booth hoped for another way.

Magenta was annoyed to hear that Booth would doubt her sister's words.

"How dare you doubt my sister?!?! Now human … are you satisfied with the words of a seer." Magenta expressed her agitation.

Clenching his fist at the realization that there is no other way but the one recommended and advised by Princess Pearl.

Turning his back, planning to proceed on their initial plan with Magenta.

"Wait! Are you planning to rescue Selene?" Freddie exclaimed.

"You mean … Malia?" Booth clarified.


"Why do you ask?" Booth conveyed his query.

"Don't tell me … this wolf wants to join the rescue mission." Magenta rolled her eyes at the thought of Freddie joining them.

"Let me join you. It will be easier for you to track her down if you have a werewolf with you." Freddie volunteered.

Out of nowhere, Lucas revealed his presence.

"Good thing I came here to check on the seer!" Lucas remarked.

"Lucas?!?!" Freddie was surprised to find out the arrival of Lucas as well.

"Wait! Since when did you …" Ben wanted to ask Lucas for his undetected entry in the penthouse.

"What do you expect from a weakling guarding the rooftop? Having only one hunter on the rooftop is a suicidal task for any hunter." Lucas pointed out.

Ingrid appeared right beside Lucas.

"Will you tell me why are we here again? Wasting precious time instead of stopping your sister." Ingrid nonchalantly spoke her mind.

A sudden tension between Ingrid and Magenta.

As soon as they locked eye contact, 

They were about to engage into a sudden battle.

Fortunately, Lucas and Booth stopped the two from engaging into a battle.

"Don't even think about causing a scene here. It will alarm other hunters if a battle take place in a hunter's turf. After all, this is a hunter's turf." Lucas warned Ingrid.

"Magenta, those vampires are not ordinary vampires. My anti-magic weapon is warning me about their presence. There are many humans around this building. I won't permit any casualties of any innocent ones." Booth shared to Magenta his own assessment.

Both sides were triggered from each other's presence.

Ben was confused at what was happening.

Only Ben was unaware with the presence of the fairy.

There was a friction between the vampire and the fairy.

Because of their past encounter.

Among all fairies, Magenta seems to be the one with a lot of experience against the vampires.

"I guess the two essential parts of rescuing the next supreme ruler are here." Elle declared.

"What do you mean with two essential parts?" Lucas was curious.

Jumping from the top floor and swiftly sitting on the couch.

Followed by Ingrid who casually sat at his side.

They moved in a blink of an eye.

"Having the knowledge in locating your sister and the weapon that can extinguish her current plight." Elle immediately looked at Booth when she referred to the weapon.

A weapon that would extinguish Malia's current darkness.

"What? There is such a weapon?" Ingrid was amused at the mention of a weapon which can defeat the sister of Lucas.

"Extinguish means return her to normal. Not kill her?" Lucas sought for clarification.

Because for him, extinguish can also mean terminate one's life.

"Of course, not to kill …" Elle clarified.

"Where is this weapon? Can you show us?" Lucas demanded for the weapon to be shown.

"There is no time! The longer Malia stays in her dark form … the darker she gets. Her soul becomes more attached to the dark power, the longer she clings to it." Booth elaborated his worry and concern.

"What?!?" Lucas stood in his worry.

"I guess the hunter is aware of the darkness. Which the supreme ruler is cursed with." Elle became serious upon hearing the worry of Booth.

She continued when Lucas turned his gaze on her.

"When she saved you from your own darkness. There are consequences in one's action." 

At that point, Lucas understood exactly what Elle was talking about.

"You mean I am the cause of this?" Lucas asked Elle.

But silence was the seer's reply.

Signifying the answer behind the question of Lucas.

In his disbelief, Lucas was suddenly reminded with the words of Chloe.

'Am I really the one causing misery and pain to my sister?' Lucas started to contemplate on how he affects the life of his sister.



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