The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 39 - Interest In Being Allies

In a ruins far away from the Royal Palace, there lies a huge abandoned castle with feral werewolves scattered all over the lands.

There lies the territory of the Rogue Werewolves who swore to take down the Kingdom ruled by the King of all Alpha Werewolves, King Viktor.

Many of the members of this growing population of Rogue Werewolves were victims of the Alpha King Viktor from his secret terror. Mostly, were survivors from King Viktor's relentless and merciless mass killings.

Lucas who is one of the Generals of King Lucius, has returned to the castle of King Lucius. He is escorting a mysterious woman covered with golden mask and enchanted glittering emerald coat.

King Lucius and his other officers started to become curious with why Lucas came back early and escorting a mysterious woman.

"Looks like our mighty Lucas brought a guest with him, which he should have informed me before hand." King Lucius announces to everyone.

The presence of the mysterious woman radiates her entire surrounding. Everything looking gloomy and dark while in contrast with her presence which illuminates with light and glow.

Their mysterious unexpected guest is walking so much grace and unfazed from the presence of the brute, riley and boorish individuals around.

"Forgive me Lucius if I have not informed you before we escorted our guest. Though, I believe that it is something urgent that needs swift action. So, I have decided not delay it any further."

Lucas explained to King Lucius.

"Is that so?" King Lucius expressed his curiosity.

"Yes, according to our guest…" Lucas tried to explain but he was interrupted.

"I want to express my interest in being allies with the King of the Rogue Werewolves." confidently and calmly conveyed by the mysterious guest of King Lucius.


Selene is in deep thought about the revelation that a former employer is now her professor at the Golden Moon Academy.

While Selene is lost in her own thought, every student is amused with the new set-up of the canteen that there is no more exclusive spot for senior students.

Meaning, every table in the canteen is non-exclusive to any student. There are at least 2 warriors assigned now in the canteen to make sure that there are no violence nor trouble will occur.

Any involved individuals in any form of violence will be reprimanded and sent immediately to the principal's office.

Students who are sitting at a table from distance, comprised of students either who are children or related to or who are submitted rogue werewolves. They are positively surprised that a certain policy has been made in the prevention of any violence or bullying in the academy.

Most of the students consider it as a remarkable and peaceful new policy while some of the upperclassmen think it is an absurd policy but they could not do anything about it since they fear to challenge the authority of the Executive Officers who are currently in charge in behalf of the Alpha Prince.

"Selene, what are you thinking? Why are you staring at the oblivion?" Georgie asked Selene.

"Oh, I am sorry there is something I remembered and we can talk about it some other time when there are no students trying to eaves drop on us by using the ability,

<<< _Hyper Sensory_ >>

"Because clearly some students could not just mind their own business." blatantly aired out by Selene.

Every students near their table and those who are sitting on the other side using their abilities to eavesdrop went immediately back to their own personal matters.

Chloe giggled seeing the new found popularity of Selene since she garnered so much attention already.

Then Lance, the younger brother of Caleb, approached Georgie with his friends. Freddie wanted to stand in defense for Georgie but before he was able to do it, Selene gestured with her hand to signal Freddie not to make any scene and remain to his seat.

So, he remained sitting while watching Lance and his buddies carefully just in case they do something again.

"Ummm, hey dude! I know I acted really childish and rude last time. I sincerely apologize for it."

Other friends of Lance are feeling uncomfortable in apologizing to Georgie but Lance got them all beaten down secretly just to follow his lead.

"Yeah! We sincerely apologize too." others said in unison.

All the students, including Selene and her friends are all surprised that the red-haired boy is apologizing for real.

"Sure. It's okay! I am glad all of you apologized. You may join us then if you want." Georgie innocently and gleefully replied.

Lance and his buddies are surprised with the quick and easy acceptance of Georgie because they expected for Georgie to get back at them. They are more scared actually with Selene since they have witness how scary she can get but the display of forgiving nature of Georgie was a surprise to them as well.

"Thanks! So, we will join you guys then." Lance started pointing to his other buddies to get their own chairs so they could join the round table of Selene.

Though, he shamelessly just took a seat and went ahead in between Selene and Georgie.

Chloe moved her steel chair aside to give more room for Lance who is clearly trying to be close with Selene. She also made a silent teasing towards Selene.

"Told you so…" A meaningful tease she whispered in the air while moving her steel chair.

It was known to Chloe that her whisper will be heard by Selene since she knows that Selene has heightened hearing abilities.

In response to Selene, she kicked Chloe's leg slightly as she also moves because Lance is being too close to her.

'Ooof ! Girl I will kill this red-haired boy if he tries to go closer to us again. Good decision there to move a bit so we could have a bit space. Why don't you just tell this red-haired that we have a mate already.' Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, appeared suddenly in Selene's mind.

Selene immediately pushed her spirit wolf down deep in her mind.

When Selene thought she will not get more surprised.

One of the spectators who was also surprised by what was happening once again in Selene's table approached Selene.

"Hi! By the way, I am Scarlett!" the pretty blonde classmate of Selene confidently approached her.

"Ya, Hi! How may I help you?" asked by Selene.

"I just want to say that I am the one Commander Caleb assigned with you for the orphanage task every weekend." informed by Scarlett and then she handed out to Selene a piece of pink scented paper, "That is my number and my address just in case you want to prepare beforehand."

"Oh sure, Thanks! Do you want to join us too?" Selene courteously invited Scarlett.

Scarlett started taking a vacant steel chair from the other table. She sat in between Lance and Selene. Lance clearly did not like Scarlett ruining his moment being near to Selene.

"Ms. Popular…" silently whispered by Chloe trying to tease Selene. While Selene replied by kicking her feet lightly. "OW! Ms. Violent too."

Selene and Chloe smiled at each other for their funny banters.

Then, there it was, a view that Selene did not expect.

A growing circle of allies…


In a very cold and dark dungeon, there is a man chained, wounded and weakened.

"Let me ask you this again,

Oh, Great Oracle!

Are you still not interested in being allies with me?" King Viktor asked with an evil expression on his face.

While the Great Oracle replied softly and unwaveringly,

"Still a no... I have no interest in being allies with someone as evil as you…"

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