When Selene was trying her best how to find a way in confronting Professor Cali about his hidden background about being a mercenary employer, Chloe suddenly broke her train of thought.

"Hey! Getting the attention of our platinum haired bad ass friend. Yoo-hoo Selene!" Chloe animatedly trying to get the attention of Selene using a paper-cone as a megaphone.

"You know, you are so silly! I thought there will be no one who will beat Georgie in the silliness department. Looks like I am very wrong! You can take the top spot of the silliness department."

Selene teasing her cherry-haired friend, Chloe.

Before Freddie could even laugh at Chloe, their chemistry professor started calling names that will be partners in the chemistry laboratory class for the entire year.

"…Next, we have Selene and Chloe!" The professor announced.

"Yes! You are stuck with me girl." Chloe telling Selene in a cheerful manner.

While Selene just rolled her eyes at Chloe. "Ouch! Girl, that hurts." Chloe over reacting beside Selene.

"Lastly, we have Scarlett and Freddie!" The final announcement of their professor.

Freddie seems to be unsatisfied to be partnered with Scarlett. Even, Scarlett is not happy about it.

"Hey! Red hair!" Freddie trying to get Chloe's attention.

"What?" Retorted by Chloe.

"Let's switch! I do not want to be stuck with –blondie–! Come on, let's switch!"

"Nah-ah! Your loss, my luck! Enjoy with …" Chloe's eyes pointing at Scarlett while teasing Freddie.

"You supposed to be nice, what happened to you?" Teased back by Freddie towards Chloe.

While Chloe and Freddie preoccupied with teasing at each other, Scarlett approached Selene before going to Freddie's side.

"Are you ready for tonight's Patrol Task? I heard you were assigned as the vice-captain for the Patrol Squad tonight." Scarlett curiously asking Selene.


After Lucas escorted their mysterious guest to King Lucius, the newly declared King of the Rogue Werewolves, he immediately went back with the other rogue warriors to the wolf packs that were destroyed by King Viktor's secret assassins.

Together with the other rogue warriors, all of them are in their wolf form.

All of them are sprinting territory per territory. They try to avoid any wolf pack territory along their way to the destroyed wolf packs due to unwanted confrontation or unnecessary battle.

Especially all of them are more focused on finding any survivors from the attacked wolf packs.

Each of them is determined to find even a single survivor.

While Lucas and the rest are sprinting, Lucas remembers the night of terror that unfolded right after the birth of his younger sister, Selene.

The memory and flashback of the screams and the burning village is so vividly fresh in his mind. It is as if it happened yesterday.

Then Lucas started remembering Selene and the promise he had with his father.

A memory that Lucas never thought would remind him of his responsibility and promise from his father. He was so driven from his revenge and hatred towards King Viktor that he forgot he had a promise with his father.

Lucas suddenly stopped on his tracks and the other warriors were surprised with his sudden respite, they wondered why Lucas suddenly stopped and became intense. They looked at each other trying to see if who can check Lucas but before they could do so, Lucas began to sprint again but now faster and more intense which is clear that something is bothering him.

A thought that no one knew but only Lucas…

'I will take a visit on you soon, Selene! I am hoping Laquisha and the Midnight Pack took care of you. For their own sake, they better look after you.'

Intense anticipation has now been set forth.


(In the Armory of the mansion of Prince Alcyd)

Caleb, the commander of the warriors of Golden Moon Pack, assigned Selene to be part of the squad that will patrol around the borders of the Golden Moon Pack.

There are four squads on shifts that are tasked every day to patrol around the borders of the Golden Moon Pack. Every squad is assigned to a different location and simultaneously, these four squads have to follow a routine and clockwise route along the border to ensure every corner of the border is being carefully watched.

This is one of the many reasons that the Golden Moon Pack is considered as among the top 3 strongest wolf pack in the entire world. The defense and strength in totality are impeccable compared to the other wolf packs.

"Okay! So for those who are assigned on the route that will cover the borders within the forest area, you have to be in your wolf form. While those who are in the route that will only be within the road map, you can use the armored jeep. Carry some weapons of your own choice of specialty with you." Commanded by Caleb towards the warriors assigned for patrol.

"Yes Sir!" replied by everyone except Selene.

Selene is assigned to the Forest route which requires her to shift.

One thing that everyone doesn't know yet, is that Selene has not shifted yet. So, aside from the truth about Fluffy, she wants to keep her unusual condition to anybody.

It is unusual that a werewolf in her age has not yet shifted in their wolf form. A fear of garnering such so much attention and curiosity, Selene tries to hide an important fact of her condition.

"Can I be assigned to a different route?" raised by Selene towards Caleb.

Everyone is already in their black tight suit as their uniform for patrolling the borders. All of them looked at Selene wondering why she would want to be assigned to another route.

"Is there a problem in being assigned to your designated route?" Caleb asked.

"Well, I think since you want me to be a vice-captain in a squad, it is most outright that more experienced warriors and {Elite-Rank} warriors should be vice-captain in that route." Explained by Selene.

Other warriors agreed in a nod. All of them seemingly agree to the point that Selene raised to Caleb.

"Okay then! Join Jane's squad." Caleb announced and he swapped someone else to be the vice-captain in the forest route.

Selene approached Jane after Caleb announced the new groupings.

Everyone seems to be preparing for their own gears and warming up for the Patrol task.

"Are you sure it is okay to allow Selene? You know what will happen to us if something happens." Oliver reminded Caleb since they both know Prince Alcyd will not be happy once he finds out that Selene is out there patrolling around.

"Well, we have to deal with it once he arrives. For now, we both do not want to upset her. I prefer our Alpha upset rather than that one. For me, she scares me more than our own Alpha." Justified by Caleb while smiling at the idea of Selene being scarier than Prince Alcyd.

"That I agree!" Oliver smiling back at Caleb's point.

While the two Elite Executive Officers of Prince Alcyd are discussing, Selene is attempting to connect with the Captain of the newly assigned squad.

"How are you Jane? I was told you were sick these past few days." Selene asked Jane with a tone of concern.

"Oh Selene! Yes, I was not feeling well because of the mate bond. I guess Jackson got hurt badly. But, he is better now because I am starting to feel better too. I also talked with Athena, they are all okay now." Jane's reply to Selene.

Once both mates of werewolves are officially mated, each werewolf will be able to feel each other if the other gets hurt. Both werewolves will be able to access the pain of their mate and will earn an uncanny connection with their mate.

'Oh my!! Is our mate okay ??' worriedly expressed by Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene.

'Do not worry! He is okay! Jane said that his mate is okay now since she is feeling better.' Selene trying to appease her own spirit wolf.

Though, Selene suddenly pondered on a new emotion she has for Prince Alcyd.

Selene is undeniably concerned for Prince Alcyd.

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