The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 41 - Patrol (Part II)

Selene suddenly pondered on a new emotion she has for Prince Alcyd...

It has come to Selene's attention that now she has become...

More concerned for Prince Alcyd which she never expected to be at all.

While everyone is talking about plans regarding their patrol task, Selene is still thinking about if Prince Alcyd is doing alright and how unfriendly her treatment towards Prince Alcyd before it left for the Royal Palace.

'So now you are acting all worried and somewhat concerned about our mate huh!'

Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, nagging Selene internally.

'Will you shut it, Sylvia? I am not in the mood with your nagging.' Selene's warning to her own spirit wolf.

'Oh! So now I am the annoying one? How many times did I tell you? Give our mate a chance but what did you do? You kept being stubborn and difficult with him. You will not even give him the benefit of the doubt with his intentions and …' nagged by Sylvia but Selene cut her spirit wolf and shoved her deep inside her mind where she cannot hear her nagging.

Jane is the captain of Selene in the task for a patrol around the assigned route within the borders of the Golden Moon Pack. Every member of the squad is pre-occupied with exchanging thoughts and plans about their task.

Though, Selene is still in her deep thoughts. Jane can see how distracted Selene is. She is noticing Selene looking outside while the window of the armored Jeep is open.

The armored Jeep is occupied by the entire members of Jane's patrol squad. Jane maybe has the same age as Selene but she is turning 18 sooner than Selene so somehow she is months older than Selene. With her being the Captain of the group, she needs to be more responsible with her members. Especially towards the mate of their Alpha Prince.

"Are you okay, Selene? You seem to be a bit distracted." Jane asked Selene with a worrying tone.

"Oh! Sorry if I made you worry. I was just thinking about Lady Sonja and the errands she left me with once I get back to the mansion." Openly lied by Selene which Jane knows as well since she knows well enough regarding the disguise they have to put up in order to hide the fact or any suspicion regarding Selene being the mate of Prince Alcyd.

Jane immediately understood the situation that Selene could not express her worry due to…

First, there are other individuals that are not aware of Selene's true significance and identity.

Second, their future Luna, the soon-to-be partner of their Alpha Prince is clearly worrying for her mate even how much Selene tries to hide it.

Ever since Jane mentioned about Jackson getting hurt, Selene became distant and distracted. So most likely she has been thinking about their Alpha Prince.

Someone from the front row carefully observing Selene and constantly taking glances at Selene's direction, who is no other than Lance.

Lance was originally assigned as well in Jane's squad since Caleb assigned Jane to supervise his younger brother. Same with Scarlett, who is also assigned as the medic of the group. She is also under Jane's supervision. Both are taking glances at Selene since they noticed Selene's distracted expression.

"Are you nervous about your first-ever task as a warrior of the Golden Moon Pack? Everyone is, so you do not have to worry about it. If I remember it correctly, Lance was so nervous in his first patrol assignment and he was sweating like a pig." Scarlett shared which took Lance by surprise.

"Hey! That is totally false! Stop blabbering non-sense, Selene might believe you!" Lance reasoned out defensively from Scarlett's statement.

Lance wanted to protect his image since he has intentions to impress Selene. So as much as possible he wants to avoid any embarrassing information about him.

"Just focus on your surroundings, we are on a patrol task and not –joy ride–!"

Reminded by Jane towards Scarlett and Lance.


Meanwhile, in the submitted rogues' residence, Georgie and Freddie stay in one house together.

In Golden Moon Pack, all the rogue werewolves who declared submission to Prince Alcyd are all sheltered in one area like a village for rogue werewolves. Even though they are separated from the residences of the members of Golden Moon Pack, they remain loyal and harmless towards the Golden Moon Pack.

Both Georgie and Freddie are feeling comfortable but they feel bored in having nothing to do.

"Freddie! Can't we go to Selene? We can sneak out and get pass through without getting noticed. We have experience in covering our tracks and being subtle."

Georgie trying to convince his older brother, Freddie.

"Do not make me laugh because we are far from subtle. Plus, do you want to get into trouble with the Alpha Prince? Remember, we are still alive because of his decision to overlook the things we did." Freddie explained to his younger brother.

"Overlook what we did? Or maybe what YOU DID! Pfft! It was your fault why we got into trouble with them, including Selene. IF ONLY you did not steal his darn royal pendant, we could have still lived our life at the fullest by now." Retorted by Georgie to his older brother.

Freddie frowned at the brutal truth which Georgie pointed out.

"Even if we try to sneak out, there are warriors patrolling around the area. Then you add up the strict security around the vicinity of the mansion. It will be impossible to get near that place safely. So it is impossible to see Selene right now!" explained by Freddie.

Georgie started whining like a little kid.

"This is all your fault! This life is sooooo boring!!"

While the two are bickering at each other, the warriors assigned to patrol the area near the Rogues' Residences are sprinting around the area.

Behind the shadows of the trees, the sound of the movements of the sprinting wolves can be heard under the cold bright night.

No rogue werewolves dare to sneak out the Rogues' Residences since they might get mistaken as defiant werewolves and may get punished by the Alpha Prince himself.

There is a strict rule in Golden Moon Pack that no one is allowed to wander off in the woods at night unless they are the warriors of the Golden Moon Pack or else they will be dealt with through a certain punishment.


Jane instructed the warrior driving the armored jeep to park at the edge of the road where it overviews certain scenery.

The route assigned to the squad of Jane is near the high mountainous border of the Golden Moon Pack. Since the territory of the Golden Moon Pack is one of the largest territory ever in the werewolf kingdom, such efforts are taken in creating defensive and scouting strategies which are highly encouraged by the elders of the Golden Moon Pack.

While everyone went off the armored jeep, Jane instructed everyone to focus in using their ability,

<<< _Hyper Sensory_ >>>

So that they could check if there are any suspicious movements around the area.

Then, there it was a large wolf starting to reveal itself with dark eyes and dark fur.

Growling and its paws buried in the ground with so much intensity.

"Grrrrrrrrr~~~~ !!!" a loud and clear resonating growl.

All members of the squad of Jane looked over on the direction of the black wolf, including Selene.

A familiar scent hit everyone's senses.

'Our mate! Our mate! Our mate! He has finally appeared, at last!' Sylvia exhilarated and clearly overjoyed.

But Selene could sense that his mate, the Alpha Prince, is not happy to see that Selene is out the mansion and vulnerable for any attack since he clearly assigned to his Executive Officers to always make sure that Selene is well-protected.

And this is far from what Prince Alcyd had instructed to all of his Executive Officers.

"Uh-oh… !" Jane realized that its Prince Alcyd.

A louder growl was released by Prince Alcyd which shows his dissatisfaction and foul mood.

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