The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 407 - Morning With Their Luna

[-In the Golden Moon Pack-]

Only few warriors were told about the return of their Luna.

Some of the warriors of the Golden Moon Pack were excited to take the shift of guarding around the mansion.

To other warriors of the Golden Moon Pack, being tasked in guarding the mansion is considered to be a boring one.

Other warriors became curious and wondered why some warriors prefer to be tasked around the mansion.

"The warriors assigned yesterday as guards to the mansion will remain in their shifts. Meaning, for the entire week … shifts of tasks will remain the same!" Caleb announced to the warriors.

A new training ground away from the mansion was built.

"YES!" some of the warriors exclaimed upon hearing their tasks remained.

"What's with them?" other warriors wondered.

Caleb made a cough which gave a signal to other overly excited warriors to contain their excitement.



"Anyways, that's all for the morning!" Caleb dismissed all the warriors.

As the warriors dispersed to their respective designations, some of them read the news for the day.

"Have you seen the annoying headline?" one of the warriors asked his peers.

*** Headline of the News ***

-- Royal wedding of the century! --

"What a rubbish! How could the Alpha King marry such a woman?" another warrior complained at the thought that their Alpha King married someone different from their Luna.

"If our Luna was still alive … she will definitely wreak havoc for this crazy wedding!"

Unaware of the presence of their Luna in the mansion.

"Rumor has it! Our Luna maybe alive after all!" 

"Nooo way! That's insane! But how I wish that would be true …"

Many warriors started to gossip around and exchange information on their own.

While Caleb and the warriors tasked for the security of the mansion headed back to the Golden Moon Mansion.


[-In the Mansion-]

Melody and Selene shared room for her stay.

Whole night, Selene stared the ceiling reminiscing her moments with Alcyd and the problems she has to face with her return.

She thought things would be normal but it seems that there were many things changed while she was gone.

Aside from the snores of Melody, Selene's thoughts and contemplating made her stay up whole night.

The sun has risen already but her problems and worry won't go away.

"Selene … Selene … Selene ??" Lucas whispered by the door.

Despite being new to the mansion, Lucas found his way to where Melody was.

Upon hearing her older brother's voice, Selene knew exactly what her brother wanted.

"Melody is still asleep!" Selene informed her older brother.


"I said … she is still asleep! So go away!" Selene tried to dispel her older brother away from her room.

"Can you let me in?" Lucas requested to his younger sister.

"Excuse me?!? So early for you to annoy me and guys are off limits to any female's room." Selene kept trying to dispel Lucas.

"I am her mate and you should understand. I want to know how she looked like when sleeping."

"Luke, don't be a creep! You will have your opportunity soon enough. But today … IS NOT THE DAY! So, SHOO!!!" Selene insisted.

"Fine! Tell her I will be in the dining … Tell her to have a seat next to mine. I will save one for her." Finally, Lucas gave up with his sister's response to his request.

"OKAY!" Selene replied.

The sound of Lucas' footsteps were getting lighter.

Which signified his walking away from the door.

"I guess … your brother is really in to me … huh?" Melody suddenly spoke while lying next to Selene.

It surprised Selene for a moment due to the sudden remark of Melody.

"Woah! Don't spook me like that. I thought you were still sleeping." Selene expressed her surprise.

"Well … I was! Until your brother's voice woke me up and his presence seems to be causing something unexplainable to me. Like there is …" Melody tried to wrap her mind about the right description to her feelings.

"Like a butterfly on your stomach which you can't remove or shake off." Selene mentioned exactly the specific feeling which Melody was feeling.

"YEAH! That's it … have you felt it before?" Melody pointed out.

"Yes I did … and still do! That feeling won't go away. It will only get worse. Until you realize … you can't start your day normally or end your night without him by your side."

Melody saw the sadness and conviction in Selene's eyes.

She already had an idea who it may be.

"Is this … the … Alcyd guy!" Melody was careful with her words.

A long silence was Selene's response.

Immediately, Melody understood how Selene was feeling.

Out of nowhere, Melody started to sing for Selene.

In her attempt to calm and comfort her soul.

Since, she could sense Selene was not able to sleep.

Thus, Melody started singing.

#-Melody's Song-#

After few notes … Selene sang along with Melody …

Some of the staff nearby wondered where the voice coming from.

Every staff in the mansion started hearing such enchanting voice.

"Woah! What a beautiful voice!"

# There will be sun shine … #

# Today #

Upon ending their duet, Selene started smiling again.

"See! You like singing … and you just needed the right person to encourage you. And now, there is the smile I wanted to see." Melody was successful in lifting Selene's mood.

"Thanks, Melody! I guess it's time for us to go for breakfast. I could sense others are waiting already for us." Selene had a feeling that others could be waiting for her already.

To start the morning with their Luna.



July and August updates may have 3 chapters per week.

I apologize for the inconvenience. September onwards updates will be daily regular.



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