The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 408 - New Objectives (Part II)

[-In Melody's Penthouse-]

A day after Lucas and the rest left to save Selene, Elle had a premonition thru her dreams.

Something which caused her to wake up.

Gasping for air …

Remembering the warning of her mentor … 

'There will be consequences when you meddle with your visions. There are individuals worth saving … and some who are meant for evil. No matter how much you try … darkness will find its way back to the shadow. We do not play Gods, my dear! We are only the bearer of truth and history.' 

Gulping at the realization of what she has done so far.

Preparing herself to leave …

Ben knocked at her door.

"May I come in?" 

"You may!"

"Wait … where are you going?" Ben asked.

"Somewhere that I am needed."

"You can't go! Malia gave a clear order. YOU MUST STAY!"

"I am sorry! I have no time to play cat and mouse with you. I have a new objective to accomplish." Elle refused to comply.

A bright light flashed from the palms of Elle.

Blinding Ben temporarily.

And then she left the penthouse.

-Moments after-

As soon as she reached the lobby.

A group of women flashed a blinding light around.

Blinding even Elle.

"Finally! We got you …" a mysterious woman knocked Elle out from behind.

Dragging her along with them.

Which seems to be a group of women with similar abilities like her.


[-In the Northern Fortress-]

The security remained tight and strict.

Due to the resources kept within their newly established vault, upon the initiative of Selene when she was still under her dark version.

Selene's empty throne in the northern fortress was kept vacant and polished.

So that upon her return, it will be occupied once again.

As if it was not left vacant.

Few meters away from the throne, Amelia pondered on her next move against King Lionel.

"Grand Elder!" Remy requested audience with Amelia.

"Oh, Remy! What is it?" Amelia's response after breaking away from her pondering.

"Was it right for us to let our new supreme ruler to return in the werewolf kingdom?" Remy begged the question regarding the return of Selene back to the werewolf kingdom.

"We have no choice but to follow her lead. Even if we insisted, her wishes will still remain."

Remy had something else in her mind but was hesitant to tell Amelia.

"What is it? I can see the worry and concern painted all over your face." Amelia stated the obvious in front of her.

"Shouldn't we have mentioned to our new supreme ruler regarding her father?"

Instantly, Amelia's expression changed.

"From what I have heard … Ingrid has mentioned it already to Lucas. We must not get involved with her personal life. Learn how to detach yourself from things we do not need to get involved with. The things we need to work on right now is the work she left behind for us." Amelia reminded Remy.

"I understand, Grand Elder!"

"Right now, keeping the vault secured and gathering more supporters for our cause must be our priority."


[-In King Lionel's Castle-]

Ingrid entered the castle discreetly.

On her way inside, she carefully made sure that no one noticed her presence.

To her surprise, she was stunned by one of henchmen of King Lionel.

"Arrghh!!" Ingrid winced in pain.

An electrifying shock paralyzed her movements.

Giving her no time to act upon her defenses.

As soon as she fell to the ground, two henchmen took her body and brought it to the vampire court where the king of vampires awaits.


[-In the Royal Hospital-]

Waking up after her terrible moment during the wedding dinner.

Opening her eyes, seeing the Alpha King standing next to her.

Immediately, Laura turned her face towards the window.

"I am glad you are awake …" 

Amber gestured to the others to leave the room. 

To give their Alpha King and Laura some privacy.

Including Alpha Alister, their only brother.

At first, Alpha Alister did not want to leave his sister with the Alpha King but due to the persuasion of Amber. He gave in to his older sister.

"How are you feeling?" King Alcyd forced himself to care for Laura due to their unborn child.

He remembered the warning of Magdeline that Laura must not be stressed.

And her pregnancy is currently sensitive than they expected it to be.

Magdeline informed the Alpha King when Laura was still asleep that the bleeding of Laura may signify the sensitive and weak condition of their unborn child.

Thus, they have to be more careful around Laura.

To avoid anything that may stress her out.

"I thought … you will be with your mate now … Why are you still here?" Laura found out the difference between her and Selene in the most painful way as possible.

Having to experience the rejection despite getting married to the man she loved, her heart was too broken to even look at the Alpha King.

Clenching his fist, trying his best not to antagonize or annoy or cause any distress to Laura.

He tried to ignore her question.

"Since you are awake now … we need to talk about how we will look after your health. It seems that your pregnancy has complications." King Alcyd sat down beside the mother of his unborn child.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, HUH?!?" Laura raised her voice.

"I am giving you the chance to leave me now! GO!"

King Alcyd was tempted from the sudden offer of Laura.

"I SAID GO … NOW!!!"


Tears started to fall from her eyes.

It was so tempting in King Alcyd's ears.

To leave that door …

To run towards the arms of the woman he truly loves …

To be with her and finally be reunited with her …

Then the voice of Kratos crept within his mind.

'You stupid? Our new objective now is to keep our unborn pup alive. We can reunite with Selene afterwards. For now, let's make sure this crazy wife of yours won't do something bad to our unborn pup. So keep your head straight!'

King Alcyd embraced Laura tightly and forced himself to stay.

"Shh … I am not going anywhere. I am staying … with you!" King Alcyd whispered against his true desires.

"Really? You are not leaving me?" Laura hugged King Alcyd tightly.

A brief pause before he answered.

"No, I won't leave you" he responded just to comfort her.

More tears fell as Laura felt better after hearing the one she loves … that he would stay.


A desperate hope that maybe ... just maybe ... their marriage might work after all.



July and August updates may have 3 chapters per week.

I apologize for the inconvenience. September onwards updates will be daily regular again.



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