The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 409 - Back In The Golden Moon City

[-Dining Hall-]

As soon as Selene and Melody entered the dining hall, the other members of the Golden Moon Pack stood in respect for their Luna.

Lucas and Booth were a bit surprised from the reverence of the members of the Golden Moon Pack towards their Luna.

Despite of not going through the official ceremony of being the Luna of Golden Moon Pack, all members … including all the elders of the Golden Moon Pack recognize Selene as their Luna already.

Melody was surprised at the sight of all present members in the dining hall.

Even the staff members volunteered to help in the preparation and service for the breakfast of their Luna.

Since Selene requested for the present elite warriors of the Golden Moon Pack and other staff to join her in the breakfast, the dining hall was occupied by members of the Golden Moon Pack. 

Present members were the only individuals who were aware regarding the intent of Selene in hiding from the Alpha King.

"Good Morning, Luna!" In unison, together they greeted their Luna.

Immediately, Selene gesture for all of them to take their seats.

Per protocol, once the Alpha is absent for breakfast. The Luna will be seated on the opposite center of the long dining table.

The Beta or other officers will not take their seat until their Luna take hers.

At the sight of them remaining from standing, it reminded Selene about the protocol.

"Oh, yeah! I forgot."

"Forget what? Are they always like this with you?" Melody whispered to Selene.

"Mostly, yes! I must take a seat first, before they can take theirs." Selene explained to Melody.

Upon taking her seat.

Others started taking theirs.

After Selene took her seat, she scanned the dining hall.

Seeing some of the executive officers of the Golden Moon Pack present and some of her friends.

Garrett … 

-The Beta of the Golden Moon Pack-

Lady Sonja …

-Chief of Staff-

Caleb …

-Commander of the army of the Golden Moon Pack-

Scarlett …

-Member of the Golden Crew-

Lance …

-Member of the Golden Crew-

All of them smiling and excited at the return of Selene.

While some other warriors and staff members prefer to stand at the side.

To be at the audience of their missed and most revered Luna.

"I am happy to see you all and doing well. By the way, where is Athena? If Garrett is here, why don't I see her around?" Selene pointed out.

"Well … she needs to stay in the bed. Athena is expecting to give birth any time by now. Actually, she insisted of joining us for breakfast but we begged her not to for the sake of our baby." Beta Garrett explained to Selene regarding the absence of Athena.

"Oh … good for both of you! Congratulations, for the two of you. Do not worry, I will visit her after the breakfast." Selene showed her concern for the Beta Couple.

"That will be great, Luna! I mean … Selene! It will truly make Athena happy. Recently, she has been tired of staying in her bed." Beta Garrett was evidently grateful for the genuine concern of Selene.

Selene prefer being called by her close friends and others by her name.

Instead of Luna.

But she cannot make others stop calling her Luna. Due to their deep reverence and great respect for her.

"It seems, a lot have changed. Friends having their own offspring, having two mates, being promoted from their previous ranks, and … those who get to marry someone." Selene elaborated her own thoughts.

From her last statement, it made an awkward ambiance due to the fact that it was clearly referring to their Alpha King.

Others looked at their peers for the awkward situation with their Luna and Alpha King.

"Oh! I am sorry if I made everyone uncomfortable! I was purely trying to refer those who are here. Like … Melody and Lucas … they are married couple!" Selene tried to save herself from the awkward atmosphere she created.

"Your brother is married already?" Lady Sonja wondered.

Hearing Selene lie about their status, Melody got choked from eating her meal.

Staring at Melody and Lucas with pure pleading.

Unlike Melody, Lucas was elated to play along with the charade which Selene created.

Drinking one whole glass of juice from her shock.

Fortunately, Melody was wearing her favorite pink diamond ring.

Scarlett noticed the luxurious ring.

"Wow! That's a beautiful wedding ring … I would love to have my own too … one day!" Scarlett unintentionally issued a pressure towards her two mates, Caleb and Lance.

After drinking, Melody looked at Selene.

'What the hell?!? Who is married now?' Melody thought while staring at Selene.

'Please! Will you go along with it?' Selene begged.

'Nice! Me and my mate … as husband and wife!' Lucas was beaming in happiness at that moment.

Just to diffuse the awkward atmosphere she created, Selene made a lie.



[-In The Royal Hospital-]

Before going to see his eldest sister, Alpha Alister over heard the Alpha King talking with Theo, Oliver and Jackson. 

'Have you tracked Selene?' King Alcyd asked Jackson.

'Forgive me, Alpha! The Luna seems to have covered her tracks.' Jackson apologized to their Alpha King.

Evidently, Kign Alcyd became upset about the failure to track Selene.

But Oliver suggested something.

Preventing their Alpha King to become upset, Oliver suggested a plan.

'If my assumption will be right, the Luna may head towards the Golden Moon City. After all, she treated our wolf pack like her own home.' Oliver suggested.

'Then go back to the Golden Moon City. Check if she truly headed back there. Report back immediately to me thru the mind link. Is everything understood?' King Alcyd reiterated her command.

In unison, together … they replied.

'Yes, Alpha!'

'For you Theo …' 

King Alcyd continued discussing with his executive officers.

While Alpha Alister lurked from the corner clenching his fist in anger.



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