[-In The Royal Hospital-]

Alpha Alister went directly to his eldest sister.

Triggered by the current actions of the Alpha King.

Before entering the room, he gave an order to his Beta.

"Activate the service of our assassins. And wait for my further instructions." Alpha Alister gave his command to his Beta.

Entering the room, Alpha Alister saw his two sisters arguing regarding with the food served to Laura.

"I do not like the smell of any of this!" Laura complained to Freya.

"But you need to eat this for your baby …" Freya insisted due to the instruction and advice of Magdeline for Laura and the baby's health.

"Sister, you need to! This will help improve your health." Amber helped Freya in convincing Laura.

"What is so difficult to understand? I WANT SOME PEACH AND SPICY TACOS!" Laura demanded.

Before the two can say anything further, Alpha Alister interjected.

"I will make our warriors bring some peaches for your cravings but I think spicy tacos will not be a good idea for you. Your health is our priority at the moment. For now, will you eat those and drink your medicines?" Alpha Alister requested from his eldest sister.

Upon hearing that her youngest brother will let her have some peaches, Laura tried to consider in eating the meals in front of her and taking the medicines prescribed for her.

"Okay! But … if you do not bring the peaches then I will go on for hunger strike." 

"You have a deal then …" 

Laura smiled at her only brother.

"I don't know why I was blessed with such a great brother. Unlike with someone here … keeps on ordering me with what not to do. Always nagging me!" Laura was referring to Amber.

"Look! I am just concerned with your health."

"By the way … I activated the service of the assassins of the Jade Pack. I am planning to assassinate the Alpha King's mate." Alpha Alister carelessly uttered some threatening words.

Freya immediately casted a bubble for their conversation to be kept within.

"Are you insane?!?! We are in the royal hospital. Surrounded by the allies and sympathizers of the mate of the Alpha King." Amber reacted.

"But that bastard keeps hurting our sister! He won't stop insulting Laura from chasing that of mate his. He already married Laura. Why go after his mate if he has made a choice of marrying and staying Laura's side?" Alpha Alister was clearly angered by the actions of King Alcyd.

Laura heaved a sigh.

"Alister … do not issue any assassination. If something happens to Selene … we will be the immediate suspects. We have the advantage already. We have the law and the support of the majority right now."

"But ..." Alpha Alister refused to comply.

"ALISTER! Even Selene knew … she cannot do anything about my marriage with Alcyd. Haven't you remembered? She congratulated us … recalling that night. If only I did not let my emotions get the best of me. I should have been more calm and should not have let Selene see my emotions."

Laura continued, "I would have kept some of my dignity and did not appear so pitiful. But things already happened. Right now, things are going just right exactly what I wanted it to be."

"DO NOT RUIN IT!!" Laura glared at Alpha Alister.

For the first time, both Amber and Alpha Alister saw their eldest sister's threatening and deadly look on her eyes.

Both trembled in fear.

Even Freya was shocked that Laura was capable of having a dark and deadly look.

Not only she was full of schemes, Laura was actually capable of having that look …

A threatening and murderous … killer's warning!

"Y-yyess … I w-will call off the order." Alpha Alister stammered in his reply.

Amber was speechless and still trembling.

Instantly, Laura's look in her eyes returned to its sweet and calm demeanor.

"Great! Freya … bring me some fresh flowers and some spray of softer scent of fragrance for the ambiance of the room."

Freya complied immediately with Laura's command and lifted the bubble surrounding them.

"I want to remind both of you … always preserve the advantage you have. NEVER LOSE IT! You may never have another opportunity if you let your chance slip away." Laura gave her siblings some advice."

"Do you understand the value and significance of it all?" Laura reminded the two.

"Yes, we do understand now!" the two replied in unison.

Laura looked outside the window when it started pouring down.

Rain began to fall … harder …


[-In the Golden Moon Mansion-]

If rain was pouring hard in the royal hospital, it was totally opposite in the Golden Moon City.

The sun was bright.

And the field within the city bloomed as if the city itself woke from its deep slumber.

Every citizen and members of the Golden Moon Pack marveled at the sight of flowers blooming.

'Wow! It's not even spring yet. Flowers are already blooming.'


Right after the breakfast, Selene told Beta Garrett her plans during her stay in the Golden Moon City.

On their way to Athena, Lucas and Melody argued discreetly with their new setup as married couple.

Due to the façade created by Selene, just to salvage her pride and the ambiance of the breakfast.

As they entered the room, Athena was rubbing the bump on her belly.

"Is everything alright, hun?" Beta Garrett worriedly went to Athena's side.

"I-I am okay!" Athena tried to calm her worried mate.

"I am happy to see you, Luna! Finally, you have returned." Athena's tears started to fall as soon as she saw Selene.

"No need to get up, Athena!" Sitting next to Athena.

Preventing the Beta's mate from standing.

Selene sat beside Athena's side.

"Forgive me for my unstable hormones!" Trying her best to smile and be happy for the return of their Luna.

"It was hard to leave anywhere because instead of craving for any food like a normal pregnant woman. She always asks for my presence. Craving to see me all the time." Beta Garrett boasted around.

When they thought things were getting cheerful and better.

Melody interrupted the mood between their reunion.

"Something else is unstable!" Melody could sense from the look on Athena's aura.

Something bothered her from the look of Athena's aura.

Her eyes could see the aura of Athena fluctuating.

As if a candle losing its flame.

Then suddenly … Athena winced in pain.

"Ugggh!!" holding her chest and bump.

"Hun?!?!" Beta Garrett held Athena's hand.

Selene took charge and went … Luna mode.

"Lady Sonja, call for a doctor. QUICK!!!" Selene immediate command.

Just when Lady Sonja left the room.

Then just within quick seconds, Athena lost consciousness.

And her hands fell from the grasp of Beta Garrett.

"HUUUN!!!" Beta Garrett cried.

Melody was stunned at the sight of Athena's aura disappear from its instability and fluctuation.



In July to August, weekly updates will return to Mondays to Wednesdays. 

I apologize for any inconvenience.

September will be regular again.



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