The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 422 - New Arrangements

[-In the Golden Moon Mansion-]

There was silence between the two.

After a night of an emotional rollercoaster … 

Both Alcyd and Selene were exhausted from their own emotions.

The Alpha King wanted to step out to the balcony but the barrier surrounding the room prevents him from going out.

So, he could only stand by the entrance of the balcony.

While Selene stared at the ceiling of the room.

Thinking about how to live her days being away from Alcyd.

Kratos, the spirit wolf of Alcyd kept nagging the Alpha King to comfort Selene and insist on their right of being with her.

Not to give up on their mate.

But Alcyd knew that Selene was hurting so much more with the consequences of his actions.

There must be a way for him not to lose Selene at the same time giving her the time and space she needs to forgive him.

'What are you thinking? Are you telling me that you are giving up already? I will haunt you forever if you surrender now!' Kratos threatened the Alpha King.

'Of course, I am not giving up! Whatever it takes to earn her forgiveness. But right now, she is hurting too much and we are being selfish with our own needs. We have been thinking about our own feelings and not hers.'

'Pft! This is because of your stupidity! How could you even think of sharing another bed aside from our mate? I know you missed her and you wanted to be reminded of her but you could have looked for her body instead of fucking that bitch!' Kratos nagged at King Alcyd.

'I know! And I regret every second of it … but Selene is right! I cannot undo the things that I have done already. I can only be accountable for it. So, I will take responsibility for it. Then, I will make sure we don't lose her too in the process.' King Alcyd explained to his spirit wolf.

'So, what do you have in mind? For her to stay and give us a chance.' Kratos wondered.

'Do you trust me Kratos?' 

'No!' quick response of the spirit wolf of the Alpha King.

The spirit wolf followed his response with a hopeful statement.

'But I am wishing for our success and hoping for us to earn her back.'

"I want to propose something for the both of us …" King Alcyd pointed out while looking outside.

Selene wanted to ignore the Alpha King but she was too exhausted to prolong their moment together.

And her curiosity towards the proposal of the Alpha King was greater than her agitation.

"What is it then? So that we can go on already with our own lives after this!" Selene replied.

King Alcyd felt the sting at the harsh words of Selene but he endured all of it.

"I want to make a new arrangement for the two of us. Where both of us can get what we want." King Alcyd told Selene.

He elaborated to her his new arrangement with her.

"First, you will not reject me as your mate. In exchange of giving you some space. Thus, I will not bother you unless you ask for my presence. I will be away from you as possible after tonight and will only appear in front of you if you ask for me.

Second, if you insist on not staying by my side. At least, remain here in the mansion where others can look after your needs and keep you safe. After all, there are many dark creatures that want you dead because your identity as the next chosen one is out in the open.

Third, let me at least visit you once a month to keep my sanity intact. You are my mate and I cannot function well without seeing you. We do not have to share a room or space. At least let me see you from a distance. 

Lastly, I promise to be a good father as long as you are … willing to give me another chance … 

Someday … when you are ready to give me one!"

Selene pondered on the new arrangement elaborated by King Alcyd.

A lot of things were running through Selene's mind.

Whether she should accept it or not?

Was her pain justifiable for her to treat her mate this way?

How will Alcyd make it through with all this complications in their relationship?

What awaits for the two of them?

Questions …

Doubts …

Uncertainties …

All these things playing in her mind.

Moments after a long silence of pondering.

"Fine! I accept the new arrangement … And we must put it into writing. To make it more binding. Something I can use if ever you become forceful with your ways. Just in case I would be needing a proof of this mutual agreement of ours." Selene answered.

King Alcyd clenched his fist upon hearing Selene's answer.

"I will tell Garrett to put it into writing for both of us to sign." King Alcyd reassured Selene while clenching his fist tightly.

Because it was clear that Selene thought of him badly or untrustworthy.

For her to need a proof of their mutual agreement.

Immediately, King Alcyd requested Lady Sonja to inform Chloe regarding the barrier surrounding the room.

'Lady Sonja, are you there?' the Alpha King tried to call the chief of staff through the mind-link.

'Yes, Alpha!' Lady Sonja responded.

'Kindly tell Chloe that Selene and I have made a new arrangement for ourselves. So, she can lift the barrier already.' 

'Right away, Alpha!'

When Lady Sonja informed Chloe.

Chloe removed the barrier she placed around the room.

"Before we part ways … I want you to know … I will never love someone else but you!"

King Alcyd walked out of the room giving Selene the space she wanted.

Her tears fell once more because despite the pain she went through ...

Deep inside ... Selene still loves him but she cannot easily have it all like she used to. 

Because she is not his wife and she was not yet ready to forgive him.




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