The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 423 - Oath Of The Henchman (Part II)

[-In the Vampire Prison-]

Right after Ingrid was sent to the prison for vampires.

Antoin went to visit the most powerful female vampire.

The one he treated like his own sister.

Maybe not the strongest but her powers were unrivaled amongst the female ranks.

Ingrid was considered to be one of the most power vampire of all times.

Being sent to the prison of vampires will not only tarnish her reputation.

Her demotion and removal from the vampire court were the conclusion of King Lionel's wrath from her betrayal.

Even though Antoin had participation in Ingrid's betrayal, he was spared due to his minimal contribution to the defiance and betrayal of Ingrid.

Somewhere near the castle of the king of vampires, a deep cave can be located.

King Lionel constructed a prison within this deep cave.

A place where vampires were being kept and imprisoned.

Inside the vampire prison, a dark and cold feeling surrounds each cell.

Aside from strict and tight security within the prison, their weakened state due to their punishments will make it impossible to even touch the steel bars.

Unlike any other prison cells, the cells in the vampire prison has no window at all.

The entire steel bars were all heated to prevent anyone from touching.

Due to their super strength, heated steel bars will make it impossible for the vampires to break out from their own cells.

Different punishments were being conducted towards the inmates.

With Ingrid, she was punished to be bled dry and impaled on the wall.

The steel nails used for her impalement were coated with night shade.

One huge and thick steel nail impaling Ingrid's two hands.

Another huge and thick steel nail impaling Ingrid's two feet.

Disabling their ability to regenerate and heal.

Blood were flowing and dripping down to the floor.

From the last time which Antoin saw Ingrid, she looked thinner and weak.

It shocked Antoin to see the vampire he considered as one of the most powerful to be reduced into such a pitiful state.

Doing his best to keep his composure.

"Ingrid, have you repented already?" Antoin asked Ingrid.

Unfortunately, there was a long silence upon his question.

"Why are you so stubborn and persistent on siding with someone who cannot even protect you or save you? Just like this pitiful state you have got yourself in!" Antoin was frustrated on Ingrid's persistence.

He held unto the steel bars of Ingrid's cell.

Despite feeling the stinging burn in his palm, Antoin kept asking Ingrid.

Venting all his frustrations regarding the actions of Ingrid.

Seeing Ingrid barely covered with any clothing.

Only with her undergarments.

She was covered in bruises and flowing blood.

"W-why are you here? Did he sent you?" Ingrid gave another question.

The tone and sound of her voice were clearly weakened.

It was evident to Antoin about the thirst of Ingrid for blood.

Weeks already have passed and she has not quenched her thirst ever since.

"Of course, I am here for you! Nobody sent me. King Lionel permitted me to visit you."

Before Antoin could finish his statement.

Ingrid interjected, "Not as a favor, instead … he wanted you to see with your own eyes … of what will happen to you if you choose to defy him once more. Anyways, he will not kill you because you have an important role in his own court. This is all but a lesson to show you."

Ingrid told Antoin in her weakened voice.

Antoin released his grip from the heated steel bar.

"Why don't you beg for his forgiveness and try to gain his favor once more?" Antoin suggested to Ingrid.

"I already broke my oath to him! An oath as a member of his henchmen …" Ingrid's response to his suggestion.

"Why would you break the oath of the henchmen? I told you countless times … there is no good in thinking of others. We must only focus on how we survive and keep ourselves out of trouble." Antoin tried to convince Ingrid.

"We lived for how many decades already … Seen so many things in life … Don't you feel tired in seeing too many deaths and cruel killings? One would start to think of what could have been."

A serious tone on Ingrid's words.

She continued, "Is it worth living such a life where we are only seen as monsters? Compared to a life where there is much more to wealth, power, and … immortality."

Antoin was irritated to hear Ingrid's words.

"So, are you telling me … you are tired of being immortal?" Antoin yelled at Ingrid.

"I thought you would not leave me on my own?"

"Is it worth it to waste your own life for those who do not care for yours?"

"Tell me!!! Why?!?! Why would you risk yourself this much while they remain to live their own lives without caring for yours?" 

Antoin could not understand where Ingrid was coming from.

"If the oath of the henchmen is to be loyal and serve the king for eternity. Don't you think it is time for us to evolve?" Ingrid asked to Antoin.


"Don't you want to start living?" Ingrid continued to ask.

Confused to what Ingrid meant from her statement.

"To finally be free and live … the way we want to live …"


"But it does not give us the right to enslave others or take away their lives just because we went through hardships and suffering. Our own struggles are not a license for us to be … monsters …"

"You think we are monsters? I am done understanding you … I hope you survive from this foolishness of yours." Antoin turned his back from Ingrid and walked away from her.

Before walking away, he bid his farewell to Ingrid.

"I am thankful for your genuine care and love but I cannot take the same path you are taking."

"I am keeping my oath as a henchman of our king!"

"Goodbye, my vampire sister!"



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