The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 424 - Barely Hanging On

[-In the Golden Moon Mansion-]

Everyone in the mansion could sense the sadness surrounding their Alpha King.

His new arrangement with Selene was something he had to do.

In order to salvage whatever was left from his relationship with Selene.

King Alcyd visited Athena and her newly born twins with Beta Garrett.

Afterwards, he apologized to the two if they felt hurt with his decision to send them back to the Golden Moon City.

While the Alpha King looked at the twin babies resting comfortably, King Alcyd's closest friends were discussing through their mind-link.

'He looks sad and miserable.' Beta Garret shared to his mate through the mind-link.

'That's what he gets from being stupid!' Athena's remark to her mate.

'Come on, don't be like that! Why are you still mad at him? Can't you be a little sympathetic towards the poor guy?' Beta Garrett tried to convince his mate to give their Alpha King some slack.

'How can I not be? He exiled us! And treated us like a crap. We are his closest friends but he was unreasonably mean towards us.'

'Athena … please … let's just try be more understanding with him. Can't you see … he is suffering already from the consequences of his own mistakes?'

'You are so blinded when it comes to Alcyd. I cannot believe that you can be so forgiving and tolerant … no matter what he does. As if he has not wronged us at all.'

'He is like my own brother! We grew up together and spent our days together. Trying to get out from our miserable lives at the time.'

'That's not enough, Garrett!'

'IT SHOULD BE ENOUGH! You do not give up on your family. Just like Selene used to say.'

Athena stopped arguing with Beta Garrett.

Because upon mention of the words imparted by Selene, it made sense and it was something that was so difficult to disagree.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of their conversations through the mind-link, the Alpha King apologized to the two.

"I hope you two can forgive me. For being cruel and mean when the both of you are nothing but kind and responsible." King Alcyd apologized.

He continued, "If only I listened to your advice and was not stupid for being my idiot self. Maybe … I would not have caused so much pain to the woman I love. And I would not have given a terrible life to a child who would suffer from my … worthlessness."

Both Athena and Beta Garrett looked at each other. In their attempt of finding the right word to comfort their Alpha King.

"You are not worthless, Alcyd!" Beta Garrett stated to the Alpha King.

"I am! If only I …" King Alcyd wanted blame himself further from the misery and problems he was facing at the moment.

Despite her hurt pride, Athena could not resist and she gave in to the pitiful sight of their best friend.

"What if's are only for the weak. You are stronger than this and we know you can surpass this ordeal of yours. This is only a test for you to become stronger and to be the man that you should be."

Athena's words left a great impact in Alcyd's mind.

Beta Garrett smiled at his mate because after all … Athena treats Alcyd like her own brother too.

He held Athena's hand.

King Alcyd covered his face with his two hands.

Hiding his vulnerability towards the two. And broke down in tears.

"I do not know what to do guys!" 

Tears fell and bared his soul to the couple.

"I fear I may lose Selene for good. She wanted to reject me. And I do not know if I can be a father to any child right now. I am afraid to become like my own father." King Alcyd was emotional to his best friends.

Only to Beta Garrett and Athena, the Alpha King bares his soul to aside from Selene.

"You are not your father … that's for sure! I am completely confident that you will be a good father. Compared to your father!" Beta Garrett reassured his best friend.

"Regarding with Selene … you will have plenty of chances to make it up with her. So, you must not give up in earning her trust again. Prove her that you deserve a second chance. Remember, with hard work and sincerity … no success is impossible." Athena's advice to their Alpha King.

She added, "The important thing there is … you recognize your own mistakes and you want to correct it. True repentance is never easy! So, gather all your strength and endure it all."

King Alcyd wiped his tears and worry away.

"Garrett … will you come back to the royal palace with me? I need you by my side. You can bring Athena and your children." King Alcyd offered his Beta.

Beta Garrett heaved a sigh before he replied.

Then, he looked at Athena.

He did not expect for his mate to tell him through the mind-link.

'It's okay! But you tell him that we will just follow after few weeks.' 


'Yes, tell him already before I change my mind.'

The Alpha King anticipated and hoped for his best friends to accept his offer.

"Just give us few weeks and we will go back in the royal palace. When are you planning to return anyways?" Beta Garrett replied.

Upon accepting his offer, King Alcyd hugged his best friend for giving him hope and not to give up on himself.

"Though, this does not mean you are completely forgiven for your mistakes … okay? You need to work hard to earn everyone's trust again after breaking it." Athena remarked while taking one of the twins. In an attempt to hush from crying.

"Don't worry! You will always have us!" Beta Garrett rejuvenated the resolve of their Alpha King.

Suddenly …

'Alpha! We have intruders within the territory. One of our patrol units is found dead by the borders.'

King Alcyd was barely hanging on from his ordeals and now ... another problem!



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