Somewhere in a strange land, the King of all Alpha Werewolves, Alpha King Viktor is accompanied by his Beta Nolan and his cherry-haired resident witch.

"What is next in our itinerary? Which wolf pack will we be visiting next?" King Viktor asked his Beta.

Before Nolan could answer King Viktor, the convoy of black cars suddenly stopped and a group of rogue werewolves started to appear.

"Mia! Nolan! You know what to do!" King Viktor instructed his resident witch and his Beta.

The moment everyone got off the car, Nolan shifted immediately into his wolf form.

While the cherry haired resident witch of King Viktor, Mia, chanted a powerful spell to protect King Viktor.

An invisible bubble is surrounding Mia and King Viktor.

There is an impressive number of rogue werewolves attacking the convoy of King Viktor.

It made King Viktor agitated that these rogue werewolves had the audacity to ambush him once again.

"They truly have the nerve to ambush me. Mia, dispose all of them!" King Viktor agitatedly commanded his resident witch.

Mia started chanting a powerful spell.

Then her eyes turned into complete black.

<<< _Dark Hex_ >>>

A forbidden dark spell that causes death to the target.

Rogue werewolves are starting to die one by one as Mia targeted each rogue werewolves within her path. Those who are witnessing Mia's deadly performance, they immediately signaled their leader to escape while they have time. Every rogue werewolf that got hit by the dark hex howled in pain and misery.

One by one, each rogue werewolf started to escape but King Viktor could not allow this so he shifted into his wolf form.

A huge dark purple furred wolf leaped forward. In an attempt to chase the rogue werewolves who are attempting to escape but King Viktor could not allow this.

Beta Nolan and the other warriors who survived followed their Alpha King. Even Mia covered herself in a bubble and floated in pursuit with their Alpha King.

The rogue werewolves prepared a trap for the Alpha King hoping for him to fall for it and get killed along the way.

King Viktor saw a reflection of transparent threads in few meters ahead of him. A gleam of light revealed a portion of this transparent thread.

Two of the many things that King Viktor is known among his peers are…

{Firstly}, He has impeccable observation of his surroundings through his undeniably sharp senses and uncanny instincts. His instincts are always accurate and have not failed him yet.

{Secondly}, once King Viktor uses …

'Berserk Mode!' screamed internally by King Viktor.

<<< _Berserk Mode_ >>>

An ability mastered by King Viktor which multiplies his speed and strength in ten folds. It even makes his own fangs and claws deadly sharper. Then his regeneration ability is also enhanced in

-Berserk Mode-

No opponent has lived against the berserk mode of King Viktor.

The trap was ineffective against King Viktor, even the arrows that hit him directly did not do any damage to King Viktor. Even the poisonous arrows did not do any damage to him.

<<< _Poison Immunity_ >>>

A passive ability of King Viktor which makes him immune from any type of poison.

Not everyone knows this ability of King Viktor.

King Viktor was able to catch up with the rogue werewolves who are desperately trying to escape from him.

It was a failed ambush on the Alpha King.

The leader of the rogue werewolves tries to protect his mate who is badly injured from the attack of King Viktor.

Though, King Viktor started to shift back into his human form. He did not mind that his mighty glory is exposed and completely bare to his enemies.

"Well, Well, Well…!! Looks like I smell desperation!! Ha-ha-ha !!" King Viktor lets out an evil laugh that resonated around the forest.

An angry growl was released by the leader of the group that tried to ambush King Viktor.

"Who would bring his mate with him in such a dangerous mission? ONLY A FOOL !! Would bring his mate with him in such a perilous mission, especially when it involves with me."

King Viktor smirked with such a devious and sinister laugh.

Mia and Beta Nolan arrived behind King Viktor.

"Mia! Take the female werewolf!" King Viktor commanded his resident witch, Mia.

Immediately Mia chanted a spell.

"RENO BULLITUS!" loudly chanted by Mia.

<<< _Reno Bullitus_ >>>

A spell that witches use to make their target float and covered within the bubble.

The mate of the leader of rogue werewolves that tried to ambush King Viktor went from angry growl to a whimpering wolf.

It is as if the werewolf is trying to beg King Viktor for its mate.

"Now! Shift to your human form or else I will instruct my witch to finish off your mate." King Viktor threatened the remaining rogue werewolf.

There were plenty of lifeless rogue werewolves around. The remaining leader of the group knows very much how serious the threat of King Viktor. He does not want to risk his own mate at the hands of the most vicious werewolf in the land.

"Now! You have to obey every word I say …"

King Viktor smirked with such sinister painted all over his face.

Surviving such a failed ambush and allowing him to come up with a scheme against his opponent.


Queen Mira, the Queen of all Sirens and the guardian of the sea, has been waiting for someone by the beach.

The waves of the sea were loud enough to make Queen Mira close her eyes and bask in such a peaceful moment. Nothing but the waves of the sea and the sound of seagulls could be heard.

No one was around but only her and the sea.

Until …

"Fiends !!!" screamed by Queen Mira.

A group of Chameleon Monsters, known as Hunyame, who are in human figure but covered with green reptile scales appeared suddenly, surrounding Queen Mira.

These monsters were able to take Queen Mira by surprise and restrict her movement by their sticky hold on her. They have the ability,

<<< _Invincible_ >>>

An ability of Hunyame which makes themselves invisible and undetected to the sight of anyone or any creature.

And …

<<< _Sticky Sap_ >>>

A unique ability that only a Hunyame could do. It is a liquid released from their palms which makes any creature in contact weakened and disoriented.

"Take her!" instructed by a leader of the green reptile creature.

Then … A group of large winged men appeared eliminating all present Hunyame.

A large-winged man with the brightest wing among the rest appeared catching the Siren Queen before it fell to the ground.

"Oh, King Falcon …" Last words of Queen Mira before it lost its consciousness due to the sticky sap ability of the Hunyame.

King Falcon, the King of large winged creatures saved Queen Mira.

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