The day after the night where Selene offered a secret date with the Alpha Prince is scheduled to be spent with the orphans.

At first Prince Alcyd did not want Selene to go at all but after he accepted the secret date with her, he became hesitant to express his disapproval and possessive ways because he does not want to anger or irritate his mate which may cause for her to back out from the secret date.

A secret date with her means, both of them will be closer to each other.

This is why Selene is in the orphanage at the moment with Scarlett.

Selene was dropped by Lady Sonja to the orphanage. She arrived earlier than Scarlett.

As Selene walks around the place, she sees that there is a daycare section of the orphanage where toddlers of other warriors are left for their kids to be looked after.

Then Selene sees how the toddlers are being taken care of. They are made to watch artistic paints and there are no toys at all. A sleepy aroma is scented around to calm the toddlers and keep them calm.

No wonder the daycare is too quiet and full of sleepy toddlers.

"Oh my god! What kind of daycare is this?" Selene loudly expressed outside the large glass window of the daycare.

Sylvia, Selene's spirit wolf, appeared in Selene's mind. 'Looks like they have weird ways here in Golden Moon Pack.'

'And you are so proud of our mate! No wonder the members of the Golden Moon Pack are kind of a bit brainwashed with what Prince Alcyd wants.' Reply of Selene to her spirit wolf.

'Nobody is perfect! That is why we are here, you know! To make everything perfect for our loving mate.' gushed by Sylvia in Selene's mind.

'Hearing you makes me vomit Sylv! I can say that you are no different from these brain-washed members of Golden Moon Pack.' Stated by Selene to her spirit wolf.

Spirit wolf are usually more excited about the idea of having a mate. It is part of the nature of any spirit wolf to be excited in finding or being with their mate because this makes them a fulfilling emotion that allows them to feel complete.

While Selene and Sylvia are pre-occupied with bickering at each other, a woman approached Selene.

"Hi, there! I am Elaine, the headmistress of the orphanage. You must be Selene! Lady Sonja's infamous niece. I heard so much about you!" greetings by the headmistress of the orphanage while smiling.

Selene sees a middle-aged woman in her 30's wearing a long plain skirt and very formal long-sleeved white blouse with her round glasses.

"Yes, I am Selene! Well, I hope you heard good things and not the bad ones." Nervously replied by Selene.

"Oh, do not worry! I heard only good things! That is why I hope while you are here, you would be able to help us with the kids." Openly expressed by the headmistress.

"Oh, Trust me! I will do lots of things around. I hope you do not mind headmistress if I do some changes around." Directly pointed out by Selene.

"Oh, sure! I was told by Caleb that I should hear you out with your plans and cooperate with you. So I hope it is not that drastic. I do not want to be in trouble with Prince Alcyd." There were hints of fear and nervousness in the tone of the headmistress as she replied to Selene.

"I have the full consent of Prince Alcyd. So you do not have to worry!" reassured by Selene towards the headmistress.

Selene started walking with the headmistress and broke down all the changes that she wishes for the orphanage and the daycare too.

Elaine, the headmistress of the orphanage, who is the head of the orphanage and the one that supervises the daycare seems to be dumbfounded and surprised with what Selene wanted to happen and proposes for the changes around the orphanage and the daycare.

Especially with the activities and their approach towards the kids.

"A-a-are you sure that the Alpha agreed to this? Do not take me wrong, I am all-in for the entire thing but I worry if this will go well with Prince Alcyd." Elaine pointed out to Selene.

"YES! He is completely okay with it. I have his complete approval with all of it. He definitely supports it. Especially it is for the sake of the kids." Selene reassured everything to the headmistress.

A big smile was shown expressively in the headmistress' face. "Oooh! This makes me excited since I really do support the things you want to implement around. Looks like the rumor is true that Lady Sonja has brought an angel to the Golden Moon Pack."

"Oh! I am far from angel Miss Elaine, hehe!" smiled back by Selene.

While both, Elaine and Selene, are walking along the hallway of the orphanage as they discuss together. The orphan kids of the orphanage are peeking on the doorway and some are peeking on the tiny holes of the walls that they secretly created.

All of the orphan kids are curious about Selene's way. It is unusual for them to get a visitor or even see new faces around the orphanage. These kids are wearing plain clothes and neatly looking.

Headmistress Elaine and Selene entered in the headmistress office.

As soon as they enter the office of the headmistress, Elaine went ahead to her seat and offered Selene a seat in front of her.

"So let us start with the daycare! Please let the kids be kids. Let us allow them to live their childhood as kids and not as robots. Please!" outwardly said by Selene.

Elaine laughed at Selene's remarks.


Meanwhile, in the main office of the Alpha Prince, Beta Garrett trying to comfort Prince Alcyd.

"THIS IS TOO HARD !! I want to say a lot of things to her but I do not want her to back out from the secret date…"

Prince Alcyd sulking seriously on his desk.

"Speaking of secret date… How should I plan it? Too many things going on my head right now…" Prince Alcyd asked his best friend, Garrett.

"Does it mean I can officially mate with her after the secret date…?" curiously asked by Prince Alcyd.

His Beta Garrett laughed nervously, "I do not think you can, secret date means an intimate dinner between the two of you."

"Well, she can be my dinner and make it an intimate night for both of us. So that qualifies for a secret date." Abrasively stated by Prince Alcyd but Garrett kept telling him that it is not what Selene meant for.

Garrett started thinking that this will be truly a challenging secret date if Prince Alcyd and Selene have different interpretations and expectations for the secret date.

"Looks like this will be a riot for sure!" silently contemplated by Garrett.

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