News about the annihilation of the Demi-Giant Kingdom spread like a wildfire.

The defeat of King Arceus sent waves of fear to different kingdoms and territories of supernatural creatures.

King Lionel declaring war to upcoming Second Supreme Ruler of all supernatural beings.

A message sent to everyone that whoever dares to go against the Vampire Kingdom will meet their own demise.

The united forces of all henchmen of King Lionel proved to be his greatest asset against his enemies.

Variety of powerful and skillful vampires under the command of King Lionel was something all supernatural creatures feared.

On their way back to King Lionel's Castle … 

Travelling on foot.

Hanzo and Petro were alongside with their vampire king.

"Your Highness … I did not expect for us to annihilate the entire kingdom in one swoop." Petro expressed his amusement in defeating such known kingdom for their strength and might.

He added, "Though, it would have been easier with Ingrid accompanying our attacks."

"She has chosen her fate. We better not mention those who does not benefit us. And just ruins the grandeur of our victory." King Lionel reminded Petro.

Instantly Petro apologized to the vampire king.

"Forgive me, your Highness!" Petro sincerely apologized to their king.

Antoin was saddened at the thought of Ingrid chained to dry in the prison of vampires.

Punished and left to dry in her designated cell in the prison.

"Are you worrying for her, Antoin?" King Lionel asked.

Surprisingly, the vampire king directly asked Antoin.

Both, Hanzo and Petro were nervous that their king asked Antoin.

Because it was known that Ingrid and Antoin were the closest like siblings amongst the henchmen.

Having Ingrid punished and left to suffer may have bothered their fellow henchman.

"To be honest, your Highness … YES!" Antoin lowered his gaze to avoid any negative reaction from their king.

"Antoin!" Petro protested at Antoin's concern for Ingrid.

"Sorry, Petro … but you don't know Ingrid the way I do. And she was like a sister to me. You cannot blame me from treating her more special than you can ever do." Antoin argued with Petro.

"But she defied and betrayed our king. She does not deserve mercy. Death is a mercy to bestow upon her. I agree with King Lionel's punishment for her." Petro justified King Lionel's decisions.

Then King Lionel noticed the silence of Hanzo.

Unlike Petro who kept giving his opinions on different issues.

"You seem quiet Hanzo … do you agree with Petro regarding my punishment for Ingrid?" King Lionel curiously asked Hanzo.

"I have no right to question your decisions, your Highness! We owe our life to you. For granting us this second life. Filled with power and wealth." Hanzo answered.

He continued, "So … it is only right for you to punish those who are ungrateful. Though, I must say … Ingrid is a vampire unlike the others. Her concerns for the welfare and future of the vampires is genuine. I guess she had her own way of doing things."

"Which resulted for her betrayal and defiance. She was too full of herself. Just because the king gave her many favors and treated her special. It doesn't mean she could take advantage of it all." Petro explained to Hanzo.

While they were arguing and discussing about Ingrid.

The other henchmen were whipping the surviving demi-giants.

Treating them like slaves due to their defeat.

A parade of new slaves as their prize for their victory against the demi-giants.

During in their giant forms, they were carrying barrels and chests of treasures.

Most importantly, A huge metal containers of blood bags from the fallen demi-giants.

Demi-giants' regular form is like those of a human. 

But they can transform into giants when they decided to.

'Hurry it up!'

Only few demi-giants were spared to live.

"Enough with the arguments. If anyone dares to join the daughter of my grandson then King Arceus will be a great example for all those foolish ones that will join hands with the next chosen one." King Lionel stated to the three remaining members of -HARBINGERS OF DEATH- but Antoin remained worried for the comings days.

Based on history, war with a Supreme Ruler always never end well for anyone.

Death …

Chaos …

And wreckage always follow pursuit.

King Lionel added, "We are …"

"Just starting … with the war!"



Receiving such disheartening news, Selene gathered the Beta and commander of the Golden Moon Pack.

[-In the Main Office-]

"Are we not waiting for the Alpha King to wake up?" Caleb was curious if it was right to have a sudden meeting.

"He is currently resting. According to Headmistress Elaine, he will be waking up a day after the intake of his medicines. Apparently, the substance of the medicine is quite stronger than the usual medicines." Beta Garrett elaborated to Caleb.

"And we do not have the luxury of time to wait for it. We can easily fill him in once he wake up." Selene remarked.

She furthered her explanation.

"Right now … we must finalize things as soon as possible! Especially with this war against…"

Someone's arrival took Selene's attention.

"Forgive me for my sudden arrival." 

"Magdeline!" Selene stood upon the entrance of the Grand White Witch.

Just right behind her was Chloe.

"Granny! Why are you here so sudden? Who's checking on Lady Susan?" Chloe worried for her mentor.

"I tasked someone reliable to tend for Susan's needs. Right now, there are more important things to be dealt with." Magdeline was looking more worried.

After taking their respective seats, Magdeline went directly to her agenda.

"I know the death of Lady Sonja may have caused so much grief and pain to all the members of Golden Moon Pack but provoking the king of vampires and issuing a war against him … without ascending to your rightful throne as the Second Supreme Ruler … is basically …" 

Selene did not let Magdeline finish.

"Magdeline … I am saddened with the news of the annihilation of the Demi-Giant Kingdom and the death of King Arceus. But … the vampire king made a grave mistake in taking the demi-giants as slave. You should know how fairies, werewolves and elves feel about slavery."

"Instead of inciting fear to everyone … he just fueled other supernatural creatures to defend themselves. And giving us the opportunity to rally forces against him."

Everyone was shocked to hear Selene carefully plot against King Lionel.

"The best way to convince others to join is through … giving them the reason to fight and an example to show." 

Each of them were amused at how Selene could come up such plan.

"The war is just starting … we are far from over!" 

Such fierceness could be seen on Selene's eyes.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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