[-In the Golden Moon Mansion-]

Magdeline had to leave the royal palace and meet with Selene.

In the main office of the Alpha King, Selene gathered the Beta of the Golden Moon Pack and the commander of the Golden Moon warriors. 

Now, she has declared war against the vampire king.

A stricter security …

And more patrolling units of the borders must be placed.

Increasing the number of members in every unit.

Medical specialist members will be more needed.

To increase the survival rate of the members of every unit.

Before Selene met with the Beta and Commander, she had a serious strategic talk with Oliver.

Oliver was far more superior in terms of strategy and war tactics.

Than any other executive officers.

Magdeline could not help herself but point out her worries regarding the war issued against the vampire king and his legion.

"I am worried that other supernatural beings would fear in taking a stand against the vampire king. One of them is King Magnus." Magdeline looked more serious and more worried.

"The king of warlocks?" Beta Garrett wondered.

"Yes!" Magdeline confirmed.

Chloe and Selene had no idea about the king of warlocks.

"Why would the king of warlocks fear the vampire king? Isn't he a member of the Altum Council? And if I am not mistaken … he joined forces with the late Emperor Odin in defeating the Dark Lord." Caleb shared his own knowledge regarding the king of warlocks.

"You are right, Caleb! But the king of warlocks was originally an ally and follower of the Dark Lord. King Magnus flipped sides due to his own gauge regarding with the war against the Dark Lord. Loyalty is not his strong suit." Magdeline elaborated to others.

"In other words, he cannot be trusted!" Selene concluded.

"Exactly!" Magdeline agreed with the conclusion of Selene about King Magnus.

She added, "Especially now … the king of vampires have won against King Arceus. The Demi-Giants Kingdom is a known mighty race of supernatural creatures with extremely strong warriors. Defeating them can make King Lionel more fearsome. Others may yield to him and pledge their support to him."

"What?!?!" Chloe exclaimed.

Chloe further complained, "Why won't others look at it as more reason for them to go against him? Selene mentioned a valid point of making others see this as more reason for them to get rid of the vampire king."

Instead of agreeing with Chloe, Selene understood what the Grand White Witch was trying to point out.

"I understand you now Magdeline. This is truly worrisome." 

"Can you see my point now? Do you realize the problem with it?" Magdeline furthered.

"Yes … the spoils of war can be also crucial as their influence increase at the same time. Their wealth and morale will tremendously increase. Gaining a momentum which will be favorable to the king of vampires." Selene explained herself.

Explaining further.

"And at this times, some leaders or supernatural beings would prefer to ensure their own survival. Than risking their future to someone like me. Someone who has not ascended to the throne and with no enough army at my disposal. In terms of certainty and reassurance, I cannot provide others with it." Selene became more worried as well.

"Why are you worrying too much, Selene? You are more powerful than others. They must fear you more." Chloe reminded Selene of her own prowess.

"It's not enough, Chloe. To be honest they have someone that can render me powerless." Selene disclosed to others.

Others were surprised at the new revelation of Selene.

"What do you mean … can render you powerless?" Beta Garrett asked.

Magdeline interjected, "Antoin … one of the most skillful and experienced henchmen of King Lionel. I met him during the First Great War against the Horde of Darkness. When the Legion of Vampires were still our great allies. He can negate any type of magic."

Chloe, Garrett and Caleb were all shocked at this piece of information.

"Yes! I almost got killed in the process in facing them. With him in the battle field, makes it more difficult for us to defeat King Lionel. Now thinking about it … I may have declared war too easily without having the right preparations. But … there is no turning back now!" Selene admitted to Magdeline.

She continued, "There is something I have in mind as well! If this works out … we may change the tide of war into our favor." 

Hearing Selene become optimistic, gave more hope to others.

Including Magdeline.

"What is it?" 

"Magdeline, will you visit the leaders of territories and kingdoms with some bad history of slavery during the time of tyranny of the Dark Lord? Convince them to side with us. And for sure … they will have more reason to fight against with the vampire king and his legion."

Selene hoped for favorable results.

"I will talk with the Hunters Association and help us defeat King Lionel. Since he killed many hunters during our raid. The threat that the Legion of Vampires poses to the humans must be emphasized. And the spoils of war which the vampires gained from their victory against the Demi-Giants will make them more threatening." 

In the middle of their serious discussion.

All of them were unaware of the horrors from a faraway village.

King Lionel visited a certain village while on their way back to his castle.

"Your Highness, this is the location of the hideout of the woman you seek." One of the henchmen informed their king.

"Great, time to gain more power … in order to eliminate my enemies!" 

King Lionel declared while the other henchmen wondered.

Because they had no idea about the importance of the woman which King Lionel was in search for.



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