The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 443 - Unwavering Hope

In a deep forest, Georgie was chained.

Surrounded with wounds and metallic blades stabbed on him.

Those metallic blades were coated with wolfsbane and silver nitrate.

Disabling the ability of Georgie to heal himself.

Werewolves having the ability of healing regeneration becomes useful in every battle. But once exposed to wolfsbane, it becomes impossible to utilize such ability.

Days already have passed and no one has found the location of Georgie.

Gagged and weakened by his assailants.

Dalton and the other vampires left him weak while chained in a deep forest.

Scared for himself.

Feeling defeated and despondent with his situation.

There was no one to his rescue.

Desperation came in and he begged for a miracle.

His days passed with so much pain and misery.

He never felt this way.

Until now …

Realizing his own weaknesses.

Tears fell due to his feeling of uselessness and being weak.

Then, out of a sudden …

"YOU WANT POWER?" said by the voice from the shadows.

Echoing from somewhere.




Birds flew away from the trees they sheltered on.

Then the sunlight dimmed from the darkness that came.

Shadows grew and went closer towards Georgie.

At first it scared Georgie.

The gag on his mouth turned into dust as the mysterious creature emerged from the shadows.

Revealing his true self.

Covered in tattoos and dark red skin.

His huge horns on his forehead was so prominent that it was difficult for Georgie not to notice.

"W-What a-are you?" nervously asked by Georgie.

"ME? I AM YOUR SAVIOR!" The mysterious creature said.

He continued,

"Have you noticed? The pain you were suffering has disappeared."

Instantly, Georgie realized the pain from his wounds has disappeared.

"If you accept my offer … you will become stronger, more powerful and will be able to save yourself from this misery you are in." 

Whispers from the mysterious creature became more convincing for Georgie.

Though, the werewolf remained skeptic and hesitant.

"In exchange for what? Why would you offer me such tempting deal?" Georgie curiously wondered.

"I am not that naive! I know … there is nothing free in this world." Georgie directly pointed out to the mysterious creature.

"Only serve the dark lord's purpose and …" 

Before the creature could finish his words. 

Georgie refused flat.

"NO! You think I will serve the one who vowed to defeat my best friend? Sending his own minions to hurt Selene?"

"DEFINITELY NO! I'd rather die than serve him … and listen to a demon like you!" 

There was intense refusal on his part.

His expression and words were completely unwavering to his resolve.

"Fine, then!" 

The demon returned the agonizing pain which made the werewolf miserable again.

"ARRRGHHHH!!!" the pain intensified after refusing the demon.

Crying in misery.

"This is the choice you made! Then death it is …" The demon pranced and floated around the crying werewolf.

"You have been forgotten!"

"Left to suffer!"

"Everyone has moved on while you remain in misery!"

Constant whispers of the demon.

"NOO!!! They will find me! They will save me!" 

Despite the pain and misery, Georgie remained hopeful

One of the missions of the scattered demons of the Dark Lord was to find desperate souls that will submit and worship their dark lord.

For every soul they form a link and offer to their dark lord, will be an additional power and strength to their being.

And the soul of those who offer themselves becomes an ember for the return of the Dark Lord.

Thus, finding desperate souls is a priority of every demon as a servant to their Dark Lord.


[-In the Throne Room of King Cornaith-]

King Cornaith refused to be caught in the middle between the war of Selene and the vampire king.

His daughter expressed her disdain and disgust for her father's absurd fear.

"How can you be so coward father?" 

"YVANNA! Watch your tone!" King Cornaith raised his voice.

It was the first time for Magdeline to hear the king of elves raise his own voice.

All the years she knew the king of elves, King Cornaith always remained calm and collected.

Seeing the king of elves frustrated and agitated was something new for Magdeline.

Magdeline wanted to explain further to the king of elves but the princess did not falter from her own position.

After giving her father the moment to cool down, she continued.

"If we don't do anything now, father … everything will be too late! It will be too late for us to act upon. We must not cower down from fear nor worry. We must show our unwavering hope and strength to our people."

"If we choose to stand down due to fear or playing it safe. We are showing to others, especially to our people … that we are weak and cowards! How can you keep such crown and throne, after such an act of cowardice?" 

Right before King Cornaith can reprimand his daughter, another individual made an appearance.

"You have an unwavering hope and fierceness which resides in you." uttered by the familiar voice before revealing herself.

"Princess Magenta, you are here!" Magdeline exclaimed in surprise.

Astonished at the presence of the fairy princess.

"Yes, Lady Magdeline! The honorable … King Cornaith welcomed me in his kingdom. After my queen sister banned me from stepping in my own home land." Princess Magenta's reply to the Grand White Witch.

"So … King Cornaith … will you extend your support to Selene as she plans to claim her rightful throne?" Magdeline asked.

"Did you know … King Lionel just sent a message before you arrived and asking not only me … but the others as well? To grant him the support to claim the Supreme Rulership …"

A shocking news to Magdeline and others that King Lionel has decided to claim the supreme rulership over the entire supernatural world.



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