[-In the Golden Moon Mansion-]

As the day of the meeting with the hunters get closer, Selene kept herself busy with her training.

Melody could sense the worry of Selene for Georgie.

After finding out about Georgie missing, fear crept within Selene that another close to her may have suffered because of her.

Headmistress Elaine noticed the distraction and worry in Selene's eyes.

It was painted all over her face and her mood.

Pushing herself beyond her limit. 

Sessions after sessions with Headmistress Elaine, Selene and Melody improved their ability to control their innate abilities.

Especially in having access to their dormant powers.

They were able to understand their true inner powers more than before.

On how they could control their access to it. And the ability to sustain such power during battles.

Serving as their sparring partner, Headmistress Elaine did not hold back with her attacks during their sparring.

And in the middle of their exchange of attacks, Selene committed a mistake with her move and missed.

Allowing Headmistress Elaine to sneak up on her and take her down.

"I think that is enough for today!" Headmistress Elaine declared to the two.

"What?!?! Wait … we still have remaining time, for today's session!" Selene complained.

"You are obviously distracted. Why don't you take a rest and spend time with the others? I heard you are heading back to the royal palace soon." Headmistress Elaine gave her advice to Selene.

"I am sorry … I could not help but think …" Selene holding back her emotions.

Things were piling up one after another.

Melody offered her hug to Selene.

"Everything will be okay!"

Chloe was a bit jealous to see Melody being closer to Selene.

Because she was supposed to be the one hugging Selene and giving her comfort.

"I keep losing people close to me … Why am I continuously being tested like this?"

Chloe was on the corner watching Selene.

She finally decided to offer her own words of comfort for Selene.

"We will find him, Selene! I already told Alarick about the possible location of Georgie. After performing the locator spell, we will have him back for sure! Don't stress over it …" Chloe made an attempt in giving some comfort to Selene.

Looking around, two of her best friends showing her all the love and support she needs.

"See! There are a lot of things to be thankful for. Even though, amidst great trials … there are still things to hold on to! We may have lost a lot of things. Special and important to us … but we still have plenty … to be thankful for!"

"Life is not always dark and depressing! Hold on to your own light. We may feel bad or sad about those we have lost. Sometimes, all we need to do is look around and appreciate those what remains." 

"Just being alive is something we must be thankful for. Many wishes for a second chance in life. Or more time in this world. And we still have the luxury to do something about the things that surrounds us."

Wise words coming from Headmistress Elaine.

Telling Selene to remain steadfast and strong despite the trials she was going through.

Both Chloe and Melody giving Selene the comfort she needed.

"Now … do not forget my reminders and our lesson for today. Your training will only become tougher as we go further. Being the Second Ruler would need great disciple and control over oneself."

She continued, "Not some distracted and lazy bum!"

The three laughed at the tone of Headmistress Elaine becoming strict.

From motherly and tender approach, she suddenly went into strict-mode.

Momentarily forgetting the distractions and worries in life.

Sharing a sweet and simple moment with her two best friends.

"Where are the others?" Selene wondered.


[-In the Training Grounds-]

The Alpha King made a scheduled inspection to the training session of the warriors of the Golden Moon Pack.

Caleb and Lance were currently looking after Scarlett because of her condition.

Due to the death of Lady Sonja, Scarlett became depressed and refused to look after herself.

Lady Sonja was a mother figure to Scarlett.

Her adopted parents died during the war with the rogue werewolves.

Making Lady Sonja as her sole guardian and a mother figure after the death of her adopted parents.

It made Caleb and Lance worry for Scarlett's health.

Including their unborn child.

Athena was the only one she listens to nowadays.

Selene was unaware about Scarlett's condition due to her current dilemmas.

Having her own problems and ordeals to solve.

Jackson was tasked to supervise the training in the temporary absence of Caleb.

Beta Garrett and Theo were accompanying their Alpha King during his inspection.

While Oliver was busy handling some of the paper works and chores within the Golden Moon Mansion.

Jane stood behind Jackson, not leaving his side.

"How are you feeling now, Jane?" King Alcyd genuinely showed his concern to his peers.

It has been a while that King Alcyd displayed such softer and different side of him.

When Selene disappeared, the Alpha King became moody and less caring towards his people.

Thus, others were amused and astonished hearing their Alpha King exhibiting such good traits towards his people.

"I-I am doing way better now. Thanks to Luna's friend and Headmistress Elaine!" Jane answered.

"That's great to hear!" King Alcyd expressed his delight in seeing Jane recover completely.

The other executive officers were looking at one another and making eye signals regarding the current development with their Alpha King.

And the most satisfied amongst them was Beta Garrett, his best friend.

Then … suddenly …

"HEY! Why are you wasting your time chatting around?!?!" King Alcyd reprimanding one of the trainees who was caught not listening to the training instructor.

Immediately, the executive officers laughed at the sight of their Alpha King displaying his strict side.

Reminding them all of his strict discipline when it comes to their training.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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