The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 445 - Prime Minister Alarick

[-In the Werewolf Royal Court-]

Day after the news broke out about the defeat of King Arceus and the enslavement of the surviving demi-giants.

Alphas from different wolf packs and ministers in the royal court were all in debate to what the werewolf kingdom should prioritize.

"When is the Alpha King returning?"

"What are we going to do now?"

"The royal army must start preparing!"

"Stacking up reserved resources and increase of the distribution to the allied wolf packs must be our priority."

"I beg your pardon!"

"The training of warriors and manufacturing anti-vampire weapons must be the priority!"


Some even took the opportunity to forward and insist the agenda proposed by Alpha Alister.

The younger brother of Laura took a gamble of expressing the priority of the official crowning of his eldest sister as the queen of werewolf kingdom.

"If only we have a queen that can help the Alpha King in leading this kingdom."

"A more stable and effective leadership would definitely take place if we have a queen supporting our Alpha King."

"We must set the approval of the appointment of the new queen of this kingdom!"

"YEAH!" together, the supporters of Laura and Alpha Alister loudly exclaimed.

Taking the attention of the entire royal court.

Since the supporter of Laura occupy the majority number in the parliament and in the royal court.

Looking at each other and having such scheming spark on their eyes.

A hint of well-thought execution of public display of clamor within the royal court.

Successfully executed and initiated by the supporters of Laura and Alpha Alister.

Causing others to consider and discuss about it.

Whispers …

Discussions …

And louder informal deliberations took place amongst the Alphas and ministers.

Fortunately, Prime Minister Alarick could see through the attempt of Alpha Alister and the other members of their faction.

"EVERYONE, SETTLE DOWN!" Prime Minister Alarick tried to take control of the situation.

Banging the huge gavel on a huge striking block.

Causing everyone to settle down due to the sound produced by the banging.

A permissible act within the royal court so that the chaos would be controlled.

Before the prime minister could begin his speech, he looked at Alpha Alister.

Glaring at him for the scheme they were plotting despite the urgency they had to prioritize.

"Forgive me, but we cannot prioritize the appointment of the next queen of the werewolf kingdom with the absence of the Alpha King and the current situation that our kingdom facing right now." Prime Minister Alarick set the record straight with the Alphas and ministers who were all present in the royal court.

He further explained to everyone.

"Right now, the rise of the Legion of Vampires has completely gone out of control. The king of vampires has declared his claim for the throne which rightfully belongs to the next chosen one, the mate of our Alpha King … Selene!"

"I don't know if you are all aware with this … but there is no one else who must sit on that throne. Other than the next chosen one. The prophesized second chosen one who will rule us all!"

"Not some vampire tyrant. Who is nothing but a blood sucker!?!"

Everyone was riled up from the words of the prime minister.

His experience in politics was more refined than the Alpha of Jade Pack or any other members of their faction.

Seeing the prime minister succeed in gathering the attention and support of the crowd, Alpha Alister was starting to get agitated at the prime minister.

"So I request everyone, this is the time where we must all work together and strengthen our forces. Because the real threat of our existence has finally revealed his evil intent. Thus, all of us must unite in defeating such threat!"

"Are you all up for the challenge? Do you have what it takes to protect and fight for your own wolf pack?"

Instantly, the majority replied in a resounding and rousing reply.


Roaring and echoing all over the entire hall of the royal court.

Prime Minister Alarick gave a victorious look at Alpha Alister.

'You will not succeed today!'

The Alpha of the Jade Pack and his closest allies walked out from the royal court.

Defeated and disappointed at the outcome of their attempt.



In the shared room of Laura and the Alpha King, the eldest sister of Alpha Alister was briefed about the recent developments in the royal court and the warriors she sent to spy on the Alpha King.

Suddenly, some of the staff members of the royal palace and the royal guards stationed near the designated private chamber of Laura could hear such noise.

Loud screams of Laura …

Glasses getting broken …

Things thrown around and hitting the wall …


"Sister, calm down!" Amber tried to calm her older sister.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Laura was completely mad and upset.

"But you are pregnant! It's not good for my nephew … and to your health." Amber expressed her concern and worry for her older sister.

Freya could not do anything but only standby nervously.

Then, Laura broke down in tears.

"He is with her!" Laura cried.

"Who?" Amber held her sister.

"Alcyd … he is with his mate!" Laura looked pitiful to her younger sister.

"You don't know that! The warriors just reported to you that they cannot enter the borders of the Golden Moon Pack and they confirmed he is inside the territory of his own wolf pack. Remember, they are grieving for the loss of an important and special member of the Golden Moon Pack." Amber reasoned out to her older sister.

"NOO!! My instinct is telling me … he is with her! And my instinct has never failed me." Laura continued crying.

"Maybe this time … you are wrong!" Amber kept comforting her older sister.

Laura hugged her sister while crying.

"I cannot stand the thought of him being with her. He said he will make our marriage work …"

"He promised to be a father to our child and keep our marriage."

"I told him … he could leave but he told me that he will stay …"

Amber clenched her fist hearing her older sister broke down in tears.

"Shhh … he will return by your side. Stop worrying too much about him. Think about yourself and your baby."

"I love him so much Amber!"

"I cannot live without him!"

There were no words Amber could utter after hearing the confession and true feelings of her oldest sister.

Just outside their door, Alpha Alister heard everything and the concerns of their sister.

He walked away with a sinister look in his eyes.

'That bastard will pay for making you cry … sister!'

Alpha Alister vowed to himself.




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