The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 469 - Order From The Luna

[-In the Golden Moon Hospital-]

Warriors of the Golden Moon Pack surrounded the room of Georgie.

Per instruction of the Alpha King to check on Selene at all times and guard her.

Due to the threat lurking around, she must be protected at all times.

Though, Lance and Caleb were still unavailable due to the condition of Scarlett.

Her depression caused a huge toll on her pregnancy which may endanger her giving birth and the health of the baby.

That is why the two brothers had to withdraw from any wolf pack responsibilities and focus their attention on Scarlett.

Before deciding to leave and follow her father, Selene had the intention to visit her friend Scarlett.

Oliver thought of a plan in keeping Selene in the Golden Moon City because he fears for the safety of their Luna. 

Using the current condition of Scarlett, Oliver emphasized the need of Selene being around Scarlett as well.

"Oliver … do not treat me stupid. I know what you are trying to do here!" Selene looked at Oliver with a serious look on her eyes.

Both, Freddie and Georgie kept quiet.

They knew what triggers Selene. 

One of them when someone tries to fool her or trick her from doing something for their own objective.

"F-Forgive me, Luna! I-I j-just worry for your safety. I s-still think staying in the royal palace or here in the Golden Moon City is still the best way of reassuring your safety and protection." Oliver stammered in his words.

Apologizing instantly to Selene when he realized that she has seen through his attempt.

"I appreciate your concern Oliver! But I need to see my father once again. We kind of parted ways in bad terms. So, I need to correct my own mistakes as well." 

She continued, "I was reminded of how I should see things and give others the chance when they deserve a fresh start."

"I already reached out to my older brother. He will be arriving soon in the mansion. So, before I leave for the visit to my father. I will drop by and check on Scarlett." Selene informed Oliver.

"Do you understand?" Selene reiterated the importance of her command.

"Yes, Luna!"

"And lessen the guards around me. Focus on the borders and the people of the Golden Moon City. Not me! Okay?" Selene insisted on redirecting the focus on the people and not on her.

"B-But Luna …"

"Don't Luna me! I can handle myself pretty much. My enemies should be worrying for themselves if they make a foolish attempt once more on my life."

"If something happens to you … I will be responsible for not reassuring your protection and safety. The Alpha King will definitely …"

"Don't worry about the Alpha King. You worry about your neck if you keep arguing with me. Right now, the worry and focus should be on our members and the people in the Golden Moon City. Go now! Before you further annoy me!" Selene used her intimidating aura to force Oliver to obey her.

Oliver gulped in nervousness and fear of Selene.

Because he had to obey the orders from the Luna of Golden Moon Pack or else he would be in trouble.

"Right away, Luna!" Oliver left making all the warriors leave.

And follow him back to the mansion.

Georgie and Freddie chuckled at the sight of Selene being unrelenting with her decisions.

"I feel bad for them Selene! You really are finally back! Hihi~" Georgie expressed his delight in seeing Selene be her usual self once more.

Freddie contemplated on the coming days that await for Selene.

After hearing all the recent things that went on against with King Lionel and the failed assassination attempt on the Alpha King's life.

"Was the assassination really directed to the Alpha King or the master mind behind it wanted you dead as well?" Freddie wondered and was curious to this thought of his.

Selene did not reply immediately.

"I also thought of the same thing. And I think … someone wanted me dead as well. I have a suspect who it is but I need enough evidence that will point to this suspect of mine." Selene shared her own thoughts.

"Who is it Selene?" Georgie became more curious.

"One of the siblings probably of Laura. Because one thing for sure … Laura knows the importance of keeping the father of her child alive. And she would not risk her chances of becoming the queen of werewolves in a poor execution of assassination. It would be one of her siblings. And I think it would be the Alpha of the Jade Pack, her youngest brother."

Selene added.

"But I need evidence that will lead to him. This is all just a hunch of mine. If I analyze things with what's going on and who most likely would do so." 

Both Georgie and Freddie were also worried for the coming days ahead of them.

Including the dark creatures luring around the werewolf kingdom.


[-In the Royal Hospital-]

In a private room in the royal hospital, Misha has finally woken up.

Scanning the room and realized she was admitted in the hospital.

As she tried to move, Rico who fell asleep while holding her hand. He suddenly felt Misha waking up.

"Misha, you are finally awake! Is there anything wrong?" Rico wondered.

"Ummm … what happened? Why are we in the … hospital?" Misha was looking confused.

"We survived an attack from rogue werewolves."

"That's impossible! There has been no rogue attacks for years. And the Alpha King is the current recognized king of rogue werewolves. So, why would they do that?" Misha could not understand the motive behind the assassination attempt.

"The Luna said the same thing to us before disappearing with her father and brother."

"DISAPPEARED WITH HER FATHER?? Her father is alive??" Misha exclaimed in her surprise.

"Yeah, apparently! So just stay put and focus in recovering. Orders from the Luna is that all wounded must focus first in recovering rather than volunteering for another mission."

"WOW! A lot has happened while I was unconscious." Misha was in a state of disbelief of the recent development going on.

"And … Alpha King's wife has currently announced an investigation of the failed attempt on Alpha King's life by capturing the generals of the rogue werewolves." Rico sounded worried and disappointed about the most recent news he heard in the royal court.

"WHAT?!?! But that will only fuel conflict between the rogue werewolves and the other wolf packs. The peace we had with them for these past few years will be ruined for sure!" Misha expressed her worry as well.

Unknown to the rest, Laura has started scheming on diverting the accountability of the failed assassination attempt and gaining more leverage against the royal family.




Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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