[-In the Golden Moon Mansion-]

After the release of Georgie, the rogue brothers accompanied Selene back to the mansion.

At Selene's arrival, she was informed about the arrival of her older brother as well.

Lucas arrived upon the request of his younger sister.

He was given the teleportation scroll for the access to the Golden Moon Mansion.

<_Teleportation Scroll_> 

A magical scroll used only by witch bloods in going to other places. One of the requirements of this scroll before casting the spell, the scroll must be magically linked to a certain place and have a magical recognition by its caster. It also requires massive amount of magical energy before it can be successfully executed. Thus, it will not take effect if one is unfamiliar of the destination and lacks sufficient magical energy. 

So, Selene lend to her older brother the teleportation scroll and taught him how to utilize it effectively. Before he left with their father to the Crimson Pack.

In order for him to magically link the location of the Crimson Pack with the teleportation scroll.

Lucas was made to wait in the main office of the Golden Moon Mansion while Selene was still having her time with Scarlett.

"I am assigning 5 guards to accompany our Luna in her visit to your father." Oliver informed Lucas.

On the spot, Lucas refused the request of Oliver.

"Forgive me but outsiders are currently off-limits in the Crimson Territory. Only Selene and I can enter at the moment. Plus, I can only bring few individuals with me when casting the spell of teleportation scroll. Selene cannot do it herself because she is unfamiliar yet with the Crimson Pack territory." Lucas' response to Oliver's plans.

Leaving him speechless and loss for words.

On the other hand …

[-In Scarlett's room-]

"I am glad I had this time to visit you." Selene told her friend.

While Lance and Caleb were standing near Scarlett.

Looking worried and concerned for her health.

"Me too … Luna!" Scarlett expressed her own delight in seeing Selene as well.

But she looked unhealthy and thin for her pregnancy.

"Why are you not taking care of yourself and your baby? I heard you are not feeling well." 

Scarlett started sobbing and getting emotional.

"I feel useless and can't help but blame myself if only I was there for Lady Sonja or did not ask her to stay in the mansion that time. Maybe … just maybe she wouldn't have ended into that position. I made her stay in the mansion because I want her to cook something for me that day despite her initial intention of going to the market. So, I fear I may become the worst mother if I couldn't even protect Lady Sonja that time."

Crying and being more emotional while sharing her own heart aches to Selene.

Amongst pregnant werewolves, depression and grieving may become more intense due to their heightened hormones and extraordinary condition compared to a regular pregnancy.

For Scarlett, she treated Lady Sonja like a real mother.

Due to the motherly presence of Lady Sonja towards everyone.

"It was not your fault, Scarlett. Only the one who took her life was responsible for it. Not you!" Selene tried to convince Scarlett.

Both Lance and Caleb supported Selene's words to Scarlett.

They seconded her words to her.

"Luna is right! Listen to her …" Lance spoke in agreement with Selene.

Immediately, Scarlett glared at Lance while wiping her tears.

And instantly, Lance backed down in surrender to Scarlett.

Caleb did not even made an attempt to interject because Scarlett also glared at him.

Both brothers became submissive to their pregnant mate.

"Well, will you do me a favor Scarlett?" Selene requested to Scarlett.

"What is it?" Scarlett asked.

"Stop worrying about it. And focus on your child. If you truly love Lady Sonja and want to become a good mother to your child then you should stop this NOW! Start taking care of your health and your baby. Your baby deserves to be taken care and loved by you. So, don't miss that chance by continuously grieving. Lady Sonja is in a good place right now!"

Suddenly, Scarlett kept crying.

"I think it's already too late because my body keep rejecting any food or medicine I take. We don't know what caused it. The doctor said we must prepare ourselves for any outcome."

So, Selene had to do something about it.

"Hold my hand …" Selene instructed Scarlett.

Others were left curious on what Selene was planning to do.

Before they could even ask.

A glowing light shone around Selene and Scarlett's hand.

"UMM!!" Scarlett felt a prickling feeling of warmth from her hands going through around her.

All the way to her growing tummy.

Selene decided to use some of her life force as Luna.

Using a portion of it and transferred to her sickly friend.

Then, Selene did not expect a voice to appear before her vision went blurry.

'FOOL! You truly never learn and play with your own life as if it's nothing!' a familiar female voice in her head reprimanded her.

"LUNA!" Lance and Caleb ran to catch Selene before losing her balance.

But she regained her own composure.

Shaking off the sudden feeling of getting weakened.

When Selene checked Scarlett, a change was seen in her.

Even the two brothers noticed the same thing.

Scarlett looked better and had more color.

From her paleness and thin look, she gained more color to her skin and flesh to her.

As if she had a miraculous transformation.

"Oh my! I-I feel so light and warm. Unlike before, I felt so cold and heavy inside." Scarlett touching her chest.

What they did not know, Selene has the ability to absorb darkness as their Luna and as the destined Second Supreme Ruler.

Though, Selene kept this a secret to them.

But it took another toll on her.

Underestimating how it will affect her once again.

Tapping such rare ability of a Luna and combining her unique ability as the chosen one of becoming the Second Supreme Ruler. 

She successfully removed the dark feelings within Scarlett and transferred a portion of her life force.

Which demanded a lot from her own condition.

Celebrating for the sudden improvement on Scarlett's health.

Lance and Caleb kneeled in front of Selene.

Expressing their gratitude to her.

"Well I guess I need to go now. Please Scarlett, do not waste this second chance and do better. For the sake of your child." Last reminder of Selene to her friend.

Scarlett nodded while massaging her warm tummy.


"I am your Luna so it's expected for me to help. And I pray for you and your baby's health." 

Both Lance and Caleb went to the side of their mate.

Showering her with kisses and touching her tummy.

Trying to talk with her tummy as if they were being heard and wished for the best.

As Selene leave the room, she held on to the wall.

Gaining her composure without showing others her sudden struggle and the effect of her sudden recklessness.

"What was that voice? Did I hear it right?" Selene was a bit confused.

Pondering on what she heard and catching her own breath.




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