The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 53 - Cruel Intentions

In a dark forest near the castle of King Lucius, King of the rogue werewolves, which is known to be festered with feral rogue werewolves.

A dangerous trap laid out for Lucas by one of the generals of King Lucius, Brandon. He is desperate to save his mate who is in the hands of King Viktor, the King of all Alpha werewolves.

It is planned that once Lucas arrives to a certain area where Brandon laid the trap for him, a sudden shot of poisonous sharp blades will be thrown at Lucas' direction. Brandon expects Lucas to successfully evade his first attempts due to his sharp senses. Then, batches of continuous shooting arrows will be at a place that will be triggered by Lucas evasion.

With Lucas' speed and reflexes, Brandon expects him to even survive this but since Lucas' will be focused on avoiding every blade and arrows shooting on his way, he will not be aware of the rogue werewolves that will lunge at him altogether.

This will force Lucas to use his special ability

<<< _Explosion Blast_ >>>

An ability to explode everything that surrounds him. This is a dangerous ability that can even harm his allies or even himself if he is not careful with it.

Even this knowledge about the special ability of Lucas is known to Brandon which he wants to utilize in his favor.

That is why Brandon scattered odorless explosive powder around the ground of the spot where the rogue werewolves are planned to lunge at him. This part of the trap was not disclosed to the other rogue werewolves.

As soon as Lucas arrived at the marked spot of Brandon, the trap has been activated.

"What the F---!" surprised remark by Lucas.

Indeed Lucas was quick to his feet and had quick reflexes. Brandon was right with his observation regarding Lucas.

At the signal of Brandon, rogue werewolves came out to take out Lucas in their wolf form.

There were more than a dozen rogue werewolves for Lucas to handle.

When he was about to use his ability, a woman in a very bright white armor suddenly appeared and released enchanting spores around Lucas while she created an invisible force field covering him.

Being protected from the enchanting spores that turning each rogue werewolf into sleep.

Then Lucas wondered what is happening around him and realized that it was the woman in a very bright white armor who is responsible for knocking out each rogue werewolf that was supposed to be on their way to lunge at him.

"Who are you? Why did you help me? Your help was unnecessary." said loudly by Lucas.

"I am Titania! Queen of all fairies! And my help was definitely necessary." Replied by Queen Titania.

"I could have handled it myself. I was about to use a powerful ability of mine. You just interfered with my execution." Bluntly pointed out by Lucas.

Queen Titania chuckled and replied Lucas.

"Well, if it were not for me, you would have blown up your enemies … along with you! There are scattered odorless explosive powder around the ground. You would have certainly blown up into pieces given that you intended to release a powerful explosion. Am I right?"

Quickly, Lucas checked the ground and found out that the ground is indeed covered with explosive powder. He looked around and realized that he fell into a trap.

It was a carefully planned and calculated attempt on his life. Lucas pondered on who would do this but the thought of why he was saved and the curiosity of the sudden appearance of the Queen of fairies took over.

"Why help me? I heard that fairies are not so fond of rogue werewolves. Especially you are a member of the Altum Council, the council that just announced their support to King Viktor." Curiously asked by Lucas.

"Hmm … I do not know if you are aware that I have not been attending the meetings with the Altum Council especially after the death of a dear friend of mine, Queen Esmeralda. I do not think if I can still be considered as a member of the Altum Council at this point in time."

"So, you are a friend of the late Queen Esmeralda. Though it is interesting but it does not answer my question. WHY HELP A ROGUE WEREWOLF?"

"Let us say that a friend of mine sent me a scroll and only a Queen of fairies could decipher such scroll due to my ancient ability to unlock any ancient transcripts."

<<< _Ancient Enlightenment_ >>>

A unique ability that could unlock any ancient transcripts or texts that are in a powerful sealing spelling. No matter what kind of sealing spells or enchantments that will seal certain ancient texts or transcripts, this ability allows the Queen of fairies to disclose the message and reveal what is hidden.

Ancient transcripts have hidden messages. Interpreting through its texts will not be enough since there could be a deeper and hidden message through it. The unique ability of the Queen of fairies is needed for a complete deciphering from an ancient transcript.

"And what it says?" query by Lucas towards Queen Titania.

"An interesting information about a survivor of Silver Aurora Pack which may lead us to the missing new -Chosen One- and it is certainly been anticipated by many!" a quick reply from Queen Titania.

There was an intense silence between the two.

Queen Titania and Lucas exchanged a serious look towards each other.

What Queen Titania just mentioned was immediately understood by Lucas that Queen Titania is aware of his true identity. No one knows about his true identity as the survivor and living son of the deceased Alpha of Silver Aurora Pack. Even King Lucius has no idea about the true identity of Lucas which he has kept from everyone for a long time.

So, for Queen Titania to know such important information has made Lucas think of a lot of things to how he can keep it a secret since it may lead to his sister which he does not want to be involved in any kind of mess that may drag his sister into.

"You do not have to worry about me, oh Lucas! Worry about the one who has a cruel intention of taking your life." Queen Titania reminds Lucas who is clearly in deep thought of plotting his next move.

Queen Titania immediately stretched her arm towards the direction of Brandon who is clearly still hiding from the distance behind a huge tree.

A large root of tree constricted around the body of Brandon and brought him close to Queen Titania.

Queen Titania touches Brandon's forehead and used,

<<< _Enlightenment_ >>>

An ability to see someone's memories. It can only be activated with a question and a physical touch on the forehead.

"Now, Brandon is it? You see, I have the ability to find out things that I want to know. Like one touch of you will allow me to see what I want to see in your memories. One question and your mind will be like a crystal ball that will show me what I am looking for.

Like why do you want Lucas dead? Since you prepared such entrapment for him."

While the attention of Queen Titania is on Brandon, Lucas on the other hand has decided on something.

There is something he needs to keep hidden and unknown to the world…

That he is a survivor of the Silver Aurora pack …

And a son of the former Alpha of Silver Aurora Pack …

The wolf pack which was believed by few that the new -Chosen One- will be coming from. A prophecy that sealed their fate.

This was something that Lucas wanted to be buried forever.

Thus, as Lucas looked at Queen Titania…

A cruel intention formed into Lucas' mind…

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