The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 54 - Dark Future Ahead

While the attention of Queen Titania is on Brandon, Lucas on the other hand has decided on something.

There is something he needs to keep hidden and unknown to the world…

That he is a survivor of Silver Aurora pack …

And a son of the former Alpha of Silver Aurora Pack …

The wolf pack which was believed by few where the new -Chosen One- will be coming from. A prophecy that sealed their fate.

This was something that Lucas wanted to be buried forever. He knew that if others find out about this matter then his younger sister will be vulnerable from the scouring hunt by those who have evil intent against them.

Thus, as Lucas looked at Queen Titania…

A cruel intention formed into Lucas' mind…

An intent which has turned into murderous intent where he will have to eliminate the one who saved him.

Unaware of the forming threat ahead of her, Queen Titania kept her attention towards Brandon who failed in taking out Lucas.

"Look like your mate is in the hands of someone vicious? Indeed it is an unfortunate thing to happen but what you expect when you have risked her safety in the first place." Said by Queen Titania towards the restrained Brandon.

"You do not know how it feels like to be in our position, Queen of fairies! You are sitting in your high place and have no right to lecture me about what is right for my mate. We are doing this because we only wanted justice from King Viktor's tyranny." A passionate retort from Brandon.

Before Queen Titania could reply, she felt the incoming assault of Lucas who is approaching with the full force of his strength.

Fortunately, Queen Titania was able to evade all attacks of Lucas.

The Queen of fairies, Queen Titania, immediately commanded the large roots restraining Brandon to restrain him to the nearest largest tree and casted

<<< _Sleeping Spores_ >>>

An enchanting ability that turns anyone to sleep.

Brandon fell asleep while being restrained in a huge tree.

So that Queen Titania could defend herself properly against Lucas.

Continuous and combination of attacks were being thrown towards Queen Titania.

There were strong blasts and powerful strikes being sent towards Queen titania. And the Queen of fairies is able to deflect them through a powerful ability

<<< _Absolute Barrier_ >>>

A powerful defensive ability that creates a powerful barrier shrouding all over the caster of the ability. This is an ability that can only be performed by a powerful supernatural being such as the Queen of fairies.

"What are you doing Lucas? I am not your enemy here! Have you forgotten, I saved you!" loudly reminded by Queen Titania towards Lucas who is panting on the opposite side.

"Yes, I am thankful for your attempt to save my life but I have to end your life. In order to preserve one, I have to end one!" Cold reply by Lucas.

"Is this how you thank me, by ending my life? What did I do for you to choose this path?" reproaching the question of Queen Titania with a hint of disappointment towards Lucas.

"This is because you know too much about me! And I prefer eliminating any life forms that know too much."

"But I have no intention of harming you. I have come to help you and your sister against King Viktor …" Queen Titania was not able to finish her words because Lucas tried to move the arrows and blades behind her through his telekinetic abilities.

And Queen Titania stopped it as well through,

<<< _Root Whip_ >>>

An ability to use large roots of trees into a whipping weapon. It is an earth nature ability which is mastered by the Queen of fairies, Queen Titania.

Right at the moment, Lucas was about to launch his attack, Queen Titania became serious.

"ENOUGH!" a powerful surge of light was released by Queen Titania.

The powerful surge of light struck Lucas and turned his entire body in suspension or in other words -in freeze- but he is still conscious and awake. His movements were only in the motion of suspension but his speech and consciousness are still working.

"Let me go! What did you do to me? I can't move!" Lucas demanded from Queen Titania.

"I will return you back to your normal self after you listen to me. You seem to be a stubborn one. You use your first before you listen to someone way older than you. Looks like you were never been taught how to respect a monarch and acknowledge someone's nobility."

"Why should I? No one deserves respect unless earned. You cannot easily have mine just because you are a monarch and noble. You are just a stranger in my sight!" passionate remark by Lucas towards the Queen of fairies.

"Touche! But you need to listen first to what I have to offer then I will return you back. This is something that will help you and especially your younger sister."

Lucas became silent and relaxed his nerves.

"You do not have to worry, I will keep your secret safe and only I will know. Since King Viktor killed those friends of mine that knew about your existence." Reassuringly said by Queen Titania but Lucas looked inquisitive with the last statement of Queen Titania.

"What you mean King Viktor killed those friends that know my existence? Why would he do it and who are these friends of yours?" curiously asked by Lucas.

"We have to prepare for what is to come." Vaguely stated by Queen Titania.

"Prepare for what? You did not answer any of my questions."

Queen Titania deeply sighed and looked at the bright moon before she replied Lucas.

"For the dark future ahead…"


There is a raven spectating a meeting between groups of men. It carefully watches what is going on. The window is open so it can clearly hear what was being discussed across the room.

"Are we sure about this Prince Alarick?" asked by one of the men in the round table.

"Yes! And we must hasten our plans. We must eliminate the generals and the other ministers that support my younger brother." Stated by Prince Alarick with no remorse.

Then he passed certain folders for the other men to see and read.

But before he proceeded, he looked at the raven at the window intensely and decided to kill it through the blade next to him. He threw it swiftly giving no time for the raven to fly at all.

Everyone was surprised by the sudden behavior of the prince.

"Forgive me, everyone! I was just simply making sure that we have no loose ends or unwanted presence around the perimeter." Firmly explained by Prince Alarick.

[Meanwhile, somewhere in the Royal Palace]

Prince Ranku became conscious from his deep slumber.

"Phew! That was so intense!" exclaimed by Prince Ranku.

"So what did you see little brother?" asked curiously by Princess Shiveena.

"A dark future ahead of us!"

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