The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 547 - Battle Of The Queens (Part III)

{-Allies of Queen Selene VS Allies of King Lionel VS Queen Mira's Army-}

The supernatural world has yet to witness another destructive clash of extremely powerful creatures.

Antoin successfully granted the request of the fairy princess. He successfully expanded the effects of his nullification ability. To a point where it almost reached the battle of the queens.

Brandon, the royal appointee as adviser of the rogue king, and Georgie, the younger brother of the rogue king have arrived at the location Antoin. 

Killing their enemies while rushing their way to him.

"Pack of rogue werewolves!" Antoin's fellow rebel vampires exclaimed at their arrival.

It was an unusual sight for vampires to see a large number of rogue werewolves moving in coordination and collective way.

Usually, rogue werewolves used to be more individualistic in terms of battle rather than fighting effectively with a group.

Now, they witnessed rogue werewolves in a different light.

Only the fairy princess between Antoin and the other rebel vampires could understand beasts.

"Where is the rogue king?" Princess Magenta directly asked towards Brandon and Georgie.

But the two rogue werewolves were surprised at the ability of Princess magenta to communicate with them. The other rogue werewolves were staring at each other due to their wonder towards the ability of the fairy princess.

At first, there was hesitation from Georgie to communicate with the fairy princess.

'Umm… my older brother is preoccupied dealing with the other vampires and henchmen of the vampire king,' Georgie responded through the mind-link.

"Good! Then I leave to you all the responsibility to guard him," Princess Magenta was referring to Antoin, who was currently focused in expanding his nullification sphere.

She continued, "I have to go somewhere else, more important! Just make sure, no one gets near him. Kill any blood suckers or fiend that would even try to harm, Antoin!"

All rogue werewolves nodded along to Princess Magenta's words.

"Green, let's go!" 

Quickly, Princess Magenta commanded her friend to move.


{-Queen Mira VS Queen Selene-}

Things were getting more heated and more destructive between the two powerful queens.

Flames and ashes surrounded their battle field. Many trees were destroyed along the way of the intense and fierce clash between the two extremely powerful monarchs.

"I am impressed that you can keep up with me, YOUNG LADY!" Queen Mira provoked the queen of werewolves.

Her speed and strength were abnormally impressive enough to keep the queen of sirens and the seven seas at bay. Queen Mira has not lowered her guard against Queen Selene, who was continuously making a ravage attempt to defeat the pompous queen.

She was cloaked with surging power and strength.

"Let's see if you can keep that arrogance of yours once I defeat you!" Selene remarked towards her extremely powerful opponent.

"Haha!! As if you can defeat me!!" Queen Mira was filled with confidence and arrogance.

Queen Mira began to summon the most powerful lightning and thunder she could release. The dark skies grumbled at her own will.

While the queen of werewolves gathered more elemental energy to equip herself with more powerful combined attacks.

The moment the queen of sirens and the seven seas released one of her most destructive attacks. Selene completed her moment to gather enough elemental energy for the combined elemental attack she had in mind.

"THUNDER ROAAAARRR!!!" Queen Mira used her powerful trident to summon the most powerful thunder elemental attack.

She also summoned an ice avalanche to immobilize Selene.

But the queen of werewolves, the rightful chosen one for the supreme throne, refused to surrender. As she surrounded herself with an unimaginable power and aura.

Her snow white fur gleamed at the power and aura of Selene. She spun in the attempt to deflect all attacks towards her. Then, her claws were raging with fire. Burning the ground she stepped on.

"MAGNANIMOUS ROAR!" Selene screamed in her frustration.


A deafening roar reverberated all over the battle field and a powerful beam of light was released from Selene's mouth.

Her wolf form shone with all its glory as she floated mid-air.

Instantly, Queen Mira defended herself. 

Unfortunately for her, it was not enough to deflect the direct hit from Selene's powerful attack.

"It can't be!" Queen Mira could not believe that her powerful barrier was shattered easily and was rendered useless from Selene's attack.

Right before Queen Mira could perish from Selene's attack, she summoned one of her trump cards, one of her dignified abilities.


Instead of dying from the direct hit of Selene's attack, Queen Mira's skin peeled from its flawless nature.

And then her scales began to appear.

Selene landed to the ground wondering what was happening to her opponent.

'That bitch did not die from that combination attack of yours?' the spirit wolf of Selene was astonished at the survival of their opponent.

The spirit wolf continued to wonder, 'What is she up to now?'

'I also don't know, Sylvia. Maybe… she is…' before Selene could share her own thoughts.

A unique and phenomenal sound came out from Queen Mira as her body transformed into its horrendous nature.

Unknown to the queen of werewolves, there were plenty of sirens sacrificed themselves to keep their queen alive. Transferring their soul to her, voluntarily.

"NOW, I WILL SHOW YOU TRUE POWER!" Queen Mira uttered as her eyes hinted for a thirst of fresh blood.



As the nullification sphere of Antoin reached the army of Queen Mira, Aquano commanded his soldiers to halt from their movement and regroup.

The most trusted general of Queen Mira could sense the fast approaching enemy towards the direction of the group of sea mages.

A powerful blast of explosion took place from the group of sea mages before the arrival of their opponent.

"You think, I would be caged forever?" Queen Venus stated to her captors.

"H-How did she escape from the…?" the sea mages were confused at the release of the queen of fairies.

The head priestess of the sea mages trembled at the sight of the queen of fairies. Because it signified their failure to keep her caged from the small magical prison bottle made by their queen. And now she was freed due to the effects of the nullification sphere.

Suddenly, a spinning dagger was aimed at her direction. 

Fortunately for the queen of fairies, her reflexes were quick enough to catch it.

"Everyone, surround the queen of fairies!" Aquano ordered to his soldiers.

Queen Venus wondered why she could not command the wind.

"What's happening?" Queen Venus aired her confusion.

Even her powerful scepter was missing and won't appear from her hand.


Some of the soldiers were taken by surprise at the arrival of Princess Magenta and her loyal friend.

"There you are, sister!" Princess Magenta loudly announced in her eagerness.

"Magenta?" Queen Venus mumbled at the sight of her younger sister.



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