The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 548 - Battle Of The Queens (Part IV)

"Magenta?" Queen Venus mumbled at the sight of her younger sister.

Aquano was surprised to see the queen of fairies released from her imprisonment within the magical small flask.

He immediately glared at the head priestess sea mage tasked to keep and guard the queen of fairies from her imprisonment, ordered by their powerful queen.

The head priestess of the sea mages trembled at the sight of the queen of fairies. Because it signified their failure to keep her caged from the small magical prison bottle made by their queen. And now she was freed due to the effects of the nullification sphere. But her fear was more on her punishment for failing in her task. There was only one punishment she knew, death awaits for her.

"It was not my fault. We lost our magic!" the head priestess amongst the sea mages immediately explained herself.

The most trusted sea commander general of Queen Mira wanted to implement the corporal punishment that was supposed to be executed on hand but he had to compromise due to their unusual circumstance.

"I will deal with you later! We have a queen of fairies to defeat. And in addition to that, her younger sister would make it less easy for us!" Aquano expressed his agitation to the other soldiers.

While the army of Queen Mira adjust their formation, Princess Magenta held on to her friend and glared in anger to her sister.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, SISTER!!!" Princess Magenta exclaimed in fury.

"I have no time for your interference!" Queen Venus knew that there were more important and urgent matter to prioritize.

First, her safety.

Second, the emergence of the queen of sirens and the seven seas.

And lastly, before she was imprisoned, Queen Venus sensed her seal was broken and signified the return of Damien, the favorite son of King Lionel.

It only meant that the balance of power amongst the supernatural kingdoms has been broken. 

Queen Venus feared that vampires would become out of control and the vision of her younger sister would take place.

*** FLASH BACK ***

Decades before the birth of Selene…


Queen Venus stood behind Princess Pearl.

In front of them was the purest small pond, its water had magical powers that only Princess Pearl knew how to control.

Near the huge waterfalls, they were discussing something very important.

The younger sister of Queen Venus, Princess Pearl showed to the queen of fairies the image of a wreckage and havoc created by the return of Damien.

"This is impossible, I have sealed him together with…" Queen Venus was not able to finish her words when Princess Pearl clarified something to her.

"Remember, I cannot dictate what the magical pond would reflect to us. This is something even I cannot control. If it shows us that there will be chaos and mayhem all over the world with the return of Prince Damien of the vampire kingdom then it shall be," Princess Pearl informed her eldest sister.

She added, "As the queen of fairies, you must do something about this! Or else the fate of our kingdom and the balance of power amongst the supernatural beings will be broken."

"I KNOW!" Queen Venus exclaimed in defense.

She began to share to her younger sister, "I will transfer the crown to Titania and find a way to keep that bastard chained. To prevent the vampire kingdom from becoming unstoppable!"

Princess Pearl feared for the worst because whatever shown by the magical pond always happen.

"Where will you be going?" she asked.

"I have to tell this to Odin. He has to make sure that the balance of power between the supernatural creatures and the kingdoms must be preserved. And if the magical pond is right… the vampires would help the return of the dark lord!" Queen Venus elaborated her thoughts.

"Yes, the return of the dark lord… will be the end of us all!" Princess Pearl was frightened at the thought of the return of the dark lord that once enslaved the entire fairies, elves, and many more supernatural creatures.

She shared another vision.

"Wait… there's another reflection, my sister!" Princess Pearl touched the water of the magical pond and cleared the reflection it showed.

Both sisters were terrified.

"IT CAN'T BE!" Queen Venus screamed in denial.

There were many corpse surrounding Queen Mira and she was standing behind the supreme throne.

And a great storm that will flood the entire world.

Death and darkness prevailed all over. While all the allied monarchs of the great Emperor Odin were on the ground lifeless, including the great emperor himself.

"WE MUST STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING!" Queen Venus told her younger sister.

"It's either the death of Queen Mira or her allegiance can only stop this from happening!" Princess Pearl expressed her own thoughts regarding to the issue at hand.


Both fairies were in the middle of an intense battle against the army of Queen Mira.

At the same time, Princess Magenta tried her best to knock her older sister down.

"THIS IS FOR PEARL!" Princess Magenta ordered her friend to attack Queen Venus, "GREEN, KILL NOW!"

The queen of fairies tried to summon her powerful scepter but it did not appear.

Upon seeing the incoming attack from the huge reptile monster, she quickly evaded by flying away and using her wings.

Other sea creatures wondered how the queen of fairies can fly while their own magic was disabled.

"Fairy wings are bound to a more divine power. Not dependent on magic but on their soul. Meaning, their wings do not need magic to work. But their own essence as a fairy!" Aquano explained to the confused soldiers.

He continued, "So better focus in defeating them and not letting them get away or else…"

They all knew that their queen will not be happy to find out that their prisoner has escaped.

"Sister! Set aside your anger! Because Queen Mira has decided to wipe out all existence with her claim to the supreme throne…" Queen Venus revealed to her younger sister.

"I know! But defeating you is my priority and I would avenge my true sister from my wicked other sister… no other than you!" Princess Magenta expressed her anger.

"FOOL! I did not kill Pearl. I can easily return her to her normal state if I wanted to! But I cannot do that if Queen Mira has stolen my scepter!" Queen Venus further emphasized the gravity of her worries.

It made her younger sister realize how serious their problem was.

With the power of scepter and combined with the power of trident, Queen Mira can summon an extremely powerful and devastating storm if she wanted to.



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