After the failed ambush on the King of all Alpha werewolves, King Viktor returned safely to the Royal Palace with his entire entourage. He instructed Nolan, his Beta, to take the pregnant rogue werewolf to the dungeons. His priorities are set on planning to attack the home base of King Lucius who has declared himself as the King of rogue werewolves. But first, he has to gather his ministers and allies to formally have their permission to rally on his side so that he could obliterate his enemies.

Even though Beta Nolan obediently agreed every instruction of King Viktor, he is worried for the pregnant rogue werewolf because he knows exactly that King Viktor has evil plans for the unfortunate rogue werewolf.

Mia, the resident witch of the original wolf pack of King Viktor, is blindly following every command of King Viktor no matter how evil it can be. She is the epitome of a perfect minion. Beta Nolan wonders if King Viktor has something against Mia that makes her blindly obedient like him.

Their difference though is that Beta Nolan has remorse and guilt in every evil deed he does in behalf of King Viktor's commands unlike Mia who shows no emotions in executing every command of King Viktor.

In the strategy room of King Viktor, he enters with his resident witch, Mia. Some warriors remained outside the room. The strategy room of King Viktor is large and surrounded with geographic and different stacks of books like in library. There is a large table in the middle of the room which is a miniature landscape of the entire kingdom under the control of King Viktor and the land that surrounds the werewolf kingdom. It even includes the allied forces and other territories of supernatural beings.

It shows where different wolf packs are officially located.

There are certain wolf packs that are not allied with King Viktor which there are red flag sign that distinguishes the allied and non-allied wolf packs.

Then King Viktor places grey flag on a certain area in the table which signifies the location of the forces of King Lucius which are composed of rogue werewolves.

"At least now, we have their location! All I need is to officially rally all my forces towards these imbeciles." Confidently expressed by King Viktor then he looks at Mia.

"What happened with the other thing I instructed you with?" asked by King Viktor.

"Based on the locator spell and the tail I left to constantly follow Persephone, it is confirmed she is spotted near the area of the rogue werewolves. But she disappeared for a while and went the opposite direction." Mia replies King Viktor's query.

"Hmmm… Keep monitoring her movements. My instincts tell me that she is up to no good. " Final instruction of King Viktor towards Mia while he rubs some random gems within his touch.

"As you wish!" Mia formally bowing before leaving King Viktor alone.

Persephone is starting to raise suspicion on her mate, King Viktor.

A betrayal that King Viktor is slowly getting a sense of through his instincts.


Somewhere on a deserted island, a dilapidated old hut is destroyed and has signs of being burned down.

Callisto, a former warlock general of the Head Master of all warlocks, looks at the site of the old hut where he left the oracle.

Even the defensive spells and magic he surrounded the entire island are all non-existent.

The entire island seemed to be the opposite when he left it. Filled with the rays of sun and chirping birds with no trace of his master.

*** -- Flashback -- ***

"Master what do you mean I should not look for you if ever you disappear again?" Callisto asking his master, the great Oracle.

"I do not want you to look for me just in case I go missing again. Simple as that!" explained by the Great Oracle.

"What? You expect me to do that? Then I prefer not leaving you on your own here if there is a possibility that something may happen to you."

"My dear disciple, I hope you obey this request of mine."

"Then tell me -why- , if you want me to obey completely."

"Because you are meant to look after and protect the child of our friend, the late Queen Esmeralda. If you stay with me, something terrible and horrendous will befall upon her son. Thus, you are more needed to look after him from a distance, in order to protect him."

Callisto could not argue further with his master since his master has pointed out a significant matter, the protection of Prince Alcyd.

"But…" before Callisto could end his statement, the Great Oracle interjected.

"No buts, my dear Callisto! I can handle myself. After all I am stronger and wiser than you. I am more capable of protecting myself. We owe this to our friend. Especially, YOU OWE HER MORE! So it is only right to make sure that her son is protected." The Great Oracle reminding Callisto about the importance of Prince Alcyd's protection.

The former general of warlocks could not win against the argument with his master.

Since it was also told …

"The son of the late Queen Esmeralda is destined to protect the new chosen one. With his death will mean for the demise of the savior of entire supernatural species, the new chosen one." Revealed by the Great Oracle.

Only silence between them after the revelation of the Great Oracle.

*** -- End of Flashback -- ***

While walking around, Callisto kept looking for clues for who could have done such an act atrocity to harm and take his master against his will.

"My instincts tell me, this can either be the work of King Lionel or King Viktor. Those two are the only ones I know who are capable of finding my master." Silently said by Callisto to himself.


While there is a serious meeting between Queen Titania and King Lucius, Lucas went ahead in a terrace of the castle and privately talked with Brandon.

"I know you are desperate Brandon, I understand that you only tried to kill me for the life of your mate and your expected child. Now, I am offering you an opportunity to save them both and get your revenge on that despicable King." Lucas offering Brandon a proposition which benefits them both.

Brandon looked down and kept himself in deep thought, rationalizing the proposition offered by Lucas.

After a long pause, Brandon kneeled in front of Lucas and finally decided, "I am grateful for this Lucas. I hope you forgive me! PLEASE SAVE MY FAMILY!"

"Do not worry, they do not know what is coming to them! We will not just save your family. We will wreak havoc in his kingdom. But before that, I have to do something first."

"What are you planning to do? What important thing you have to do?" curiously asked by Brandon.

"I just have to visit a wolf pack. One of the allies of King Viktor." Replied by Lucas.

What Brandon does not know, Lucas is referring to his former wolf pack. Only King Lucian knows about the information of his former wolf pack.

No one knows though that he has a living sister and that he is originally from the Silver Aurora Pack. Only Queen Titania knows so far, and he is intending to keep it that way.

"There is an important matter I have to settle with. My beastly instinct has been going haywire about something which I postponed for a long time just because of my plans against the Alpha King…

Thus, a visit to Midnight Pack will have to be done first." Declared by Lucas.

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