Midnight Pack has been considered as one of the strongest allies of the King of all Alpha werewolves. It rivals the Golden Moon Pack in numbers and strength of warriors.

Even the late Queen Esmeralda has instructed her peers and members in Golden Moon Pack that Midnight Pack is a better ally than become their enemy.

They have reputation to be fierce and can take down enemies just with their brute strength.

Every member of Midnight Pack has been trained rigorously. They went through extremely thorough, exhaustive and brutal trainings to hone their fighting skills like the royal army.

The royal army of King Viktor is a combination of his own wolf pack and his sons' wolf pack, the Golden Moon Pack and the Shadow Bane Pack.

If the Shadow Bane Pack is known for their deadly swift movements and strategic prowess, they could not rival the brute strength of the warriors from Midnight Pack.

Despite their fierce reputation, it has been circulating amongst the allies of King Viktor and the royal court that their Alpha has not found his mate yet for years now. Thus, putting a dent on the reputation of their wolf pack.

This was something that concerned King Viktor. He believed that this may affect the performance of their ally during the most-awaited war against King Lucius. So, he decided to visit the Midnight Pack and discuss plans for the upcoming war.

Gerald, the Alpha of the Midnight Pack, welcomed the King of all Alpha werewolves.

A grand welcome and reception was given for the arrival of King Viktor and his entourage.

Gerald personally escorted King Viktor and his entourage all the way to his conference room.

The Alpha of Midnight Pack owns a huge mansion as their pack house. He is able to achieve high annual revenue which is highly commended by the entire royal court.

Their brute strength is not the only thing that is known to the werewolf kingdom but they are also known for their annual revenue which allows their pack to enjoy such luxurious resources.

"Please have a seat, King Viktor! Everyone!" offered formally by Gerald.

Everyone immediately seated in their respective seats, including King Viktor.

Trays of sweets and drinks are being served to the royal guests of Alpha Gerald.

"I will get straight to the point, Gerald. The royal court and the majority of our allies are making diligent preparations for the upcoming war against King Lucius of the rogue werewolves. Most importantly now that we have identified their headquarters." King Viktor outwardly informs Alpha Gerald.

"That is good news then! How can we help or contribute then? So you are here to give us our role to this upcoming war." said by Alpha Gerald.

King Viktor and his entourage are wearing formal suits but King Viktor has distinct attire which makes his royal status apparent with his royal fur coat as well.

As they look at each other trying to be sensitive and careful with their words around Alpha Gerald since he is a vital ally who is expected to join the forces of King Viktor in this upcoming war.

"Does the Midnight Pack has an official Luna already? 'Coz we do not see any signs of someone helping you around as a partner in leading such a strong pack. Remember, it is very important that a wolf pack has a Luna to support the pack." King Viktor bluntly reminded Alpha Gerald.

Every present member of Midnight Pack in the conference room became nervous because this was something that is sensitive and never been raised up in front of their Alpha. It only ruins his mood and he beats up anyone who dares to raise this up.

To such extent, some warriors were killed due to their impudence regarding this matter.

Their Alpha has a ruthless and notorious reputation of having a violent temper and merciless nature.

"Forgive me to disappoint you, King Viktor! I have not found my mate yet. But I am doing my best to find my mate." Replied by Alpha Gerald while faking a smile.

*** -- Flashback -- ***

Right after the incident with Laquisha, the resident witch of Midnight Pack, went down. Gerald was in his room trying to contemplate what just happened.

Gerald could not believe that he lost control and let his spirit wolf take over when their resident witch rallied outside the mansion.

Laquisha created such commotion which injured many warriors of the Midnight Pack.

In Laquisha's anger, she cursed at the members of the Midnight Pack. Mostly towards Gerald, the soon to be Alpha at the time.

Selene was like a daughter to Laquisha.

After knowing that Gerald rejected Selene as a mate. It infuriated her and caused her to rally in front of the Midnight Pack mansion.

Due to intense argument and heated conversation, Laquisha also triggered the spirit wolf of Gerald to take over and kill her since she exhibited so much threat and insulted Gerald numerous times.

Such violent temper took over and allowed such unfortunate thing to happen.

The hands of Gerald kept shaking after remembering what he did. He knew that Selene will hate him for it. Even after hurting Laquisha, as soon as he regained his senses, he immediately instructed the warriors to bring Laquisha to the hospital owned by the Midnight Pack.

Though, Gerald did not expect Laquisha to die after their intense and violent confrontation.

No matter how much Gerald thought of a plan to keep Selene within the Midnight Pack. The fact that Laquisha died because of him, made Gerald fear for the future he has with Selene.

Once Gerald becomes the Alpha of Midnight Pack officially, he was planning to take back the rejection he made towards Selene. He only did it in the first place because his father never liked Selene and her older brother. He had to make sure that he gets the title of Alpha of Midnight Pack first before he officially allows himself to be mated with Selene. This was to reassure the place of Selene in the Midnight pack.

For a long time, Gerald was always amused with the presence of Selene who is always smiling and making everything around her radiating with joy despite how others treat her badly.

When the 18th birthday of Gerald took place and he found out that young Selene is his mate, deep inside he was happy but he panicked that Selene will be harmed by his father who had bigger plans for him. It drove him to decide in rejecting Selene as mate which led to Selene's first heartbreak.

A mate's rejection is a very painful experience for any werewolf. A heart-wrenching feeling that causes so much pain. This was something that gives a werewolf a chance to choose whether they accept their fated half or reject it.

The rejection of mate will only be official when the other werewolf accepts the rejection of their fated mate. Once the acceptance of rejection takes place, there will be a return of pain from the one who got rejected towards the one who issued the rejection. Thus, it will be more painful when rejection is accepted.

In the end, the one who will suffer more will be the one who issues the rejection.

Suddenly as Gerald buries himself in deep thought, a heart-wrenching pain kept surging within his heart.

Tears were falling …

A feeling of suffocation …

Crushing sensation filled within…

Lastly, a bond was lifted spiritually which Gerald and his spirit wolf have felt.

Both of them knew what it meant.

'NOOOOOOOOO ---!!!' screamed internally by Gerald while hyperventilating in tears and crawling in pain.

Unexpectedly, Selene accepted Gerald's rejection.

*** -- End of Flashback -- ***

The meeting with King Viktor ended in a cordial manner.

Alpha Gerald immediately went ahead to the Midnight Pack Cemetery after escorting King Viktor back to their limousine.

In a special private spot of the cemetery, a separate gravestone is placed secluded from the other gravestones. The name of Laquisha is inscribed on this gravestone.

It is beside the woods near the borders.

"I hope you forgive me for what I have done, oh Laquisha!" Alpha Gerald uttered as he places the flowers above the gravestone.

While Alpha Gerald is silently contemplating and praying for Laquisha's soul, a familiar voice crept into his senses.

"So you were responsible for Lady Laquisha's death!"

Lucas slowly revealing himself from the shadow of the trees nearby.

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